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Platform Helper
Download v3.0.1 (11 KB)


Ever get tired of creating a arena for the Wall of Flesh? This mod fixes that! This mod will help you place platforms faster! While holding the hotkey you specified in the controls menu, and placing a platform of any style, four additional platforms will be placed in front of you! If you are only holding three platforms, than only 3 platforms will be placed!


Now works with any block!

Fixed bug where others could not see block changes on screen.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Apotheosis & Friends
Download v0.2.5.794 (13.3 MB)

Terry N. Muse

A mod containing various fun items, pets, debug items, and other miscellaneous shenanigans. I also leave some of my debug work in here every once in a while.

Featuring Apotheosis EX, LORDE pet, Chibii Doggo, Sunskeeter, and more!

Heavily Calamity-related, though some items related to other mods may appear. This mod will function without Calamity, but not all recipes will be enabled!

Most items have absurd recipes or are outright unattainable in normal play, so there's no harm in cheating them in.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.9.0 (3.3 KB)



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Terrarian's Bizarre Adventure - JoJo Mod
Download v0.0.2.8 (3.7 MB)

HellGoesOn, Webmilio, Sk…

Terrarian Bizarre Adventure is a mod that aims to recreate most of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure stands & abilities.

Current content includes:

Stand Arrow

Current Stands:
Star Platinum
The World
King Crimson

Keep in mind, everything is a subject to change and not everything is implemented yet. This is a very raw beta version of the mod, which is indicated by its 0.0.1 build version.
I still hope you'll enjoy what little this mod has to offer.
Please enjoy.
We do :)

For any questions regarding the mod, join our discord server!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Realm Of The Abyssal Lords (Open Alpha)
Download v0.1 (173.3 KB)


Realm Of The Abyssal Lords is my main mod and it will have updates quite often,
This mod currently is in the Open Alpha stage, highly open to the community.
content will be primarly under these categories, dark/mystic/aquatic/science/technology/realism/QoL.
UPDATE v.0.1 (Alpha)
-Removed all traces of "RedMatter" from the Mod.
-Kept "RedMatter" Code & Sprites Archived (Not packaged into the mod).
-Kept most old content, but slightly nerfed parts of it.
-Added Pre-Hardmode Ore Sword Hilts (Lower part of swords snapped off) Dropped by some enemies. (5-20% Chance)
-Added "Blood Butcherer" and "Light's Bane" Hilts dropped by Crimson and Corruption enemies (1% Chance)
-Sword Hilts are fixable into their original state at a lower price than making a new sword.
*Will add less general/QoL content and more NPCs and New Items soon!
Head Programmer/Idea Developer - JakubPlaus
Head Spriter - Wondrex
Spriters - Draightmare & Sombra
Idea Developers - Winfin & Sir Gator
Lost in Thought (Ocean) by Namice.
Website/Wiki: (Coming Soon)
Join the Discord server for further details.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Removed nerfs of items
Download v5.1 (156.1 KB)

IceCoffe (SolariumTea)

What this mod does ?

it removes nerfs from items that got nerfed
for example when vampire knifes was added it was healing more hp per second
than now it got nerf in version 1.3
this mod removes this nerf of this item

Example of Nerf

when phantasm was added: 70 damage
phantasm after it got nerf: 50 damage

Magic Weapons
Flower of Fire used before nerf 10 mana
Flower of Fire use now 15 mana
the mod make Flower of Fire use 10 mana
instead of 15 mana

Summon Staffs

Stardust Dragon staff before nerf 60 damage
Stardust dragon staff after it got nerf 40 damage

the Summon staffs that didnt used any mana before and now do
will not use any mana as before

Mod Features
-over 60 + nerfs removed
- Removed healing potions sickness from vanilla potions
- all nerfs are in ingame config, they can be enabled and disabled
-nerf books show that nerfs are removed
- 2 new potions: 1.immunity to chaos state 2.immunity to mana sickness
-include 2 rods of discords that doesnt inflict Chaos state
-toggleable Mana sickness and Potion sickness for all Potions in vanilla
and toggleable Potion sickness for all healing Pots including modded
-ingame config

ingame Config
-enable and disable nerfs
-crafting of mod items
- enable and disable old crafting recipes
-toggle some misc. stuff
- nerfs are disabled by defalt (off in mod config)
to enabled the nerf set it to (On in mod config)

