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The Shop Market
Download v1.0.3.5 (91.1 KB)


The Shop Market is a mod that introduces a single item and tile
that allows you to access any npc's shop that is in your town
and not homeless.
The trading table is bought from the travelling merchant.
It has a 33% chance to be available.
NPCs with multiple shops will have only their "active" shop in
the trading table.


Fixed a bug where you could shift+click an empty inventory slot to be sold for no value into the trading table
Fixed a bug that would cause a crash during the christmas event when coupled with the calamity mod (may preemptively fix issues with other mods too)
Added more exception handling to prevent crashes in edge case scenarios
Added some text beside the item price that identifies to the user what the special currency item name is called

Fixed the availability of the trading table from the travelling merchant so it appears as intended now

Updated to work with tmodloader v0.11.5

Now compatible with shop expander

Some nice internal code cleanup
Now requires TModLoader v0.11.4
You can now sell items when the trading table is open using shift click
If you shift click an item you didn't want to sell, you can reclaim it by simply left clicking on it

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
(Big Update) Fakyorce's Mod
Download v0.13.4.3 (173.5 KB)


Fakyorce's Mod is created by 2 kids without life, during quarantine.
We created this mod with the purpose of entertain ourselves.
What do we write the Patch Notes?
Example: 0.13.4 = New Items, While: = Bugfixes
Using This Example, We Do Not Write Version in Patch Notes

Fakyorce's Mod is a modification which adds new content to the game.
Such As:
- 9 New Pre-Hardmode Weapons
- 4 New Hardmode Weapons
- 1 New Armor Set
- New Tools

Patch Notes:

0.13.4 Version:
- New Material
- New Armor Based on the New Material
- New Gear Based on the New Material
- Updated Sell Prices
- Added Homepage
- Updated Tooltips
- Bug Fixes

0.13.3 Version:
- Added a New True Blade of Earth Feature

0.13.2 Version:
- Added a Logo to the Mod
- Update True Blade of Earth:
Now has a projectile
Base Damage Nerfed From 120 To 75
Recipe is now earlier in the game (Pre-Mechanicals)
- Added First Magic Weapon

0.13.1 Version:
- New Patch Notes Design

0.13 Version:
- Added a Sell Price to the Weapons
- 1 New Melee Pre-Hardmode Weapon
- 1 New Melee Hardmode Weapon

0.12.1 Version:
- Fixed Patch Notes

0.12 Version:
- New Melee 3 Pre-Hardmode Weapons
- Fixed Descriptions
- Cheaper Recipes

0.11.1 Version:
- Fixed descriptions

0.11 Version:
- 2 New Melee Pre-Hardmode Weapons

0.1 Version:
- 4 New Melee Pre-Hardmode Weapons

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v2.6.0.1 (173.2 KB)


This is a work in progress mod

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Mysterious Altars
Download v1.0.1 (27.2 KB)


Mysterious Altars adds 2 new randomly occuring underground structures: Mysterious fountain and Mysterious Altar.
These have a chance to give buffs or debuffs to the player or an item. They are very rare, and very risky.

Will you tempt fate?

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Lighting Essentials
Download v1.0.3 (20.5 KB)


+ When enemies are hit they glow red based on how much life was taken from them.
+ Walking over green plants temporary gives more light to those areas.
+ EoC now has 100 red lights that follow it (experimental)

+ Prehardmode ores are very dimmly lit making it very hard (but possible) to tell what type of ore you're looking for.
+ Hardmode ores glow vibrantly based on their tile colors.
+ Life crystals and life fruit glow a vibrant red.
+ Enemies glow a faint red.
+ The jungle glows a dim green. (when you defeat plantera, it glows a brigter green)
+ Surface plants glow green. (looks really cool at night!)
+ Meteorite and hellstone glow vibrant red.
+ Containers glow a dim white.
+ Swinging tools / weapons emits a faint white light.
+ Player glows dim white light.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v3.3.3.23 (33.3 MB)


