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Post-Moonlord Tools & Weapons
Download v1.0.4 (243.5 KB)


The Post-Moonlord Tools and Weapons Mod adds several post-moonlord items. Everything in the mod can be crafted at an Ancient Manipulator. To leave feedback and suggestions, report bugs, and chat with other users of the mod, click on the Go To Homepage button at the bottom to join the discord server.

Void Bar - Used for crafting in everything in the mod. Created with 4 Luminite Bars.
Void Fragment - Used for the Void Sword and Void Arrow. Created with a Solar Fragment, a Vortex Fragment, a Nebula Fragment, and a Stardust Fragment.

-Tools / Weapons-
Void Sword - Deals an insanely large amount of damage. If the enemy somehow survives. it will be inflicted with the Void Debuff and their health will be drained extremely quickly.
Void Pickaxe - Extremely fast pickaxe.
Void Axe - Extremely fast axe.
Void Hamaxe - Extremely fast hamaxe.
Void Bow - Extremely quick and powerful bow.

Void Arrow - Strong arrow that will inflict the Void Debuff.
Void Bullet - Unstoppable bullet that does a lot of damage, pierces several enemies, and bounces many times.
Void Potion - Heals the player by 500 hp, usually enough to bring them to max health. Has a slight chance to kill the player.

V1.0.0 - Release (Feb 23rd 2019)
V1.0.1 - New icon
V1.0.2 - Fixed icon!
V1.0.3 - Buffed the Void Bow, Void Arrows, and the Void Sword. Improved the Void Hamaxe, Void Arrows, Void Fragments, and other items. Added particles to projectiles. Also added Void Bullets that can bounce off walls and penetrate several enemies.
V1.0.4 - New mini black hole item that will be used in future crafting recipes. Added void bomb - handle with caution! Other various changes to items.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Builder's Toolbox
Download v1.1.1 (101.4 KB)


Tools to help plan builds. Want to design a house, but haven't the materials yet? Build a basic frame using scaffolding and replace it later.

* Scaffolding - Places faster than normal tiles, and can be directly replaced later. Crafted at a workbench.
* Fire Moss Seeds - Crafted with Blinkroot Seeds near Lava.
* Sledgehammer - Tears down scaffolding by swinging. Sold by the Demolitionist.
* Watering Can - Causes plants to grow, from grass to herbs to saplings. Sold by the Dryad.
* Giant Acorn - Need a living tree? Plant one of these and water it. Crafted using alchemy.
* Block/Wall Canvas - Scaffolding tools that increase placement range and mining for scaffolding blocks. Sold by the Goblin Tinkerer.
* Brass Trowel - Automatically slopes or un-slopes tiles in a 5x5 square. Sold by the Steampunker.
* Brass Stepper - Automatically steps or un-steps tiles in a 5x5 square. Sold by the Steampunker.
* Wonderhammer - Tool for destroying walls very quickly, if not very efficiently. Crafted from Hallowed Bars in Hardmode.
* Topiary Terraformer - Used for cycling tree types in Forest, Snow and Jungle biomes. Singleplayer Only. Sold by the Dryad after defeating Plantera.
* The Architect - Like the grand design, but for scaffolding. Face left or right for alternate placement styles. Crafted from a Laser Drill and other components.
* Furious Worldforge - Acts like an extractinator, but instead sends tiles to replace nearby scaffolding of matching paint colours. Crafted with Luminite Bars.

Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.
San (O Barbaro Desenhista) - Canvas, Watering Can, The Architect item sprites. Mod icon toolbox.
Fury - Giving the mod his blessings.
Discord Regulars - General help, discussion and support. Thanks guys!


Other Building Mods:
Luiafk - Drill mount on steroids, prefab buildings, powerful painting tools, etc.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.3 Edit | Delete
Improved Pillar Event (Configurable)
Download v1.3 (241.9 KB)

Leviathan & Caseratis

Improved Pillar Event removes the shield from the celestial pillars. Instead, they now have 200k health. Pillar enemies can now drop their respective fragments after Moonlord has been defeated.
There's a config that let's you change the pillars to how you see fit.

