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Universal Crafter
Download v2.0.0.1 (50 KB)


I'm not dead yet!

This mod adds in one tile: The Universal Crafter. Obtainable a little after starting the game, the Crafter will upgrade itself to function as every crafting station in Terraria as you progress. It also works as an Extractinator!

Playing with other mods? No worries! Right-click the base of the Crafter to open up a chest. Any crafting station placed inside will work as normal!
Plus, through <hand-wavy magic explanation>, EVERY Crafter contributes! If you have more than 40 stations you need to add, just place down another Crafter and put them in there!
If you ever forget what all stations you have, right-click the orb and they'll be listed in chat!

As an added bonus, if you're a mod dev, you can add tiles yourself! Check out the homepage for details how!

And before you ask, yes, it works with Magic Storage.

Have fun!

v2.0.0: Reworked mod.
v2.0.0.1: Reupload because of GitHub.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Dark Souls Mod
Download v1.0.0.4 (1.2 MB)


Dark Souls Mod adds stuff from Dark Souls into the game. This mod is mainly focused on quality over quantity. I was completely new to coding and spriting when I made this mod, but I do plan on updating the mod later, changing current stuff in it and adding more to it.

This mod currently adds 4 main enemies, each with their own armor set, weapons, shield, and wings.
Each one of the sets are melee (atleast they intend to be):
Havel - Tank Set
Black Knight - Pure Damage Set
Dragonslayer - Pure Speed Set
Darkwraith - Balanced Set

All enemies spawn from the start of the game. As you beat bosses in the game, enemies become harder, spawn more often, and drop rates become higher. All armor, weapons, shields, and even wings can be upgraded by Twinkling Titanite and Titanite Slabs, which enemies drop.

Updates: - Fixed True Dragonslayer Spear (range was lower than non-upgraded versions). Fixed Chaos Blade's upgrade recipes. Changed Dragon hardmode attack pattern. - Can no longer exchange enemy's armor and weapons for other enemy's armor and weapons, but can still exchange shield and wings for others. All enemy's spawn rates increased. Dragon attack pattern pre-hardmode changed. Dragon's sprite recolored. Fixed some other minor things. - Enemy's armor set, weapons, shield, and wings can now be turned into other enemy's armor sets, weapons, shields, and wings. (Items must be non-upgraded. Armor must be the same piece type you want to turn it into) - Fixed issues with Twinkling Titanite and Twinkling Titanite Shard recipes. Fixed issues with Havel causing all debuffs when hitting player, and removed certain debuffs from his list. Halfed Dragon's life before you beat the first boss. Made some other minor changes.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Expanded Sentries
Download v0.984 (1.1 MB)


This mod adds a new-ish class by making sentry weapons their own damage type. New weapons, armors, accessories, and two potions are added. Current version is supported up to the end of hardmode with custom items. Since this is an alpha, much is subjected to change and there are plenty of known issues. This mod is open source. In general this mod covers...

- New class, the Defender, that deals Sentry damage.
- Plenty of new weapons.
- Four new armor sets and seven hardmode ore helmets.
- Some new accessories.
- Sentries require line of sight to place. A late game accessory or setting can bypass this.
- This mod's sentries can be used for the DD2 event at the cost of Etherian Mana after the turret slot limit is reached.
- Sentries last for 24 real life hours.
- HUD displays max number of sentries if it is greater than one (can be changed in config).
- A buff gets added if any sentries are out, which can be canceled to remove all sentries.

Vanilla changes related to sentries have been done...

- All vanilla turrets now scale from sentry damage.
- Crimson Rod, Nimbus Rod, and Clinger Staff now scale from sentry damage instead of magic damage and obeys the player's max sentries limit.
- DD2 armors and accessories now boost sentry damage instead of summon damage.
- Buffed Frost Hydra to penetrate unlimited times and cause Frostburn on hit.
- DD2 turrets can be used before defeating the Old One's Army for the first time. This had to be done due to hardcoding to be able to freely use this mod's sentires.
- Tier 2 and 3 DD2 helmets additional increases sentry limit by one.
- Tier 3 DD2 armor set bonuses additional increases sentry limit by one.
- All vanilla sentry weapons now have auto reuse.
- Engineering Helmet is no longer vanity, but now an armor piece that provides some stats.

