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Orchid Mod
Download v1.3.0.9 (2.8 MB)

Verveine, S-Pladison

v1.3.0.8 : Balance and QoL patch.

The Orchid Mod aims to add content to the game in polished and refreshing ways.
You will not find the usual vanilla class items load here, most of Orchid content is, and will be based on
new classes, with unique and complex mechanics, and new interesting biomes/structures to explore.

Orchid's content is heavily inspired, and tries to respect vanilla guidelines as much as possible.
Thus, the mod is balanced around the main game, nothing should overpower it, and the classes
should blend in as much as possible with the main ones.

It adds :
- 3 new classes : The Gambler, Alchemist and Shaman.
While Gambler and Alchemist classes only have pre-hardmode content, the shaman class is implemented through the whole game !

- A lot of Thorium Mod cross-content (for the shaman class, with more to come for the other two).

- A new complex structure : The mineshaft, found roughly in the center of the map, allowing for a smoother start in the game.

The full changelog for this update is available either on discord or on the forum page !
Please, take a minute to report the oddities you may encounter :)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Succubi's Wrath
Download v0.6 (260.9 KB)



Demons, monsters, and more for your Terraria world!

This mod is perfect for those who aren't so concerned about "Post moon lord content" but rather would prefer to have alot more content to populate the main game, or just have a different experience overall.
Some major changes include a new pit that goes from the surface all the way to hell! Not to mention that zombies are overall a much larger threat, and that you have plenty of new creatures to fight in your world, Centaurs, Succubi, Imps, and more!

The overall Terraria experience may be alot more difficult, or just alot different overall, depending on where development takes me, but stay tuned, I'm trying my hardest to introduce new content!

Music by Qw2
Art by Hax4Ever
Code by Hax4Ever (with the help of the TML Discord, thanks guys!)
Samples instruments and sprites from Final Fantasy 4 and 5, as well as Terraria, I do not own the copyright to these and only use them for aesthetic reasons.

EVEN MORE adjustments to the sky, the ruins biome no longer makes everything white IIRC...
Ash pit no longer should spawn a huge tower and now spawns nicely in the surface.
Zombies balanced.
Mermaid and Median succubus sprites given better contrast.
Prime slime sprite overhauled.
Ectoplasm in ore form, can be found pre-hardmode.
Fine dirt and coal added.
Umbrium crystals coded in because I forgot to!
Genji armor and Genji helmet added, crafted using Umbrium crystals.
Added panties.
Added shirt and shorts.
Added freelancer's shirt.
Added strawberry (currently unobtainable).
Added Phuppy's Paws.
Misc. balances.
Voloptubus (Thiccubus) added.
Sphinx much rarer and only hardmode.
Greater Incubus (Finally).
Beige / Magic mushrooms for stone / dirt / moss (They currentl

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Instant Respawn
Download v1.0 (2 KB)


Respawns player instantly after death. That's it...

Inspired and Source taken from JopoJelly, Special Thanks.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Catalyst Mod
Download v1.0 (3.4 MB)

The Catalyst Dev Team

The Catalyst Mod is a new game+ style add-on for the Calamity Mod. It currently adds various new items and enemies based on Astrageldon, a hardmode superboss.

The mod is planned to add more content in the future such as new biomes to explore and more superbosses.

~ Credits ~
Programming: Vortex, Nalyd T., apotofkoolaid, YuH, and turingcomplete30
Sprites: Heart Plus Up!, PokerFace, MarieArk, SpicySpaceSnake, Seasalt, and Mochi
Music: DM DOKURO and Heart Plus Up!
Concept Art: Hat in a River
Sound Design: egshels
Contributor: DylanDoe21

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Better Buffs
Download v1.2.3.1 (43.2 KB)


Adds various buff display and interaction improvements.
- (De)buff icons have a shadow overlay to better indicate their remaining duration.
- Left click buff icons to re-activate them, if their respective potions/foods are available.
- Shift + Left click buff icons to toggle automatic reactivation.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Litho's Armory
Download v3.1.1.3 (15.5 MB)


Litho's Armory adds a plethora of new weapons to all stages of progression, and includes some cross-compatibility items for Thorium and Mod of Redemption.

REVENANT UPDATE: The mod finally returns, with a boatload of balance changes, some further optimizations, and a host of changes to prepare the mod for the eventual 1.4 update. Contains a new Post-Golem ore, vanity sets, new tweaks, and a sizable list of new weapons.