This mod adds lots of random stuff!
Over 250 new items!
4 New bosses(Not really great, but still...)
Some brand new mechanics!
3 New mobs;
2 New Town NPCs;
2 Sets of armor, 1 of them in ultimate armor!
7 Ultimate artifacts!
1. To get Old Scissors you need to go to The All Knowing One and click shop exactly at 7:00 PM in PreHardmode world, it costs 10 Platinum Coins
2. Book of Accuracy and Illegal Weapon Instructions are bought from Arms Dealer in Hardmode world during the Blood Moon
3. Oxygen Flask is bought from Demolitionist in Hardmode world during the Blood Moon
4. The Ultimate Vaccine is bought from Witch Doctor in Hardmode world during the Blood Moon
5. Rotten Eye is bought from Cyborg in Hardmode world during the Blood Moon
6. Clock Corpse is your starting item
7. Luna Dial is dropped by Eye of Pain with 5% chance (10% in expert)
8. The Eye of Pain is summoned by Another Suspicious Looking Eye
9. Stopwatch Presser is dropped by Clockwork with 5% chance (10% in expert)
10. Cursed Cog is dropped by Mehanical Glancers
11. I also recommend you to see what will happen if you equip both Cursed Cog and Calibra's Hairpin and shoot anything
12. I introduced the item which can stop the time! I hope you'd love it!
13. Soul of Sin are dropped by Eye of Pain
14. The Clockwork is summoned by Clockwork Eye
15. Liquid Mercury is dropped by The Clockwork
16. Barrett M107 is bought from Arms Dealer during the Blood Moon if Golem is downed
17. Boost Spell is bought from The All Knowing One after Plantera is killed
18. Wazer Wifle is bought from Travelling Merchant during Eclipse for 999 Platinum Coins
19. M416 Custom is bought from Arms Dealer in Hardmode world after killing any Mechanical Boss
20. Eldrich Berry is dropped by Deathweed if was harvested during Eclipse
21. Sharpened Plating is dropped by The Eye of Pain
22. I have introduced Waypoint System! (Multidimensional Tab)
23. rEther Railgun is bought from The All Knowing One in hardmode after Golem has been defeated
24. rEther Transmission Cannon is bought from The All Knowing One in hardmode after Golem has been defeated
25. Ring of Ethereal Touch is dropped by harpy with 3% chance
26. If submitting SIVA Fragments to Xizor after finishing main quest, it's possible to get one of the following with 15% chance: Vainglory, Compound Bow, Insane Cannon Lance, End World Amulet
26.1. Enjoy playing!
26.2. Also planning to make either a Wiki page or a forum thread when i have time to.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (13.5 KB)


If you kill vanilla boss,you can buy the summonig item of this boss from the Dryad shop.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
프렌즈 모드
Download v1.21 (210.6 KB)


프렌즈 모드는 이 세상의 모든 동물을 응원합니다!

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Spelunker Armour
Download v0.2.1 (16.1 KB)


Adds a craftable set of Spelunker Armour to the game. Crafting a full set gives you a permanent Spelunker buff. Uses re-colour of Hallowed Armour sprites until I get better at pixel art.


Helmet: 1x Copper Helmet, 1x Silver Helmet, 1x Gold Helmet, 1x Torch
Breastplate: 1x Copper Chainmail, 1x Silver Chainmail, 1x Gold Chainmail, 3x Torch
Leggings: 1x Copper Greaves, 1x Silver Greaves, 1x Gold Greaves, 2x Torch

0.2: Correct buff timeout, add icon
0.1: Initial version

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Download v0.10 (262.5 KB)


This mod adds Twilight from Library of Ruina/Lobotomy Corporation.
This item is unobtainable now. You can use cheating mod (like Heros) to get it.
Due to technical limitations and perception requirements, some original features have been modified.
Don't be surprised by the size of this mod, it's totally worth it lol.
This mod doesn't support multiplayer.

-Updated the icon.
-Update the visual effect of Apocalypse Bird.
-Bug fix.
-Fixed a bug related to reforging.
-Slightly decreased the damage of Small Beak special attack.
-Fixed some details.
-Updated BGM.
-Increased the damage of Bleeding.
-Fixed some details.
-Fixed the issue of zoom misalignment.
-Increased the radius of the Small Beak special attack.
-Now the Apocalypse Bird will not be covered.
-Details fixed.
-Optimized the dynamic effects of the Apocalypse Bird.
-Nerfed wing eye attack speed of Apocalypse Bird, but increased its damage.
-Now the Apocalypse Bird's wing eye attack will explode after it hits its owner's cursor when there is no target.
-Tweaked Big Eye special attack.