Known Issues because I either can code it better or can't due to hardcoding...

- Some of my older projectile sprites are still in, looking poor next to the resprites.
- Water Tornado sometimes doesn't behave properly, causing parts of it to remain while others are missing.
- Due to how I had to attempt to remove any summon damage bonuses from sentry weapons, there might be rounding errors which mean summon damage bonuses alone might have a minute effect on sentry weapon damage, usually amounting to one less damage.
- DD2 accessories gives turret slot and minion damage bonus based on accessory slot it's equipped in. This happens even with no mods enabled so it might be a tModLoader issue. I've attempted to fix this, but it won't work correctly if you decide to equip more than one DD2 accessory at once, use extra accessory slots through Cheat Sheet, or have the Antisocial mod enabled.
- Sometimes during the DD2 event, attempting to place sentries might end up wasting Etherian Mana without actually placing the sentry.
- The wrong player may be given credit for kills done by another player's sentries. It's been a while since I was able to test this, so it may or may not be true anymore.
- The Taboo Trap's Sandnado currently lacks the full visual effects of vanilla Sandnados till I figure out how to code it correctly.
- Cross mod end game armors added don't yet have all the features of their respective armors. For JoostMod, no special key press ability yet. For Shadows of Abaddon, one of the helmets is crafted instead of brought from a NPC since I have yet to code adding the item to the shop properly with custom currency. For Spirit Mod, sentries don't get an on hit benefit yet.
- Betsy Turret may not reach far away targets if the player has increased sentry range. The vanilla code I've used I had much trouble attempting to make work properly.
- Reworked gem layers have a visual effect to aid in placing them within range, but this effect doesn't stay if the item is used outside the hotbar.

Future Plans...

- More weapons.
- Cross mod support to add new sentries and items to fit within the themes of the mods.
- Better balancing.
- Bugfixes.

Change Log...

- 0.984: Fixed issue where having greater than 100% summon damage would cause sentries to have 1 less damage.
- Updated handling of Thorium Mod mod calls.
- Fixed UFO Deathray not being set to place floating properly.
- Engineering armor set bonus no longer gives unlimited mana usage for sentries, but Expanded Sentries floating turrets.
- Renamed Gritharvollr to Gridarvol.
- Added Pulsar Potion, for cross More Potions support. Also added upgradable Luiafk unlimited items to go with the new potion.
- Pulsar Jetpack can now allow flying up faster by holding up like the vanilla Jetpack.
- Pulsar Drill lowered to a tile boost of 2 to be more in line with 1.4 vanilla lunar drills.
- Lunar Portal Staff and Rainbow Crystal Staff now have double

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
F*** You
Download v0.0.0.10 (203.5 KB)


This mod adds a lot of very annoying stuff. Use at your own risk.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Pokemmon - Pokemon Minion Mod
Download v0.5.1 (9.8 MB)


Pokemmon is a mod that adds every Pokemon up to gen 8, (and their many formes), as summonable minions.
Still WIP!

Current features:
- Obtain (almost) every Pokemon up to Gen 8 + DLC! (we're talking only 50 or so missing)
- Pokemon Minions provide buffs based on their main game stats, making them all unique!
- Obtain new Pokemon from the PokeBox, a grab-bag that grants a random base-stage Pokemon!
- Evolve your Pokemon over the course of a playthrough, with only the strongest reserved for the end!

Please visit the wiki for more information, such as when/how to obtain certain evolutions/forms and the buffs provided by each Pokemon:

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.2 (91.5 KB)

Matt Thompson - chatrat12

Alpha version of Terraria3D.