The mod also includes balance tweaks and new sound effects for vanilla weapons/items that are part of the package.
These are optional, and can be turned off in the config.

Compatibility with Piercing Projectile Fix now added. The mod includes its own optional fix for vanilla piercing projectiles, though.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Virtuous Weapon Pack
Download v1.1.1.2 (206.7 KB)


Samrux's Virtuous weapon pack! Aiming to create new and fun weapon mechanics.

UPDATE 1.1.1: See forum thread or discord server for patchnotes.

Have you ever wanted to shoot an arrow at the sky and have it rain despair on your enemies, fling your foes into the air and make them take fall damage, or hastily punch mobs to death like in a true anime scene? In this first release we include 19 unique weapons to play around with, most of which balanced for late-hardmode to Moon Lord.

- The Gobbler: This fantastic invention allows you to suck up any item from the ground, and then shoot them at your enemies! Each and every item in the game will possess different damage, properties and behavior; try everything in your inventory! Don't worry, the items are returned after being shot. (Experimental)
- A completely new weapon type: Orbitals. These 12 items spread throughout the game choose the player's highest damage between magic and melee, and while active they stay near the caster as they deal damage to enemies and provide boosts and effects. The orbitals don't occupy buff slots and their damage doesn't interfere with other piercing weapons!
- 3 melee weapons, 4 ranged weapons, and 3 magic weapons, all unique and finetuned, with new mechanics.

With the homepage button below you will be taken to the forum thread, where you will find more info such as pictures, item recipes, and changelog, as well as links to Discord server and GitHub repo.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Faster Start
Download v2.1 (29.3 KB)


Boomerang/bow/gem staff
Survival pickaxe and hamaxe
Clould in a bottle
A set of iron armor
Hermes/flurry/sailfish boots
1 life crystal and 2 mana crystals
15 lesser healing potions
Magic/ice mirror
Money trough
50 torches
10 minute buff that combines swiftness, mining, builder and spelunker(applied immediately)
Players will get a random upgrade to weapon, clould in a bottle, armor or life/mana crystals."> Faster Start gives new players some items to speed up the early game.
New players will start with survival kit. Opening it will give the player various items that can help to eliminate earlygame grind. It includes:
Boomerang/bow/gem staff
Survival pickaxe and hamaxe
Clould in a bottle
A set of iron armor
Hermes/flurry/sailfish boots
1 life crystal and 2 mana crystals
15 lesser healing potions
Magic/ice mirror
Money trough
50 torches
10 minute buff that combines swiftness, mining, builder and spelunker(applied immediately)
Players will get a random upgrade to weapon, clould in a bottle, armor or life/mana crystals.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Yoyos 2.0
Download v1.2.3 (28.9 KB)


Adds special properties to yoyos to make them more fun to play with. Adds brand new Grand Master Ninja Gear Accessory and new ways to obtain hard to get yoyos.

Some Examples are Red's Yoyo now shoots Death Sickle's Projectiles and The Eye of Cthulhu Shoots small homing Eye of Cthulhus.

Be sure tro try it out before the last update.


1.2.3 REBALANCED - Final update before Journeys end ENJOY

1.1.0 Adjusted behavior and balanced stats for Cascade, Yelets & Hel-Fire

1.0.2 Changed Sprites for the EOC yoyo and Valor yoyo.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Inlustris Mod
Download v0.8 (15.8 MB)

Starsong (Alpha)

The Inlustris Mod is a mod that strives to add more optional content on top of what Terraria already has, while tossing in some new mechanics to keep a sense of addition.
The mod currently adds:
+ 1 new damage class, the Sorcerer class. There's never anything too far away for a wielder of forbidden power to miss.
+ A new mechanic, Sanity. (Currently used mainly by the Sorcerer class. Being worked on as you read this.)
+ 1 new minibiome.
+ 1 new difficulty mode, Reverie.
+ 190 items
+ 4 bosses
+ 6 enemies
+ 2 Town NPCs
(If you use Cheat Sheet, you may find some of the dev items useful. Take a look!)