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Ultimate God Destroyers (UGD)
Download v0.3 (204.7 KB)


Ultimate God Destroyers is a mod based on weapons strong enough to destroy gods & is in Alpha!

This mod adds:
New Weapons
New Tools

Next update will add:
More Weapons
More Tools
New Bars
New Ores
An Icon!

UGD Alpha 0.3

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Expeditions Content Pack
Download v1.2.2 (1.2 MB)


RELOADING MODS: Remove photos contained in chests when reloading mods, otherwise mod data on them will be lost.

The main content addon for the Expeditions Base mod. A work in progress.

* 54 Main Quests provided by the Guide, up to Moonlord.
* 69 Cycling daily quests.
* 37 Sidequests, up to Mechanical Bosses.
* 26 Photo quests, up to end of Pre-Hardmode.
* Clerk NPC that sells expedition-unlockable items.
* Take photos of enemies because you can!
* Special expedition items that display extra map information.
* Quest-unlocked early game weapon for Melee, Ranged, Magic and Summon.

Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.
Supeh Mario - Original sprite for fox familiar.
Eli10293 - Resprite of Wayfarer's Cane.
Zoomo - Allowing use of Telescope sprite (with modification)


Special Thanks to the following for their support and feedback:
And anyone else I can't remember aaahhhh

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Craftable Treasure Bags
Download v0.16 (205.1 KB)


- Ancients Awakened
- Azercadmium
- Calamity
- Elements Awoken
- Enigma
- Joost
- Mod of Redemption
- Pinkymod
- Qwerty's Bosses and Items
- Shadows of Abaddon
- Spirit
- Split
- Thorium
- Ultranium
= Overhauled most/all recipes and/or added a treasure item.

*Updates will be less frequent due to real life complications.*

Q: "Why are there multiple modded treasure bag recipes popping up?"
A: I don't know how to utilize recipe groups for modded items. I only know how to utilize recipe groups with vanilla items.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on YouTube or Email. Social platforms I use are listed below.


YouTube: Setnour6
SoundCloud: Setnour6
Spotify: Setnour6


Version 0.16:
- The mod data wipe bug occured again, so the description and everything else is likely bugged now. Fix this please.
- The event ended. Thanks to those that participated.
- Fixed a description mistake where Thorium wasn't listed as having overhauled recipes (indicated by the star ).
- Fixed an issue where the Spirit Pendant would have some of the same tooltips as the Bismite Pendant (Spirit Mod)
- Added Danger Pendant and Abyssal Pendant, which can only be obtained if the Thorium Mod is enabled.
- Added two Soul Pendants (one is charged) and the Xenium Pendant for the Mod of Redemption.
- All Vanilla boss treasure bags now require Danger Shards to craft (If the Thorium Mod is enabled).
- Changed all of the recipes for the Thorium Mod and Mod of Redemption boss treasure bags. (Removing weapon loot to craft, adding herbs and other items to craft with, pendants as well, etc.)
- Fixed an issue where Omega Oblitorator's treasure bag costed 24 Oblitorator brains to craft instead of 1 (Mod of Redemption).
- Ukko's Treasure Bag is no longer craftable, due to it not including an expert mode item (Mod of Redemption)
- Fixed some pendant stuff that I do not remember.
- Buffed and nerfed all pendants for the Ancients Awakened Mod. (basically more things that happen)

Version 0.15.1:
- Reworked all pendants, due to a fatal tModLoader bug that wiped out all of my game data and mod data.
- I was able to recover the recipe code, but not the pendant codes. I was trying to redo the pendant codes as best as I could, hopefully matching them up with that they used to look like, and improving them.
- Made some minor adjustments to some of the recipes for the Ancients Awakened Mod.
- Plantera's Treasure Bag now requires a Plantera Flower (If the Ancients Awakened Mod is enabled)