Thank you for checking out Terraria3D. This mod is still in alpha. I'd like to give a huge shout out to 0x0ade for creating TerrariaHooks and for writing a fix that enables SM3. This mod would not be possible on tML without TerrariaHooks. I'd also like to thank everyone who helped out testing the mod.

Q: How do I move the camera?
A: You can either bind the 'Toggle Camera Controls' hotkey or you can open up your inventory and then click the camera icon on the bottom left of the screen.
Q: This sucks! My FPS went in the toilet! Optimize your mod!
A: I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately the 3D does not come free. You will need a decent dedicated graphics processor to run this mod effectively. There is not much head room for optimization unfortunately.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.1 Edit | Delete
Zenith Tier Items
Download v1.3.1 (60.5 KB)


This mod introduces 3 Zenith-equivalent tier items: a new bow, a new summoning staff, and a new spellbook. They are all crafted using an Anvil.

The Ultimate Alternator, crafted from:
Wood Bow + Demon Bow / Tendon Bow + Hellwing Bow + The Bees Knees + Molten Bow + Daedulus Stormbow + Shadowflame Bow + Tsunami + Phantasm

The Summit Staff, crafted from:
Hornet Staff + Imp Staff + Spider Staff + Optic Staff + Xeno Staff + Raven Staff + Rainbow Crystal Staff + Stardust Dragon Staff

The Gathering, crafted from:
Space Gun + Water Bolt + Crystal Storm + Meteor Staff + Sky Fracture + Laser Machinegun + Razorblade Typhoon + Nebula Blaze + Last Prism

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1.0 (113 KB)


Mod currently under construction. At this point, there is very little content in this mod, so it would be easier for us as developers to just leave the public aspects of Vejovis alone until it adds enough fun content for people to enjoy. Thank you for your time.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Better Yoyos
Download v0.2 (4.2 KB)


Have you ever been excited to do a yoyo run, only to discover that almost all vanilla yoyos are the same? Well this mod makes a bunch of vanilla yoyos have interesting effects.

Current affected ones:
Eye of Cthulu
Code 1
Code 2

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Anime Vanity & Pets
Download v3.0.1 (1.7 MB)


Anime Vanity & Pets adds Anime-Themed outfits and pets. Currently adds:

- 101 outfits
- 24 pets

Animes referenced:

- Darling in the Franxx
- Don't toy with me, Miss Nagatoro
- Fire Force
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
- Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
- Komi Can't Communicate
- Konosuba
- Made in Abyss
- Mushoku Tensei
- My Dress-Up Darling
- My Hero Accademia
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Re:Zero
- Seven Deadly Sins
- She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man
- Spy X Family
- Steins;Gate
- That Time I was Reincarnated as a Slime
- The Promised Neverland
- The Rising of the Shield Hero
- Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
- Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina
- Ya boy kongming!

Others referenced:

- Genshin Impact
- HololiveEN

Everything can be obtained through the Stylist NPC.

For more detailed info, or if you have any problems or recommendations feel free to share them in the official discord server below.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Terraria Ambience - Final 1.3 Update
Download v0.1.8.4 (43.2 MB)

RighteousRyan (Ryan)

Terraria Ambience is a mod that adds liveliness to your little Terraria world!

You can hear all sorts of things, such as crickets, ocean waves, campfire crackles, underground rumbles, and much more! Explore around a little bit!

Hopefully you can relax a bit more with this mod!


- RighteousRyan#8008 (Programmer)
- Tika#6542 (Sound Designer) (Left)
- William#9010 (Mod Icon Artist)

Most Recent Update:


Since this is the final update for this mod on the 1.3 version of tModLoader, I must point you over to my discord server (this mod's homepage, technically).
I have already essentially finished my 1.4 port of this mod, for the 1.4_mergedtesting branch. You can join my server and install it from the #terraria-ambience announcements channel.
You can go to and install the latest nightly build. You then place the .tmod file in your 'Terraria/ModLoader/Beta/Mods' folder. Boom! Done.
Enjoy 1.4 Terraria Ambience! (By the way, there are more features, like dynamic reverb, sound occlusion, and underwater dampening, along with a few other features on the 1.4 port!)