This mod is mostly still WIP, but covers content from the beginning of the game to Moon Lord.
Starsong (Previously Alpha) - Creator, Code Developer, Spriter, Music Developer
Omega - Primary Playtester
Phobostar - Spriter + Ideacrafter
TrueJosh?! - Spriter(ish)
Koid - Spriter
Darkpuppey - Spriter
Nvar004 - Spriter
Enreden - Spriter
Skeletony - Spriter
Failure - Spriter
Cherry - Spriter

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.2 (46.9 MB)

DylanDoe21 and the rest …

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Better Taxes
Download v2.4.1 (86.2 KB)


Overhauls the Tax Collector to be more useful with a few changes:
* Increases the Tax Collector's money cap to 50 platinum rather than 10 gold.
* Increases profit depending on how far in the game you are, including support for both Calamity and Thorium. See the homepage.
* Adds the ability for the Tax Collector to automatically place his earnings into a Piggy Bank, Safe, or Defender's Forge placed in his room at midnight every day.
* Adds a config file to modify the above values as well as the paycheck rate and money cap.
* Adds a system in the config to add custom rent values for mods, given some programming knowledge.
* Adds a few extra things the Tax Collector can say.

The source code for this mod is available on Github -

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Block Swap (From 1.4)
Download v1.0.1 (124.3 KB)

GoodPro712, convicted to…

This mod adds in 1.4's block swap mechanic! Please note that it can be buggy with modded tiles and in multiplayer!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Upgrade Equipment
Download v1.2.0 (65.3 KB)


-- Thank you so much for hitting 12,000 downloads! --

Upgrade Equipment is a mod that alllows you to upgrade your weapons sequentially. from +1, +2.. all the way up to +40. This is done with the help of a new NPC that can spawn from the beginning.
The upgrades currently work for most ranged/mage/melee weapons. I will focus on adding mod support for other classes later.
You can configure some values if you feel they might be annoying, such as size and knockback.

Release notes:

Release 1.2.0
- Infinite throwing items are now able to be upgraded.
- Added option to change velocity boost amount (0 = no boost, 100 = default boost, 50 = 1/2 boost of default).
- Rebalanced a bit.

Release 1.1.0
-Upgrade tier limit is now set to 20 if the world is not in hardmode.
This limit overrides the maximum upgradetier in the config.
So even if the config max tier is set to 255 it will be 20 untill hardmode is unlocked.
- minor fixes.

Release 1.0.2:
- Equipment UpgraderNPC can now always spawn.
- Made Upgrade Tokens in multiple stacks in the inventory also usable.
- Made the maximum upgradetier a slider in the config, 40 is still the max advised value and default.

Release 1.0.1:
- Fixed bug that would reset the prefix if you refunded or upgraded an item.
- Now displaying more accurate text on item upgrade/refund.

Release 1.0
- Reworked entire upgrade system so it doesn't use prefixes anymore.
- Prefixes can now be combined with upgrades from this mod.
- Changed Upgrade Token max stack size to 99999.
- Rebalanced stats and prices.
- Upgrade Tokens will drop from (modded) bosses/enemies, the more life they have the more you can get. Max drop amount is 350
- made all vanilla weapon type items upgradeable.
- Added support for Calamity's Rogue class and Thoriums Healer, Throwing and Bard classes.
- Added config setting that makes upgrades overpowered.
- Added config setting that changes the upgradetier maximum from +40 to +255.
- Fixed bugs.

Release 0.3.1

- Fixed crashes related to the player having no Upgrade Tokens in their inventory.

Release 0.3

- You now get Upgrade Tokens when you defeat any boss.
- Upgrade Tokens can be spent at the Equipment Upgrader NPC.
- Added a refund button when items are +6 or higher, this refunds half the tokens spent.
- Rebalanced melee upgrades.

Release 0.2:
- Added icon and description.

Release 0.1:
- Added NPC to allow you to upgrade weapons.

This mod cannot be combined with other forms of prefixes or modifiers.
Does not work on accessories.

Known bugs:
- Calamity's Revengeance mode Moonlord does not drop any upgrade tokens due to the way the mod implements that boss.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Boss Highlights (Discontinued)
Download v2.1.0.1 (8.7 KB)


Boss Highlights is discontinued, please use Boss Checklist instead. Mod has been updated to make it clearer that this Mod is unusable and will no longer be supported.