Mod Issues
-when Potion sickness on potion is disabled
quick heal doesnt work

Bug fix and changes update

Major & minor changes
- nerfs books recipe changed now req. 3 woods to craft
-removed Teleportic potion item

-some features in config are disabled by defalt
-minor Staraise Potion buff fix
- fixed incorrect values of true and false in config
- fixed incorrecly disabled recipes and items

Added to mod config
- added some notes to items in mod config
- Star flower recipe can be disabled and enabled in config
- True meteorite helmet and wormy scarf recipes can now be disabled and enabled in mod config
"> What this mod does ?

it removes nerfs from items that got nerfed
for example when vampire knifes was added it was healing more hp per second
than now it got nerf in version 1.3
this mod removes this nerf of this item

Example of Nerf

when phantasm was added: 70 damage
phantasm after it got nerf: 50 damage

Magic Weapons
Flower of Fire used before nerf 10 mana
Flower of Fire use now 15 mana
the mod make Flower of Fire use 10 mana
instead of 15 mana

Summon Staffs

Stardust Dragon staff before nerf 60 damage
Stardust dragon staff after it got nerf 40 damage

the Summon staffs that didnt used any mana before and now do
will not use any mana as before

Mod Features
-over 60 + nerfs removed
- Removed healing potions sickness from vanilla potions
- all nerfs are in ingame config, they can be enabled and disabled
-nerf books show that nerfs are removed
- 2 new potions: 1.immunity to chaos state 2.immunity to mana sickness
-include 2 rods of discords that doesnt inflict Chaos state
-toggleable Mana sickness and Potion sickness for all Potions in vanilla
and toggleable Potion sickness for all healing Pots including modded
-ingame config

ingame Config
-enable and disable nerfs
-crafting of mod items
- enable and disable old crafting recipes
-toggle some misc. stuff
- nerfs are disabled by defalt (off in mod config)
to enabled the nerf set it to (On in mod config)

Mod Issues
-when Potion sickness on potion is disabled
quick heal doesnt work

Bug fix and changes update

Major & minor changes
- nerfs books recipe changed now req. 3 woods to craft
-removed Teleportic potion item

-some features in config are disabled by defalt
-minor Staraise Potion buff fix
- fixed incorrect values of true and false in config
- fixed incorrecly disabled recipes and items

Added to mod config
- added some notes to items in mod config
- Star flower recipe can be disabled and enabled in config
- True meteorite helmet and wormy scarf recipes can now be disabled and enabled in mod config

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Equipable Inventory
Download v1.5 (5.8 KB)


-Added toggles for accessories working in your inventory/piggy bank/safe/defender's forge

Any accessory or armor in your inventory, piggy bank, safe, and forge counts as being equipped.
You won't get extra set bonuses from armor in your inventory.
That is all.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Shaggy's Addon Races
Download v1.4.5 (1018.3 KB)

Shaggy and the Mystery G…

Shaggy's Addon Races is a mod that gives you even more races based around the main mod, MrPlague's Authentic Races!


-Shaggy Overlord (Coder)
-CrocWithShades (Animator and spriter)
-Aelfsalia (Animator and spriter)
-AxeBane (Coder)
-Kazun (Help with code)
-MrPlague (Help with code)


Crystal Moonbeam

The Addon Races server:"> Description:
Shaggy's Addon Races is a mod that gives you even more races based around the main mod, MrPlague's Authentic Races!


-Shaggy Overlord (Coder)
-CrocWithShades (Animator and spriter)
-Aelfsalia (Animator and spriter)
-AxeBane (Coder)
-Kazun (Help with code)
-MrPlague (Help with code)


Crystal Moonbeam

The Addon Races server:

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
More Slimes
Download v0.3.0.3 (195.2 KB)


More Slimes Mod!

This mod is a really new one(this will probably still be here after 10 years).
Currently there are only a few new things.

5 Slimes
1 Gel
1 Pickaxe
1 Sword
1 Gun

"> More Slimes Mod!

This mod is a really new one(this will probably still be here after 10 years).
Currently there are only a few new things.