"Pillar Health in Normal": Change the max life of the celestial pillars in normal mode
(Default: 150k)
"Pillar Health in Expert": Change the max life of the celestial pillars in expert mode
(Default: 200k)
"Enemies Required in Normal": Change the amount of enemies that need to be defeated to break the barrier in normal mode
(Default: 0)
"Enemies Required in Expert": Same as above but in expert mode
(Default: 0)
"Enemies Drop Lunar Fragments": Choose if the celestial invaders will drop their respective fragments on death
(Default: true)
"Fragment Drops Require Moonlord Defeated": Choose if Moonlord needs to be defeated for the fragments to be able to be dropped
(Default: true)

Leviathan - Made the original idea
Caseratis - Coder

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Fast Start
Download v0.5 (52.1 KB)


Fast Start starts newly created characters with some gifts! You will be granted better than copper tools, weapons, gear and more!
Items given are randomly selected.

It's programmed as follows:
If you receive a platinum pickaxe, you can no longer get a platinum tier axe and hammer.
If you then get the next highest tier axe, which is gold, you can no longer get platinum and gold tier hammer!
This works the same for any other items so get, with some exceptions.
If you're lucky, you'll get both life AND mana crystals!

Can also grant things such as: slime staff, money trough, grappling hook and more!

Changelog for v0.5:
- You can no longer get Crystal Vile Shard as this is a hardmode item.
- Added Vilethorn as a replacement for Crystal Vile Shard.
- You can no longer get Diamond Ring as this item is worth a lot of money.
- You can now get Balloon Animal or Bundled Party Balloons as your vanity gifts.
- You will now get between 20 and 55 wood, stone blocks and torches.
- The amount of wooden arrows you can get is reduced by 100.
- The amount of throwing daggers and shurikens you can get is reduced by 10.
- If you are lucky, you can now also get a Wand of Sparking. That thing is dang hard to find sometimes.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
The Blue Spoon Mod
Download v1.2.1 (173.6 KB)

Salamander Maniacs YT

Blue Spoon Mod Is Based On "Blue Spoon", My Brothers Stuffed Animal.
This mod is unfisnished but Contains:
1 Tile
11 items (including uncraftable dev items)

V. 1.2.1
* Fixxed Icon?

V. 1.2
* Added Icon

V. 1.1.1
* Slowed Speed Of Fallen Wings

V. 1.1
* Added Fallen Wings (Dev Wings)
* Renamed Dev Core To Fallen Core

V. 1.0:
* First Release With 10 items and 1 tile"> The Blue Spoon Mod Is Based On "Blue Spoon", My Brothers Stuffed Animal.
This mod is unfisnished but Contains:
1 Tile
11 items (including uncraftable dev items)

V. 1.2.1
* Fixxed Icon?

V. 1.2
* Added Icon

V. 1.1.1
* Slowed Speed Of Fallen Wings

V. 1.1
* Added Fallen Wings (Dev Wings)
* Renamed Dev Core To Fallen Core

V. 1.0:
* First Release With 10 items and 1 tile

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Download v1.4.3 (166.2 KB)


This mod brings several utility tools with interfaces
The interfaces may not respond at first, try alt-tabbing twice

Don't forget to leave feedback !

New items:
- Smartammer (hammering interface)
- Rattlesnake Wand
- Color palette (paint interface)
- Greater Wand (bloc wand interface)
- Wall Hammer
- Unstable Staff
- Swap Pickaxe

Modified items:
- Staff of regrowth (moss color interface)

- replaced the obsolete command-based toggle tool by the Server Config feature of TModloader
- fixed multiplayer issue where the client could get stuck indefinitely joining a server
- improved multiplayer support
- made fargo support more reliable
- fixed multiple issues (commands, autohammer in mp, UI scaling with zoom, crashes)
- added proper cursor access everywhere (including smart)
- Staff of Regrowth fixed
- Multiplayer enabled
- New tool: Swap Pickaxe. Swaps blocks with the ones in your inventory but keeps all other characteristics
- Fixed an icon
- Mod icon introduced
- Fixed the way of obtaining the Smartammer
- Added the /tool command to enable/disable tools
- New tool: Unstable Staff. Similar to the Ice Rod, but it allows building levitating furniture
- Added support for the World Builder Sould from Fargo's mod (gives near fullscreen range)
- Made the /CenterUI command permanent for each player
- Removed the pots, they already exist in Chad's mod