Anyway, thanks for playing the mod.

Please do note all of the sounds used in this mod have been slightly modified from their originals off of for the sake usage.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Magical Things
Download v0.2.7 (7.9 MB)


Magical Things add a few different items from swords to summons. Adds a dedicated boot slot, but still allows boots to be equipped.
Useful for different kinds of boots. Still a work-in-progress. Bootslot equipped items don't show on player correctly.
Bootslot now has a configuration for the equipment pages and to allow shoes to be equipped in the non shoe slot.
Equip boots with Right click, vanity boots with Shift Right click
Warning! Unequip your current boots from Bootslot before updating. Usually fine, but just in case.

Updated! v0.2.7
Update to work with tmodloader v0.11.8.4
Added Server config to Enable or Disable entire Bootslot.
Fixed version typo.
Updated to tmodloader v0.11.7.5
Fixed config, now shows up in mods of tmodloader!
Added a potted sunflower that gives the Happy! buff, buff time is a little glitchy.
Added Cleanse Bomb (Original) which adds back in a Cleanse Bomb that won't remove mushroom biomes.
Fixed several biome bombs conversion ranges; now should not cause any errors.
Added Sand, Forest, Jungle and Cultivator Bombs.
Added Dev armor and weapons not available normally. Cheat in only.

Known Bugs: Bootslot boots don't display properly on the player.
Medium Core players death gives a new Animus scroll.
Viking Amulet is a little strange on multiplayer.

Coders: Big help from the tmodloader community and of course, jopojelly, bluemagic, Wingslot and Spirit mod.
Sprites from: Cyrus Annihilator, Mageker, and Shadow443.
Music from: modbom's ENKRYPTION album.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Director's Cut (W.I.P)
Download v0.1.1.1 (173.4 KB)


Director's Cut Is A Mod That Allows You To Start With All Buffs Permantly As Well As 25 Platinum Coins As long as you have all bosses Defeated.

This Can Be Toggled At Character Creation But Not After.


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.2 Edit | Delete
Vanilla Tweaks
Download v3.0.4 (65.3 KB)


Vanilla Tweaks is a small mod that changes and rebalances some things from Terraria.
Notable changes include:
-Cool set bonuses for weak armor/vanity sets, such as Eskimo, Pharaoh, Obsidian, Gladiator etc.
-Faster Extractinator
-Some items are renamed (Cobalt Shield => Guardian's Shield, Sandstone Slab => Sand Slab)
-Autoswing for Night's Edge, True Night's Edge and True Excalibur
And many other things! Visit the mod's homepage for the full list.

NOTE: you can disable/enable features as you wish! Go to your Mods menu and click on the config icon.

-Pop000100 for help with various tweaks and updating the mod
-Hulvdan for the Extractinator tweak code
-lots of people for their suggestions

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Player Health and Mana Bars
Download v1.2 (19 KB)


Player Health and Mana Bars by Dark-Assassin

Visit homepage for description and changelog

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Camera Look Mod
Download v1.0 (13.2 KB)

Harry White

A simple mod which provides a camera-look function when holding Q (or any other key binding of your choice). This can be used to see far distances, and assist during combat.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.7 (81.2 KB)


(v)Ersion is meant to enhance expert mode cooperative gameplay by increasing the gap between classes, providing each one the weapons and equipment they need to acomplish one given task such as tanking, healing, buffing or attacking.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Rydia Mod
Download v1.4.0 (36.1 MB)


I would be lying if I said I had a set theme for this mod, most of the stuff in here is just random ideas I had for various items/NPCs/etc. However, most of this stuff I try to make them be good quality (except for the shitposty stuff, duh.) We try to make this mod as unique as possible for the best experience!