Version 0.15:
- EVENT: You can now craft a pre-hardmode treasure bag of your choice with the Celebratory Pendant, which appears upon character creation. Thank you all for 50,000 Downloads!
- You only have two chances, so choose wisely ;)
- Updated the title from Craftable Treasure Bags - Modded Bags Included to Craftable Treasure Bags. Everyone knows that it's not vanilla-restricted.
- All Vanilla bosses now require Gold/Platinum pendants.
- Added Bismite Pendant and Spirit Pendant, which can only be obtained if the Spirit Mod is Enabled.
- Changed all of the recipes for the Spirit Mod boss treasure bags. (Removing weapon loot to craft, adding herbs and other items to craft with, pendants as well, etc.)

All other versions are listed through the homepage (the button/link goes to the Github releases and shows the changelog for each release)"> Have you ever wanted to get expert mode exclusive boss drops in normal mode? Well now you can, with Craftable Treasure Bags. This mod allows you to get expert mode items in normal mode, from crafting boss treasure bags and opening them right in normal mode!

This mod contains recipes for all vanilla boss treasure bags (Not including the Wall of Flesh and bosses/minibosses from the Old One's Army).
All treasure bags are to be crafted with an empty treasure bag at a Demon Altar, as well as certain items that can be used to make treasure bags (and modded ones). Make sure to also have the boss summoning item (some recipes may require other items instead of boss summoning items).
Craft an empty treasure bag with 10 silk at a loom.
Craft a boss treasure bag with boss loot and the respective boss summon item (some other recipes require different items as well besides boss loot only).
Some modded recipes do not use boss summon items to make the treasure bag.

This mod includes modded treasure bag recipes for the following mods:
- AlchemistNPC
- Ancients Awakened
- Azercadmium
- Calamity
- Elements Awoken
- Enigma
- Joost
- Mod of Redemption
- Pinkymod
- Qwerty's Bosses and Items
- Shadows of Abaddon
- Spirit
- Split
- Thorium
- Ultranium
= Overhauled most/all recipes and/or added a treasure item.

*Updates will be less frequent due to real life complications.*

Q: "Why are there multiple modded treasure bag recipes popping up?"
A: I don't know how to utilize recipe groups for modded items. I only know how to utilize recipe groups with vanilla items.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on YouTube or Email. Social platforms I use are listed below.


YouTube: Setnour6
SoundCloud: Setnour6
Spotify: Setnour6


Version 0.16:
- The mod data wipe bug occured again, so the description and everything else is likely bugged now. Fix this please.
- The event ended. Thanks to those that participated.
- Fixed a description mistake where Thorium wasn't listed as having overhauled recipes (indicated by the star ).
- Fixed an issue where the Spirit Pendant would have some of the same tooltips as the Bismite Pendant (Spirit Mod)
- Added Danger Pendant and Abyssal Pendant, which can only be obtained if the Thorium Mod is enabled.
- Added two Soul Pendants (one is charged) and the Xenium Pendant for the Mod of Redemption.
- All Vanilla boss treasure bags now require Danger Shards to craft (If the Thorium Mod is enabled).
- Changed all of the recipes for the Thorium Mod and Mod of Redemption boss treasure bags. (Removing weapon loot to craft, adding herbs and other items to craft with, pendants as well, etc.)
- Fixed an issue where Omega Oblitorator's treasure bag costed 24 Oblitorator brains to craft instead of 1 (Mod of Redemption).
- Ukko's Treasure Bag is no longer craftable, due to it not including an expert mode item (Mod of Redemption)
- Fixed some pendant stuff that I do not remember.
- Buffed and nerfed all pendants for the Ancients Awakened Mod. (basically more things that happen)

Version 0.15.1:
- Reworked all pendants, due to a fatal tModLoader bug that wiped out all of my game data and mod data.
- I was able to recover the recipe code, but not the pendant codes. I was trying to redo the pendant codes as best as I could, hopefully matching them up with that they used to look like, and improving them.
- Made some minor adjustments to some of the recipes for the Ancients Awakened Mod.
- Plantera's Treasure Bag now requires a Plantera Flower (If the Ancients Awakened Mod is enabled)

Version 0.15:
- EVENT: You can now craft a pre-hardmode treasure bag of your choice with the Celebratory Pendant, which appears upon character creation. Thank you all for 50,000 Downloads!
- You only have two chances, so choose wisely ;)
- Updated the title from Craftable Treasure Bags - Modded Bags Included to Craftable Treasure Bags. Everyone knows that it's not vanilla-restricted.
- All Vanilla bosses now require Gold/Platinum pendants.
- Added Bismite Pendant and Spirit Pendant, which can only be obtained if the Spirit Mod is Enabled.
- Changed all of the recipes for the Spirit Mod boss treasure bags. (Removing weapon loot to craft, adding herbs and other items to craft with, pendants as well, etc.)