5 Slimes
1 Gel
1 Pickaxe
1 Sword
1 Gun

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
AbsoluteRPG by Kenflesh
Download v0.0.2.7 (238.6 KB)

Discord (me): Kenflesh#3090
Discord (server):

AbsoluteRPG by Kenflesh

This mod adds a system for improving the stats of your character to the game.
You can improve any parameter that I program for the experience gained from killing monsters.
There will be no restrictions on your choice and stat parameter limit.

Now (in 0.0.2 version) I have added a little support for modifying this mod
Now people can change stats themselves, add their own, delete old ones, etc.
I will not write about it here, I will write on the discord server

How to use it?
To begin with, add a button to open the pumping menu to the control, and then open the menu (Controls -> Keybinds -> Open Stats).
Everything in the interface should be intuitive, but just in case I will explain something.
There will be several categories, each category will have several pages (several pages will be provided that there are too many stats for one page, otherwise only one). When you hover over a stat, a short description, price, values and value differences are shown on the left.
The difference in values shows the numbers when you press the stat change buttons (+ or -).
The plus button adds a value to your stat, and if you haven't bought this value yet, it buys it, depriving you of experience.

Does it work with calamity and other mods?
Rather yes than no
There are some problems that cannot be fixed, but you will gain experience from new monsters.
Just don't use a weapon if it fires at high speed when you buy an AIM, okay?">
Discord (me): Kenflesh#3090
Discord (server):

AbsoluteRPG by Kenflesh

This mod adds a system for improving the stats of your character to the game.
You can improve any parameter that I program for the experience gained from killing monsters.
There will be no restrictions on your choice and stat parameter limit.

Now (in 0.0.2 version) I have added a little support for modifying this mod
Now people can change stats themselves, add their own, delete old ones, etc.
I will not write about it here, I will write on the discord server

How to use it?
To begin with, add a button to open the pumping menu to the control, and then open the menu (Controls -> Keybinds -> Open Stats).
Everything in the interface should be intuitive, but just in case I will explain something.
There will be several categories, each category will have several pages (several pages will be provided that there are too many stats for one page, otherwise only one). When you hover over a stat, a short description, price, values and value differences are shown on the left.
The difference in values shows the numbers when you press the stat change buttons (+ or -).
The plus button adds a value to your stat, and if you haven't bought this value yet, it buys it, depriving you of experience.

Does it work with calamity and other mods?
Rather yes than no
There are some problems that cannot be fixed, but you will gain experience from new monsters.
Just don't use a weapon if it fires at high speed when you buy an AIM, okay?

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Zenith Pickaxe
Download v1.2.5 (103.6 KB)


Adds 5 pickaxes to the game:
- Jungle Pickaxe
- Midnight Pickaxe
- Terra Pickaxe
- Zenith Pickaxe
- True Zenith Pickaxe

Use the Guide and some pre-existing pickaxes to view the recipes for the new pickaxes.

If you're experiencing lag, try disabling shaders in this mod's configuration menu.

The True Zenith Pickaxe can switch between slow, medium, and fast mining speeds. Right clicking while the fast speed mode is active will throw pickaxes similarly to how the Zenith in 1.4 throws swords.

v1.2.5 (2021-02-18)
- Updated Midnight Pickaxe and Jungle Pickaxe sprites
- True Zenith Pickaxe slow mode is now faster when smart cursor is enabled and slower when smart cursor is disabled
- Projectiles and shaders now render correctly when both game zoom and UI zoom are above 100%
- Minor tweak to shaders

v1.2.4 (2021-02-16)
- True Zenith Pickaxe recipe requirements updated:
> All modded pickaxes are searched to find the highest pickaxe power (limited to 300%)
> If highest (limited) power is above 230%, at least one pickaxe with at least the highest (limited) power is required to craft the True Zenith Pickaxe
> Pickaxes with at least 500% power or 1000 damage do not activate the requirement, but may be used if the requirement is active
> Pickaxes with at least 1000 damage may only be used if they also satisfy the pickaxe power requirement
- Added a slow mode to the True Zenith Pickaxe
- Shaders are now visible while the game is paused
- Tweaked shaders
- Optimized netcode