Thank you for you support!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Just another Alchemist NPC
Download v2.4 (37 KB)


QWERTY's Random Content
Just More Potions

All Prices (yes including modded potions)
are configurable in Mod Configs folder at this location
Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs
then open "Potion Dealer.json"
Regen file if there's been an update and you dont see new potions there
!Prices are in copper coins!
Have fun customizing

Reminds you of ducks
"> Just another alchemist NPC mod, NPC spawns after king slime is dead
Now with mod support for the following mods

Now with ability to multiply shop pricing

QWERTY's Random Content
Just More Potions

All Prices (yes including modded potions)
are configurable in Mod Configs folder at this location
Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Configs
then open "Potion Dealer.json"
Regen file if there's been an update and you dont see new potions there
!Prices are in copper coins!
Have fun customizing

Reminds you of ducks

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Mounted Magic Mirrors
Download v1.2.1.1 (83.7 KB)


This mod lets you craft your Magic Mirrors into wall-mounted fast travel points. Fast travel can be done between any discovered mounted mirrors in the world. Configurable.

Credits: Darkpuppy - Mounted Mirror sprite tweak.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Container Library
Download v1.1.2 (84.9 KB)

Itorius & team

Allows adding of custom containers while maintaining cross-mod compatibility

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Slime's Stuff
Download v1.3.1.2 (16 MB)


Slime's Stuff is a mod that focuses on adding general content to the game all throughout progression, as well as enhancing areas that need more attention

Doing stupid fixes with mini updates

Use this link to get to my Forum page (Homepage)

Currently this mod adds:
5 New bosses
2 New biomes
1 New class
500+ New Items
Lots of new enemies
And much more!


Thank You So Much To GoodPro712 On Discord For Making The New Icon And Helping With Many More Things
Check Out His Mod Desiccation (and many more other mods)!

Thank You So Much To Sora_92 On The Terraria Forums For The Explorer Sprite
Check Out His Mod Wacky NPCs!

Thank you so much to SpectralAves on youtube for making me music for the Giant Sand Sifter, he makes great music and you should check it out!

Items that are references to people!
Pancakes - FuryForged on youtube
Miner's Sword - BaumProductions on youtube
Spectral Blade - SpectralAves on youtube

Check all of these people out they are all great!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Another RPG Mod
Download v1.5.1.7 (2.8 MB)


And another RPG mod !

Rpg mod that add Level, Stats, Skill tree, Item leveling, ennemies rank, modifier, and heavily customizable !!

Join Discord : ! (link also on webpage)

Changelog :
Fix Value sometime going to -2 billion
Reverted name to be back as vanilla when playing Multiplayer
Nerf Npc Bonus gold drop from levels
Fix Level cap not applying correctly for bonus level
Reboost Hardmode ennemies HP
MP Desync should be less common (not fixed)
Bonus Level from world should no longer ignore NPC LImit Growth
fix rare crash
slight increase do boss HP pre-hardmode
fix mp name bug
fix MP sending player date freeze
disabling player module should apply correctly to some perk and class bonus now
Fix minor bug that made some perk/class bonus apply when Player Rpg Module was disabled
Fix boss having WAY TO MUCH hp before hardmode
Boosted non-boss Health in Hard mode
Fixed DemonEater Working on each hit
Fixed Armor Breaker Modifier for NPC


HUGE balancing Edit, ennemies are overall more powerfull as you advance into the game
Limit NPC Growth now world correctly, and use the higgest level player for mp (reset when relaunching server)
Ennemeis with OVERLY high def should no longer have crazy levels

Item :
Modifier count has been hugely reduced on accesories and weapon
Nerf Vampiric aura modifier healing speed
Added a cap on bonus damage from buff/debuff modifier
Rarity has been balanced, mythical is now realy realy rare, legendary is also itself quite rare
Also fixed BossKilled impact on rarity roll
Entering Hardmode also improve item rarity chances
Fixed ItemTree 0/0 when sharing item in multiplayer

Config :
Added a config option to limit npc scaling based on a percent of your level
Added Config to use custom skill tree (could have lot of issue for MP)
Added config to disable rarity on boss
Added config for world level gain on boss kill (no longer influenced by ascending cap)
Added 3 new config option for NPC Growth, On boss, On Hard mode, and on hard mode Percent, allowing finer tuning for your moded crazy let's play

Added /WorldRPGInfo Command to display some info on the world (mainly for debug)

untest : should correctly display other player max health, may also fail miserably

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
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