All other versions are listed through the homepage (the button/link goes to the Github releases and shows the changelog for each release)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.14 (173.3 KB)


This mod has little to no content yet.
I plan to try and update this as frequently as possible, keep in mind that
this is my first ever mod so not everything will be perfect.

- Thundershout

-Added sprite to Kyranite Mod (yay :>).

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.4.5.3 (4.9 MB)

Nalyd T.

Aequus is a Terraria content mod which focuses on adding experimental content, like new items, enemies, and loot!

The mod's assets are extractable

A discord link to the mod is in the homepage, if you like typing discord invite links yourself, here you go:

> 280+ Items
> 2 Bosses
> 15+ Enemies
> 4 Events
> 5 Friendly NPCs
> Full support for English language and Chinese language, with quite a few Russian translations!
> Support for Boss Checklist, Census, and the Discord Rich Presence mod!
And importantly, many bugs!
(Please report bugs either on the forum page, or discord server!)
Side Note: Aequus was created from me messing around with coding and stuff, so don't try to take the mod super serious pls :)



本Mod的主页有Discord链接, 如果你想自己输入Discord邀请链接, 请点这:

> 超过280个物品
> 2个Boss
> 超过15个敌人
> 4个事件
> 4个友善的NPC
> 完全支持英语和以后可能会重新翻译的汉语, 以及相当多的俄语翻译!
> 支持 Boss Checklist、Census 和 Discord Rich Presence mod!
更重要的是, 有很多Bug!
旁注: Aequus是由我在代码和其他东西上胡搞瞎搞整出来的Mod, 玩的时候请不要太认真 :)"> Overview
Aequus is a Terraria content mod which focuses on adding experimental content, like new items, enemies, and loot!

The mod's assets are extractable

A discord link to the mod is in the homepage, if you like typing discord invite links yourself, here you go:

> 280+ Items
> 2 Bosses
> 15+ Enemies
> 4 Events
> 5 Friendly NPCs
> Full support for English language and Chinese language, with quite a few Russian translations!
> Support for Boss Checklist, Census, and the Discord Rich Presence mod!
And importantly, many bugs!
(Please report bugs either on the forum page, or discord server!)
Side Note: Aequus was created from me messing around with coding and stuff, so don't try to take the mod super serious pls :)



本Mod的主页有Discord链接, 如果你想自己输入Discord邀请链接, 请点这:

> 超过280个物品
> 2个Boss
> 超过15个敌人
> 4个事件
> 4个友善的NPC
> 完全支持英语和以后可能会重新翻译的汉语, 以及相当多的俄语翻译!
> 支持 Boss Checklist、Census 和 Discord Rich Presence mod!
更重要的是, 有很多Bug!
旁注: Aequus是由我在代码和其他东西上胡搞瞎搞整出来的Mod, 玩的时候请不要太认真 :)

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Multiverse of Memeness (New Pre-Hardmode Content Update)
Download v1.4.0.6 (12.3 MB)

TheBlackAbyss, SpaceCore…

The mod originally known as Flex Tape III, has been renamed to Multiverse of Memeness. This is because we are focusing on branching out to other memes and pop culture, other than Flex Seal Products. We will still add Flex Seal content in the future, but we would like to focus on other content.

This mod includes many wacky things like a Phil Swift Boss, A JoJo Boss, the equivilent of Phil Swift as a boss, many JoJo references, other anime related items, lots of video game based stuff, and other meme items, from Pre-Hardmode all the way to post-Moon Lord

Special thanks to Pedro from Flex Seal, for giving us permission to use Flex Seal's assets in our mod!!!