v1.2.3.1 (2021-02-15)
- Fixed shader going in wrong direction while in reversed gravity

v1.2.3 (2021-02-15)
- True Zenith Pickaxe now requires a stronger pickaxe (up to 300% pickaxe power) to craft if one exists in another mod and can be crafted itself
- Lowered Luminite Bar requirement for True Zenith Pickaxe from 200 to 100
- Reduced pickaxe power of Zenith Pickaxe to 230%
- Updated motion of True Zenith Pickaxe projectiles
- Reduced damage of Zenith Pickaxe and True Zenith Pickaxe
- True Zenith Pickaxe now appears smaller in projectile
- Updated shaders
- Updated dusts

v1.2.2 (2021-02-14)
- Slightly buffed True Zenith Pickaxe Fast Mode
- Removed unused textures

v1.2.1 (2021-02-14)
- Fixed invisible True Zenith Pickaxe projectile bug (should now show Jungle Pickaxe)

v1.2.0 (2021-02-13)
- Added Terraria Community Forums homepage
- Added the Jungle Pickaxe, Midnight Pickaxe, and Terra Pickaxe
- Added shaders and a new configuation option
- Improved custom smart cursor logic
- Zenith Pickaxe now respects pickaxe power (True Zenith Pickaxe can still mine blocks above its pickaxe power)
- Tweaked motion of True Zenith Pickaxe projectiles
- Slightly reduced damage of True Zenith Pickaxe projectiles
- Updated Fast Mode UI
- Improved multiplayer support (hopefully)
- Fixed slight stuttering when using non-fast right-click on the True Zenith Pickaxe
- Fixed bugs related to autopause
- Removed accidental debug text
- Updated dusts

The rest of the changelog can be found on the homepage

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Water Candle Buff 24/7
Download v0.1.2 (261.9 KB)


Water Candle 24/7 makes you have the Water Candle Buff all the time.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Better take a Power Tool
Download v1.5.0.1 (147.2 KB)

dennisw100, HMD-ShiningB…

Better take a Power Tool adds new drills/chainsaws/jackhammers/jackhamsaws based on all pickaxes/axes/hammers/hamaxes that do not have a drill/chainsaw/jackhammer/jackhamsaw counterpart in Terraria.

Added Config to make the Doomhammer/Dommjackhammer obtainable, to Buff the Lunar Drills & to Switch between the old and new sprites
Added Glow effect for the Dropped item version of the Jackhamshroom, Molten Drill & Jackhamsaw & the Lunar Jackhamsaws
Fixed Flesh Smasher Sprite
Changed the name of the Shroomite Digging Drillclaw to Shroomite Clawed Drill


Added Ancient Jacksmasher, Banjackhammer, Brass Jackhammer & Drax, Frostjackammer, Ice Jackhammer, Sporchainsaw, North Chainsaw & Jackhammer, Doomjackhammer, JackSquasher & Frozen Drill Axe
Reworked sprites of all Wood & Metal Jackhammers, Bloody Massacre, Bone Drill, Candy Cane Drill, Spectre Drill & War Chainsaw of the Night
Tremor Update done all Tremor items in the Game except for hardmode ore Jackhammers because I don't get permissions to use them


Added GlacierWoodJackhammer, ArgiteJackhamsaw, CoralJackhamsaw, CactusJackhammer & PizzaCutter


Removed recipe of Drillsaw, Pwnjackhammer, Drill of Bloom & The Saw because they now drop also in expert mode


Support for Hamstar's Helpers


Added Mod Icon


Changed stats of magma tools
Making the Code smarter
Added Nova & Paraxyde tools
Added Dune Jackhammer
Fix the chines translation of the Drillsaw Tooltips


Making The Lunar Drills Obtainable
Added Fungus Drill & Jackhamsaw
Added Drill of Bloom their only drop in Not Expert mode in Expert mode you can craft it with their counterpart
Added Argite Drill


Added Night Twilight & Sacrifical Drill


Added the Item tooltips back with his Translations but not completely for Simplified Chinese because I can't get the Symbols


Update to Terraria

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Project Zero
Download v0.1.2.0 (16.5 MB)

lavit Scarlet

Project Zero, a mod that is balanced for terraria and can be used with other mods

> Items: +250.
> Bosses: 1 (Post-Moonlord).
> Tiles: 4.
> Mini-Bosses: 1.
> Armor: 3 set.
> nothing interesting.