See homepage for complete list

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Accessory Slots +
Download v0.1 (17 KB)


Cheat Sheet's Extra Accessory Slots without the rest of the Cheat Sheet
In case you want extra slots but don't trust your friends not to just cheat stuff in b/c they're lazy

All credit goes to jopojelly and co. for authoring the code that makes this possible

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Download v4.3.3.1 (177.3 KB)

lemmoNade, Delly, DR. Fo…

Thanks FoolsLynx for their tutorials!
Thanks BlushieMagic for their tutorials!

Thanks Nao for being a spriter!
Thanks Corbininja for being a spriter!
Thanks DR. Fork for being a spriter!
Thanks Delly for being a spriter!

Improve HeroSickle on the discord server!
Homepage goes to the HeroSickle hub!


(This stuff might be incorrect)
4 bad bosses!
1 bad mini boss!
161 items!
3 armor sets!
2 misc hats!
1 vanity!
75 weapons?
15 swords?
3 ranged weapons?
6 magic weapons!
14 throwing weapons!
3 shortswords!
37 death weapons!
2 tools!
6 yoyos!
22 accessories!
2 wings!
3 boots!
10 hearts!
3 fragments!


New mug class!
Support with Boss Checklist!
Super Hard-Mode!
Expert Mode Plus!
45 more bosses!
Pillars for th fragments!
New prefixes!
3 new biomes!
And alot more! Stay tuned...

-------------- (About those new ores)
I'm again sorry if this update feels rushed

This mini-update focuses on adding stuff based off the hardmode ores

New Stuff:
Sickles based off the hardmode ores and Shurikens based off the first 4 hardmode ores! Added 3 new versions of the Cacti Heart! Added 6 boom box weapons!

Some"> --------------

This mod has 45k downloads!
And the 125th most popular mod!

Thanks FoolsLynx for their tutorials!
Thanks BlushieMagic for their tutorials!

Thanks Nao for being a spriter!
Thanks Corbininja for being a spriter!
Thanks DR. Fork for being a spriter!
Thanks Delly for being a spriter!

Improve HeroSickle on the discord server!
Homepage goes to the HeroSickle hub!


(This stuff might be incorrect)
4 bad bosses!
1 bad mini boss!
161 items!
3 armor sets!
2 misc hats!
1 vanity!
75 weapons?
15 swords?
3 ranged weapons?
6 magic weapons!
14 throwing weapons!
3 shortswords!
37 death weapons!
2 tools!
6 yoyos!
22 accessories!
2 wings!
3 boots!
10 hearts!
3 fragments!


New mug class!
Support with Boss Checklist!
Super Hard-Mode!
Expert Mode Plus!
45 more bosses!
Pillars for th fragments!
New prefixes!
3 new biomes!
And alot more! Stay tuned...

-------------- (About those new ores)
I'm again sorry if this update feels rushed

This mini-update focuses on adding stuff based off the hardmode ores

New Stuff:
Sickles based off the hardmode ores and Shurikens based off the first 4 hardmode ores! Added 3 new versions of the Cacti Heart! Added 6 boom box weapons!


Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Assorted Crazy Things
Download v1.3.1.2 (1.7 MB)

Harblesnargits, direwolf…

This mod adds a large amount of enemies, a hefty amount of pets, and a few other things. For a list of all content in this mod, please visit the homepage. We've got a lot of stuff to offer in this mod.

*- SEP 08, 2020
Major and minor bugfixes, and an update to newest Boss Checklist version

*- MAY 28, 2020
Tiny fixes that were left out from the previous update

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.7.1 (165.4 KB)


MechTransfer is a small mod, that adds various wire controlled devices to interact with items and move them between containers.