DISCLAIMER: This mod is for parody purposes only and is classified under Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act. I do not own these assets and do not make any financial gain from them.

There is a free craftable item in this mod that opens a menu that links to the mod Discord Server, my YouTube Channel, my Steam group where you can play with me during streams, my Twitch Channel which is where I will stream myself working on the mod, and the Mod Wiki for your convenience(the Wiki is a major WIP). The changelog on the Wiki is always up-to-date however.

Click the Mod Homepage button to also get linked to the Discord Server

This mod adds currently adds:
- 3 bosses
- 1 Town NPC
- 1 Enemy
- 169 items ;)
- Plenty of memes and other stupid stuff that will make you question your sanity

*There are 9 different progression stages of equipment throughout the mod.

Stage 1: Pre-Bosses
Stage 2: Post-Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu
Stage 3: Post-Will Fast, The Ill Tempered
Stage 4: Post-Skeletron

Stage 1: Pre/Post-Mech Bosses
Stage 2: Post-Golem
Stage 3: Post-Moon Lord
Stage 4: Post-Tape Man, The Angered
Stage 5: Post-Solar Weebclipse and MS Paint Dio

This mod is supposed to be balanced around the Calamity Mod's Post-Moon Lord progression.

All armor in this mod buffs all damage types and increases stats specific to mages and summoners, so it can be utilized by all classes.

This mod is still a WIP and I will be adding more items, progression stages, and other content over time.

*Update changelogs are available on the mod wiki.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
More Accessories Mod
Download v0.0.1 (5.5 KB)


My first mod.
So far, it only adds a single accessory, Lavaspark Boots.
It is a combination of Frostpark Boots, Lava Waders and Lucky Horseshoe, and is made using those three items in the tinkerers workshop.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Unusacies' Battle Rods
Download v1.3.2.2 (730.3 KB)

Unusacies, JPAN

This mod adds a new class of Weapons, the Battle Rods, which are fishing rods that can attach to enemies (NPCs or Players with PVP enabled) and deliver damage over time. You can also fish with them.
Some rods only apply the damage over time, while others have secondary effects when stuck to the enemy and may have effects when simply lying in liquid.

This mod adds Battle Rods for each of the main tiers, from the weak Wooden Battle Rod to the really powerful Solar, Nebula, Stardust and Vortex Battle Rods.
It also includes several accessories that enhance the fishing class, from multi-lures to cast more than a bobber at once, hooks and metronomes that change your damage over time and fishing wires.

*Details on the Fishing Class*
To start using Battle rods, cast them as you would a normal fishing rod towards the target enemy. When the bob hits, you can wait for the bob to kill the enemy, or you can try and reel in the enemy by clicking and holding the left mouse button. This will either pull the enemy towards you (or you get pulled towards the enemy) or break the line.
Pressing the right mouse button will release the target from your hold, allowing you to recast towards any other enemy.

When choosing a Battle Rod, there are some things to consider:
- Damage is divided equaly between bobbers, so having more bobbers reduces the damage each bobber deals, but you can stick more than one bobber on the same enemy, so the difference is only visible if you manage to attach to multiple enemies.
- The bob time, or the time that passes between each damage being applied. Most early game Rods have 2 second bob times, but late game rods can go as low as 15 in game ticks in the default bob time.
- Tensile strength dictates how fast you and the enemy can be moving apart before reeling in breaks the line.
- Reel speed increase tells you how fast the enemy will go towards you (or you towards the enemy) when reeling in continuously.
- The hidden size multiplier (that usually increases slighty with improving rods) controls how big the enemy you try to reel in will actually come towards you. Enemies bigger than that will drag you towards them.

Fishing damage is calculated based on the biggest stat increase from the vanilla game, so if you are equipped with a 20% ranged increase, and no other damage increases, the rod will be receiving 20% increased damage, and still add all fishing damage buffs you might have.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Rantaqhy Mod
Download v0.1.2 (173.5 KB)


Rantaqhy Mod adds some content into the game, such as the Complete Spell Compendium, a random combination of all spell books in the game.
Warning: This mod is not done.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
JPAN's Bags of Holding mod
Download v1.4.2.1 (187.3 KB)


This mod adds a new accessory type, the bag, that collects certain items for you and stores them inside it beyond max stack sizes (as long as its equipped in the accessory slot).
Use them (left click) to drop the contents on the floor, or left click a chest with the bag selected to try and store its contents into the chest.
Right click with the bag in your hotbar to open up a chest-like UI where you can collect or deposit the bag-appropriate items.