Project Zero, Мод который сбалансирован под террарию и можно использовать с другими модами

> Предметов: +250.
> Боссов: 1 (Post-Moonlord).
> Блоки: 4.
> Мини-Боссы: 1.
> Броня: 3 Сета.
> Ничего интересного.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Expeditions Base
Download v2.3.1 (357.9 KB)


NOTICE: This is the core mod only, providing just the quest system framework, without content.

Add Expeditions, a quest system accesible via the Expedition Board craftable tile.

Framework Features:
* Client-side quest viewing, tracking and completion.
* Progress is saved per-player.
* 'Fancy' UI for handling the above.
* Filter quests for easier management.
* Lists for delivering and rewards items.
* Up to 3 customisable conditions and 1 counter per quests.
* Daily random quest system, saved to world and net-synced.
* Custom currency 'Expedition Coupon' and related methods.
* Loot boxes that use an item pool generated from all installed mods.
* Hooks for detecting various things.
* Autoloading expeditions.
* Semantic time checking information.
* Bugs and glitches!

Known mods that use this as of 15th March 2017:
* Expeditions Content

Debug Commands:
Hold [O][K][0] when exiting the world to reset ALL quest data.
Hold [#] when exiting the world to discard quest data from unloaded mods.

Flashkirby99 - I am making this mod.
jopojelly - Additional advice on mod referencing and .tmod usage
Sos339 - Playtesting help


Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
Dangerous Depths
Download v0.1.9 (222.4 KB)


The caves of your world echo and rustle in wait...

0.1.9 Changelog:

- Added Dungeon Moss and several related potions
- Added Irradiated Slimes and Irradiated Gel

0.1.8 Changelog:

- Updated the tile sprite for Ancient Stardust
- Added several party-related items
- Decreased Gold Bat and Brain of Confusion spawn rates
- The Brain of Confusion can no longer pass through tiles

0.1.7 Changelog:

- Updated homepage because there's a forum post now! Woohoo! Okay, so I lied about the regular updates. The next one will add stuff, I promise!

0.1.6 Changelog:

- We have a discord now! Regular updates will resume now

0.1.5 Changelog:

- Added an icon!

0.1.4 Changelog:

- Lowered the frequency of falling glittering stars during star showers
- Added a new mob and rare drop
- Other minor changes that I can't remember

0.1.3 Changelog:

- Gold Bats are now rare
- Updated the sprite for the Shooting Star

0.1.2 Changelog:

- Added two new underground mobs
- Added a new overworld miniboss, the Slime Prince
- Fixed Starry Dracos being able to spawn in the sky regardless of circumstances


Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Lan's House Builder
Download v0.11.5 (92.1 KB)


Creates decent houses with a click, perfect for lazy people!
NOTE: uses resources (builder item can be crafted with 1 dirt)


V. 0.11.5:
- Added better failure message to better indicate what is wrong
V. 0.11.4:
- Fixed/added null checks for basically everything in DrawCursor as this is apperently needed #notsalty
who knows if this will actually help...
V. 0.11.3:
- Fixed/changed the cost to take either a torch or a gel+wood
V. 0.11.2:
- Added a message for the missing items when crafting a house.
- Added a real better cursor image for stone houses.
- Added snapping to tiles for the cursor image.
- Fixed an issue on multiplayer, when crafting a stone house the server created a wood house.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
WitherTaco`s Clicker Addon
Download v1.1.13.3 (797.5 KB)


17 Accessories
+ For Fargo`s Soul Mod:
2 Soul
1 Essence
1 Force
4 Enchantments
1 Bonus
+ 2 for Shadows of Abbadon
+ 1 for Element Unslech
+ 1 for Mod of Redemption
+ 3 for Enigma Mod
8 Clicker class Helmets
+ 2 for Mod of Redemption
+ 1 for GaMeTerraria mod
+ 12 for Calamity Mod
+ 1 for Shadows of Abbadon
3 Armor Set
+ 1 for Shadows of Abbadon
1 Potion
12 Clickers weapons
+ 4 for Mod of Redemption
+ 2 for Fargo`s Soul Mod
+ 3 for Calamity Mod
+ 2 for Example Mod
+ 3 for Thorium Mod
+ 1 for Confection REBAKED
7 Cheat item
2 Crafting Material
+ 1 for Shadows of Abbadon
13 Tiles
1 Walls
1 Secret Item
2 Other items for Shadows of Abbadon