The mod contains the following features:
- Transferring items from one chest to another
- Dropping and picking up items
- Item sorting and detection
- Automatic crafting

See the linked forum post for a list of added items.


- Recolored Transfer relay to reflect function better
- Logic sensor like bounding box for assembler
- Assembler status message
- Assembler code cleanup
- Various smaller fixes

- Fixed a crash involving the Inlet

- Manual item loading
- Added container adapters for mod interoperability
- Support for item frames

- Fixed outlet item placing inlet tile
- Fixed compatibility with modded chests

- Support for Snowball launcher, Etherian crystal stand, Cannons and Weapon racks
- Inlet no longer picks up hearts and similar items
- Multiplayer fixes

- Added visualization for transfers
- Added Omni turret, Super omni turret and Matter projector
- Added support for dressers
- Added reflection based adapter loading

- Fixed modded chest support

- Quick fix to stop assembler from eating items

- New tool-tip
- Added Magic Storage Interface
- Added blacklist filter
- Added Stack extractor

- Fixed outlet wire output
- Added error handling

- Fixed magic storage item duplication with prefixed items

- Custom tile loading
- Furniture can now be placed on Inlet
- Inlet picks up critters
- Outlet drops critters as NPCs
- Pipes visually connect to transfer devices
- Added Extractinator adapter
- Added Buttons
- Added Filter Items
- Fixed Omni Turret multiplayer support

- Added Bag filter item
- Fixed filterable tile save/load with modded items
- Fixed buttons in multiplayer
- New net packet handling system
- Added player interface

- Improved assembler area drawing
- Added transition markers

- Added localization support
- Added Chinese translation by @Flithor
- Added Russian translation by @Vedomir
- Fixed various problems related to zoom
- Fixed Extractinator mod incompatibilities
- Improved all tile sprites
- Tweaked tile map colors, item name capitalization, and items rarities
- Added filter items for weapon class
- Added Living Hellstone

- Fixed a duplication glitch with the Transfer Assembler
- Added MagicStorageExtra support

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Polarities Mod Music
Download v0.1.6 (30.5 MB)


Music for the Polarities Mod.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
TrlandMod,Made in China!
Download v1.1 (173.5 KB)


include some weapons,a pet,a mount,and many accessory of league of legends(change weapons to accessory),we'll add more items and npc to this mod later.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Zenith Gun
Download v1.0.2 (29.3 KB)


This mod simply adds the Zenith Gun to the game, which is a combination of several guns from each tier of the game. Use musket balls as ammo for a suprise!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Depth of Time
Download v0.1.4 (222.1 KB)

DoT Team

Depth of Time

Hi! Thank you for taking interest in Depth of Time.
We want to advise you that this mod is a HEAVY Work-In-Progress.

This is an early access mod bound to have balancing issues or even bugs.
We promise to keep adding content and fix any issues that arise through time,
we're extremely passionate about this mod and will absolutely make sure that you
have the best experience

Content Information:
Items: 29
NPC: 2 (Enemies)
Tiles: 10
Buffs: 1
Biomes: 1

If interested further, please join our Discord, which is posted on our Forum page!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Cheat Hotkeys
Download v2.2.1 (23.9 KB)


Adds a few hotkeys with cheat functions. Based on CheatSheetExtended by Barack Obama Ross.

* Refill life (Z)
* Refill mana (X)
* Toggle god mode (F)
* Give 10 platinum (P)
* Toggle unlimited ammo (G)
* Toggle knockback (N)
* Cycle mining buff modes (V)
Cycle between Dangersense, Hunter, and Spelunker vision
* Toggle mining buff modes (hold V)
Turn on/off all three mining buff modes