This mod currently adds:

16 Items

1 Town NPC

2 Bosses

1 Enemy

1 Music Track

Rydia Mod Developer Credits:

PRYZM - Project Leader, Music Composer, Spriter, Coder

Cynx303 - Secondary Project Leader, Spriter

AndrewIDFK - Coder

BluStryke - Spriter

Spearmint - Some sprites

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Extra Explosives (The Bomb Mod)
Download v3.2.0.5 (32.5 MB)

Volcanic, Charlie, Krano…

The Overhaul and Content Update!
Over that past few months, we totally redesigned the old and boring explosives that remained in the game. Our team decided to give a little love to old bombs and explosives, with this new update you can now manage how some bombs work! We incorporated a class within the mod that takes explosions to a whole new level. Check it out!

Key Features:
• 1 New Class! (Lots of fun if you like blowing things up)
• Explosion Revamp! (Little to no lag so you can enjoy those big explosions without hurting your PC :D )
• An Explosive Boss With Interesting Mechanics (Captain Explosive)
• An Overhaul On Most Explosive Items (Gore, dust, and more)
• New Sounds For Almost All Explosives
• 14 Armor Sets With Unique Abilities
• Bomb Modification through the Anarchist Cookbook (Zero gravity bombs, lifesteal, etc...)
• All New Explosive Weapons
• Aesthetics, Including Furniture
• New bomb dust system!
• And Of Course, New Explosives And Many Bug Fixes!

Check out the changelog for a full list of changes and additions.

-1 New Interesting Boss
-1 New Crazy Class
-Multiple New Exciting Mechanics
(∞ possibilities with the bullet boom)

Found an issue or a bug? Let us know on discord, our homepage, or through Mod Helper!

Moved to the Homepage, click the homepage button down below to check it out.

This mod is no longer producing new content due to the lack of help. If interested contact Volcanic#4527 on disord if interested in contributing."> EXTRA EXPLOSIVES
The Overhaul and Content Update!
Over that past few months, we totally redesigned the old and boring explosives that remained in the game. Our team decided to give a little love to old bombs and explosives, with this new update you can now manage how some bombs work! We incorporated a class within the mod that takes explosions to a whole new level. Check it out!

Key Features:
• 1 New Class! (Lots of fun if you like blowing things up)
• Explosion Revamp! (Little to no lag so you can enjoy those big explosions without hurting your PC :D )
• An Explosive Boss With Interesting Mechanics (Captain Explosive)
• An Overhaul On Most Explosive Items (Gore, dust, and more)
• New Sounds For Almost All Explosives
• 14 Armor Sets With Unique Abilities
• Bomb Modification through the Anarchist Cookbook (Zero gravity bombs, lifesteal, etc...)
• All New Explosive Weapons
• Aesthetics, Including Furniture
• New bomb dust system!
• And Of Course, New Explosives And Many Bug Fixes!

Check out the changelog for a full list of changes and additions.

-1 New Interesting Boss
-1 New Crazy Class
-Multiple New Exciting Mechanics
(∞ possibilities with the bullet boom)

Found an issue or a bug? Let us know on discord, our homepage, or through Mod Helper!

Moved to the Homepage, click the homepage button down below to check it out.

This mod is no longer producing new content due to the lack of help. If interested contact Volcanic#4527 on disord if interested in contributing.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Yoyos+ Mod
Download v1.5.6.3 (182.3 KB)


Yoyos+ Mod adds new yoyos to the game with better damage or different abilities.
The homepage is the discord holding all the extra information you might need.
It also contains all past updates.

22 New Yoyos,
1 New Fishing Crate,
1 New NPC.

This mod was created by:
Hogsmoss: Main Dev (First and original)

(Newest Update)
+Added Fragment Yoyo...
*Updated Sky Defender and Sky Guardian Sprites
*Made it so lunar yoyos are crafted at the Ancient Manipulator.
*Hopefully fixed the issue with The End
^Possible other changes...

(Last Update)
*Fixed the Yoyo Crate, for some reason all the code was missing but ok. Also updated it, will add a fishing based yoyo later.
*Added Iron and Lead yoyo to NPC

Tell me if you want anything added to the crate or npc, was sort of rushed but...

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
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