. The Dice dropped from Eyezor
. Band of Clicking sold Clother
. Brocken Hero Clicker dropped from Mothron; Calamitas from Calamity
. Glass of Butter dropped from post-Plantera dungeon mages
. Magic Sharpening sold Wizard

Other content:
Boss Checklist Support
Shadow of Abbadon: Nuba now sell Mice Fragment
Crit bonuses from other mods it is work for clicker class:
Fargo`s Mod
Shadows of Abbadon
Calamity (not end. Armor only)
Fargo`s Soul Mod DLC: Enchantments have effect from Calamity Capsuits

-= Hotfix=-
This Mod can work with Calamity Draedon Update

-= Update of Click Balance=-
New content:
Added new accessorie 'Spectral Flame Chair' (Consolaria, Expert Only)
Changed dropping Clicker of Cult (Fargo`s Mod)
Fixed dropping Broken Hero Clicker
Fixed description from Cactus Clicker Effect
Balance changes:
Nerfed a lot of clickers (damage)
Nerfed Cactus Clicker (Click effect: 8 -> 3 projectiles)
Nerfed a Magic Sharpening (bonus damage: 25% -> 17,5 and need 25% of max mana to bonus, but save 5% mana for every click)

Balance changes:
Nerfed Cactus Clicker (Damage from click effect proj: weapon damage -> 1)

New content:
Added Cactus Clicker
Added Unique effect for Xenium Capsuit (Redemption)
Updates Terra and Z- Clickers Effect
Updates Aquaius`s Clicker Effect (Thorium)
Added support of Cold and Heat Protection from Death Mode (Calamity)
Magma Chair-effect accessories can work and for melee
Fixed bug from Clickers (Thorium, Redemption)
Fixed name from Xenium Clicker and Broken Hero Clicker
Accessories and Armor effects (not all) work correct
Fixed droping Clicker of Cult
Balance changes:
Boreal Wood Clicker nerged (damage: 5 -> 3, effect moved to Cactus Clicker)

New content:
Added Plaque Clicker (Calamity)
Added Kanite, Xenium Clicker (Mod of Redemption)
Added Gamer`s Soul and updated craft from ComputerSoul (Fargo`s Mod)
Added Solar, Nebula Clickers
Added Saccarite Clicker (Confection REBAKED)
Added Slag Fury`s Clicker (Thorium)
Fixed BIG bug from Super Clicker Projectile texture (over 4096 pixels)
Fixed tooltip from Magic Sharpening
Update description from item in Fargo`s Cross-Content
Update AI from Mice Dragger
Removed DLC for Computer Soul and update Updated Computer Soul recipe
Balance changes:
Nerfed Super Clicker (clicks for effect: 1 -> 5)
Effects of Computer Soul, Updated Computer Soul and Gamer`s Soul not stacked (Fargo`s Mod)

Fixed bug from Aquaius's Clicker
Fixed Force of Programm description
Removed magic sharpening Visual in inventory (because the game crashes in certain situations)
Update visual on mod description

New content:
. Added new configs for Calamity Enchantments (Calamity capsuit effects. Fargo`s Soul Mod DLC)
. Added new cheat config
. Calamitas can droped broken hero clicker (Calamity)
. Mic"> Clicker Addon it is mod that adds more items for Clicker Class Mod.
Mod have a cross-content items. Mod created by young developer.