v2.2.1 2019-08-17 (HOTFIX)
* Build for tModLoader v0.11.4

v2.2.0 2019-04-13
* Added toggle knockback key

v2.1.1 2017-12-01
* Refills buffed life/mana to max

v2.1.0 2017-11-30
* Added "Give Money" hotkey

v2.0.1 2017-11-06
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.10.1

v2.0.0 2017-07-15
* Added "mining buff" hotkey

v1.2.4 2017-07-09
* Compiled for tModLoader v0.10.0.2

v1.2.3 2016-12-22
* Fixed calls to PreHurt and PreKill

v1.2.2 2016-10-01
* Compiled for Terraria

v1.2.1 2016-08-14
* Remove debuffs hotkey should now work for mod debuffs

v1.2.0 2016-08-12
* Player cannot be affected by debuffs when god mode is enabled
* Mana is automatically refilled when god mode is enabled
* No longer displays "mana refilled" and "life refilled" messages when god mode is enabled

v1.1.0 2016-08-02
- Added "remove debuffs" hotkey
- Enabling god mode refills life and removes debuffs
- Fix: player can no longer be hit by projectiles with god mode on

v1.0.1 2016-08-01
- Added homepage

* Boffin for recommending the mod debuff solution

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1.8 (1.3 MB)


BuilderPlus is right now in development so there are so fewer things than I plan to add. The idea of this mod is to add more helpfull map building stuff into the game, right now there it includes:

more monster spawning statues
the fastest building accesory for a small range
fastest hammer and pickaxe
background cobweb
a lot of fancy blocks
natural walls as a house wall
true headless horesman mask and biome theamed architect masks
more miner armores

Will include in later updates:

more decorational blocks
wands of terren(superquick building out of only natural materials only for mana)
all monster spawning statues(event enemies included)
useless biomes just for background and lootless mobs
playermade minibosses also with no loot
trigereble debuffs
new animated furniture
recyclebe drops from enemies
and lot more

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Sword Art Online Mod
Download v1.0.0.1 (265.3 KB)


Sword Art Online Mod is an excellent work-in-progress mod that brings the SAO experience to Terraria!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.7.4 (374.9 KB)


Miscellania is a small mod with a whole bunch of random ideas. There is no specific theme for the items.

Current features include:
-Autofisher and Item Vacuum
-Upgraded Rod of Discord
-Reinforced Vest (protects player from their bombs and missiles)
-Item magnets!
-Wormhole Mirror
-Healing/Mana Stone (restores health & mana, can be used multiple times)
-Baseball Bats
-A few weapons and accessories, including Baseball Bats
-Building materials & decorations

And a lot more! Go to the forum page for the full list.

Thanks to Zerokk for his help with sprites and to Pop000100 for maintaining the mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Aerovelence Mod
Download v1.7.44.4 (31 MB)

Aerovelence Development …

Aerovelence is a large content mod themed around space and the sky, with an interesting twist! Aerovelence has plenty of new content, new enemies to fight, and secrets to be uncovered.
If there are any issues with the mod, join the Discord server linked at the bottom and report bugs in #bug-reports.

This mod version fixes a lot of bugs as well as adding hardmode features to the Rock Collector.

Current rundown:
-372+ Items
-Large collection of new NPCs with fun and unique AI
-3 fun boss fights
-A brand new biome, the Crystal Caverns
-Legendary items that have a low drop rate from any boss, modded and vanilla alike!

If this mod seems interesting to you, join our Discord here:


Directed by Arcri

- Vortex of Rainbows (Cyvercry Boss AI)
- IDGCaptainRussia (Rimegeist Boss AI)
- Wombat (Ice Generation)
- Hamstar (Crystal Caverns Generation)
- Eldrazi (Support with Tumbler AI)
- Graydee (Shaders & Primitives)

Music by: A44 and iFlicky

Code by: Yelloface, ExitiumTheCat, Stardust, Dominic Karma, RighteousRyan, Naka, TraoX, FullOfXP, GabeHasWon, Hamstar, Just Req, Grrenix, Eldrazi, and Felipe350

Sprites by: Arcri, Criitiical, SpicySpaceSnake, HondaCivicMoment, Blossom, Xinix, Stryke, TraoX, Orion, Naka, Seasalt, and Tiredghostdude

Structures by: DarkArtist

Lore and Storywriting by: Maker of Scratchock Live

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
More Endless Ammo
Download v1.0.0.1 (22.8 KB)


Adds Endless Ammo Pouches for every bullet.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>