- Dirt Bag(for all types of soils and rock), Gem Bag(for gems), Ore Bag (for ores across the tier spectrum), and for all mentioned before, the Omni Bag.
- Wood Bag (woods and acorns), Plant Bag (alchemy plants and pumpkins and their seeds, and sunflowers), Mushroom Bag (Mushrooms and grass seeds), Dye Material Bag (for dye materials) and their collective bag, the Nature Bag.
- Fish Bag (fish and junk), Crate Bag (crates), Bait Bag (Bait, including truffle worm) and their collective bag, the Fishing Bag.
- Coin Bag, a special bag that collects the 4 normal coins and stacks them up into more valuable coins.
- The True Omni Bag, that collects everything that can be stacked (sorted by ItemID)

All bags are crafted with 15 silk and one fallen star at a workbench, all collective bags are crafted with their component bags and a fallen star at the Tinkerer's Workbench and the True Omni Bag is crafted with all Collective bags (including future ones) and two Broken Hero Swords at the Thinkerer's Workbench.

Also included is the "generic bag" that can be extended by other mods using this one as base to create unique bags.

- Updated to tmod

- Collective bags now use Order as well, if you want
- Fixed issues 1 and 2 in the tracker (will remain open until feedback can be received)

v1.4 Changelog
- All bags now have a config file that determines what they can pickup and store, as well as the item order they appear in the bag and individiual toggles for each left-click action (allows ie: disabling the left click to floor action).
- Collective bags don't use the "order" list, instead recreating it from their base bags order lists.
- True Omni Bag contains instead a "Blacklist" list that prevent items from being stored in the bag.
- Several new Config options for the Bags of holding config, including an option to display an item's tag in the item's tooltip, making it quick to add mod support in your own configs.
- Added compatibility with several new mods and updated some old ones.
- Due to the way this mod works, it will no longer be possible to update the order list automatically unless it is deleted from the bag's config file.
- Will accept submissions of additions to the several bags order list in the thread for mod support for mods not yet supported.
- Hopefully fixed multiplayer and direct-to-chest deposits.

v1.3.1 Changelog
- Fixed bug that causes one coin of each to be added when depositing on any bank inventory.
- Fixed True Omni Bag not stacking coins when depositing them in a bank.

v1.3 Changlog
- Added config file that allows the bags to work from Accessory slots, Vanity Accessory Slots, Inventory or Hotbar.
- Run the newest version once to create the Config file, then enable (= true) any combination you would like.
- Priorities run from acessory top-bottom, vanity top-bottom, inventory from last slot (bottom right) to slot 10 (top left below the hotbar) from right to left, then up one item slot, and finally hotbar, from slot 1 to 9 0.

v1.2.4 Changelog
- Added Defender Medals, Thorium's Vanquisher Medals and imkSushi's tokens to the Coin Bag.
v1.2.3 Changelog
- Added French and Portuguese translations to the Bag. Credits to Chupsy for the French Translation.
- True Omni Bag now stacks coins as the Coin Bag does.

v1.2.2 Changelog:
- Optimizations introduced to GenericBagUI and ItemFromTag function.

v1.2.1 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug preventing bags from picking up items when the inventory was full and there was no item of that kind inside the bag.

v1.2 Changelog:
- Added compatibility with Magic Storage by Bluemagic. You can now use the bag on a Storage Heart, Crafting Access, Storage Access or Remote storage to automatically deposit all bag items inside (if they fit).
- Added Shift-click from inventory to add an item to the Bag from the inventory in the Bag UI.
- Fixed a bug with the True Omni Bag creation causing certain mod items not to be included in the permitted items.

v1.1 Changelog:
- Updated for tmod v0.10 (Not fully re-tested, so things may have broken from before)
- Added Coin bag, that auto-picks-up co

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