Mod adds:
17 Accessories
+ For Fargo`s Soul Mod:
2 Soul
1 Essence
1 Force
4 Enchantments
1 Bonus
+ 2 for Shadows of Abbadon
+ 1 for Element Unslech
+ 1 for Mod of Redemption
+ 3 for Enigma Mod
8 Clicker class Helmets
+ 2 for Mod of Redemption
+ 1 for GaMeTerraria mod
+ 12 for Calamity Mod
+ 1 for Shadows of Abbadon
3 Armor Set
+ 1 for Shadows of Abbadon
1 Potion
12 Clickers weapons
+ 4 for Mod of Redemption
+ 2 for Fargo`s Soul Mod
+ 3 for Calamity Mod
+ 2 for Example Mod
+ 3 for Thorium Mod
+ 1 for Confection REBAKED
7 Cheat item
2 Crafting Material
+ 1 for Shadows of Abbadon
13 Tiles
1 Walls
1 Secret Item
2 Other items for Shadows of Abbadon

. The Dice dropped from Eyezor
. Band of Clicking sold Clother
. Brocken Hero Clicker dropped from Mothron; Calamitas from Calamity
. Glass of Butter dropped from post-Plantera dungeon mages
. Magic Sharpening sold Wizard

Other content:
Boss Checklist Support
Shadow of Abbadon: Nuba now sell Mice Fragment
Crit bonuses from other mods it is work for clicker class:
Fargo`s Mod
Shadows of Abbadon
Calamity (not end. Armor only)
Fargo`s Soul Mod DLC: Enchantments have effect from Calamity Capsuits

-= Hotfix=-
This Mod can work with Calamity Draedon Update

-= Update of Click Balance=-
New content:
Added new accessorie 'Spectral Flame Chair' (Consolaria, Expert Only)
Changed dropping Clicker of Cult (Fargo`s Mod)
Fixed dropping Broken Hero Clicker
Fixed description from Cactus Clicker Effect
Balance changes:
Nerfed a lot of clickers (damage)
Nerfed Cactus Clicker (Click effect: 8 -> 3 projectiles)
Nerfed a Magic Sharpening (bonus damage: 25% -> 17,5 and need 25% of max mana to bonus, but save 5% mana for every click)

Balance changes:
Nerfed Cactus Clicker (Damage from click effect proj: weapon damage -> 1)

New content:
Added Cactus Clicker
Added Unique effect for Xenium Capsuit (Redemption)
Updates Terra and Z- Clickers Effect
Updates Aquaius`s Clicker Effect (Thorium)
Added support of Cold and Heat Protection from Death Mode (Calamity)
Magma Chair-effect accessories can work and for melee
Fixed bug from Clickers (Thorium, Redemption)
Fixed name from Xenium Clicker and Broken Hero Clicker
Accessories and Armor effects (not all) work correct
Fixed droping Clicker of Cult
Balance changes:
Boreal Wood Clicker nerged (damage: 5 -> 3, effect moved to Cactus Clicker)

New content:
Added Plaque Clicker (Calamity)
Added Kanite, Xenium Clicker (Mod of Redemption)
Added Gamer`s Soul and updated craft from ComputerSoul (Fargo`s Mod)
Added Solar, Nebula Clickers
Added Saccarite Clicker (Confection REBAKED)
Added Slag Fury`s Clicker (Thorium)
Fixed BIG bug from Super Clicker Projectile texture (over 4096 pixels)
Fixed tooltip from Magic Sharpening
Update description from item in Fargo`s Cross-Content
Update AI from Mice Dragger
Removed DLC for Computer Soul and update Updated Computer Soul recipe
Balance changes:
Nerfed Super Clicker (clicks for effect: 1 -> 5)
Effects of Computer Soul, Updated Computer Soul and Gamer`s Soul not stacked (Fargo`s Mod)

Fixed bug from Aquaius's Clicker
Fixed Force of Programm description
Removed magic sharpening Visual in inventory (because the game crashes in certain situations)
Update visual on mod description

New content:
. Added new configs for Calamity Enchantments (Calamity capsuit effects. Fargo`s Soul Mod DLC)
. Added new cheat config
. Calamitas can droped broken hero clicker (Calamity)
. Mic

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Calamity Mod English Translation
Download v0.3 (8.6 KB)


The unofficial English translation for the Calamity Mod. Made by Valentine. Also, why does this have over fifteen *thousand* downloads?

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
imkSushi's Mod - Old Recipes Enabler
Download v1.0 (1.8 KB)


This mod switches imkSushi's Mod back to the old recipe system, and prevents tokens from dropping.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.1 Edit | Delete
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