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Ibadeji's Mod
Download v0.2.4.1 (46.8 KB)


Ibadeji's mod is created by Ibadeji.
Version 0.2

8 Items
1 Npc - Gatherer (Town NPC, who found many items before entering your town!)

Update 0.1:
Added 1 Item and 1 NPC

Update 0.2:
Added a Icon to the modpage

Update 0.2.4
Added a set of Double Head Axes, slow swing speed, but high damage.

Changed a few lines of code

Have fun :)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Various Weathers
Download v1.1 (10.9 MB)


Various Weathers is a small mod that adds multiple minor weather effects to spice up Day/Night cycles. All weather has a chance of occuring at dawn/dusk, or when the world is opened. Weather effects tend to last for a whole day/night. Here are some of the weather effects you will see:

- Thunderstorms
- Meteor Showers
- Acid Rain
- Heat Waves
- ...and 16 more!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Item Customizer
Download v2.2.2 (129.8 KB)


This mod allows you to rename and dye items.
To begin, craft the Item Customizer at an anvil
with 5 iron/lead and one Strange Plant.

Use the "Item Customizer" to access the UI.
Put an item in the right slot, and
a dye in the left if you want to dye the item.
Type in the text box if you want to change the item's name.

When you're done, click the "Apply" button, and remove the item(s).
Or leave them in there, I don't care.


Additional features:
- Dye ammo for it to be dyed separately from your bow/gun/rocket launcher!
- Dye equipment to save dyes directly onto your favorite vanities!
- Dye anything for it to look cool in your inventory!

Latest Update (2.2.0):
- The Anti-Netcode Update
- Refactors netcode to be less stupid by removing netcode, not even kidding
- Even more wrong projectile shading fixes
- Finally fixes the infinite knockback bug

Latest Patch (2.2.2):
- Fixed edge case relating to multiplayer and ammo consumption
- Fixed a silly multiplayer issue that was embarrassingly trivial in the end
- Extra failsafe checks for things

Full Changelog at Mod Homepage

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Anarchist Mod
Download v1.2.3.5 (7.6 MB)


The Anarchist Mod is a mod that has been in development for a while now, it features the following:

-11 new bosses
-1300+ items
-A handful of new enemies
-5 new Town NPCs
-A new class
-Two new difficulties, Anarchy Mode and Pandemonium Mode
-Post Moon Lord content with more on the way
-And various Quality of Life changes

If you want to have Anarchist Mod Music while you play, please install the Anarchist Mod Music from the Mod Browser.


The mod contains many configurable changes. Changes that, based on feedback on the Discord, may be controversial. Such as by default having both Corruption and Crimson generate in your world. Or stricter boss progression which limits the order you can fight certain bosses in. While the recommended settings are still the default, I understand many players will not like some of these changes, hence why I made them configurable.

If you find any bugs, need help with anything, or want to give feedback, please visit the Discord through the link on the homepage.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Large World Enabler
Download v0.2 (22.2 KB)


Enables worlds up to 16800 tiles wide and 4800 tiles tall to be loaded. (Double the width and height of a Large world)

Note that with mods loaded, it may not be possible to load a world that large due to memory limits. I recommend a 16800x1200 or 16800x2400 world as worlds that are taller than Large worlds tend to be boring.

Generate a world to use with this mod using TerraCustom. TerraCustom will load tmodloader mods, so you don't have to worry about missing out on mod biomes. (

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.2.2 Edit | Delete
Industrial Pickaxes (Auto-smelt Pickaxes!)
Download v5.0.7 (233.3 KB)


Industrial Pickaxes adds some pickaxes with a special ability at their disposal, inspired by the Zenith Forge from Keybrands+.
They can smelt whole bars from ores, the chance is based on how many ores it takes to smelt a bar, the less ore needed, the better the chance.
There is a catch of course, they're much more expensive than ordinary pickaxes and are considerably slower, plus they can't smelt alloys of the same or a later tier.
For an example of what an industrial pickaxe can do, the Blazing Molten Pickaxe can smelt Copper/Tin, Iron/Lead, Silver/Tungsten, Gold/Platinum and Cobalt/Palladium (etc), but not Hellstone since it's an alloy of the same tier as the pickaxe.
There are Industrial Pickaxes for pretty much every tier starting with the Enchanted Pickaxe, which can be bought from the Merchant after defeating the Eye of Cthulhu, all the way to the endgame.

Adds several new pickaxes that can smelt bars from ores

It even has mod support!

Currently supported mods...
- Shadows of Abaddon (Solus Flarium Pickaxe and Draconic Asthraltite Picksaw + Ores)
- Calamity (Viridescent Blossom Pickaxe + Ores)
- Thorium (Ores Only)
- Mod of Redemption (Experimental Nano Pickaxe + Ores)
- Elements Awoken (Master Manipulator Only)
- Spirit Mod (Ores Only)
- Qwerty's Bosses and Items (Ores Only)
- Ultranium (Ores Only)

Next planned mod: Polarities

Support for mods will be added one by one. (But in some special cases, multiple may be added)
Let it be known that the more you demand support for a specific mod, the more it'll be delayed. (Well not really, but it's very annoying)
The same goes for demanding support to be rushed, we'll take as much time as we need, no more no less.
Support for just about every mod that have pickaxes and ore are already planned.
As for what pickaxes will be industrialized, we only have plans for those obtained post-Moonlord.
They must be a considerable upgrade from Lunar tier. (So tools like the Terrarium Canyon Splitter or the Gallant Pickaxe won't be supported, since you get them shortly after Moon lord, and Industrial Celestial Pickaxe already exists for that purpose)

This mod pairs very well with Veinminer, just make sure to have the tool equipped while veinmining, otherwise remaining ore will drop as normal.

Ideas and sprites - DirgeofSwans
Code and Master Manipulator sprite - ChemAtDark
Some bug fixes and code cleaning - GoodPro712

Help with multiplayer compatibility - CrazyContraption
Glowmask helper - Qwerty

Version History:
[+] Added a much more convenient way to apply the Industrial prefix to standard pickaxes, sold by the Merchant
[-] Removed the ability to obtain the Industrial prefix via reforging

[~] Updated amount of ore required to smelt Auric Ore to match its new conversion rate since Calamity 1.5
[~] Fixed a bug that would cause the mod to not work after a reload

[~] Added a config option to shorten the world entry message

[~] Adjusted Experimental Nano Pickaxe recipe, it no longer requires cyberscrap or KS3 drops, instead using their respective Mk3 counterparts

[~] Updated some of Loreholder's quotes

[~] Fixed mod-specific pickaxes not loading for whatever reason

[~] Whoops, forgot to change some decription stuff

5.0.0 - Rewarded Patience
[+] The smelting system has been revamped, using the new system backported from 1.4 Industrial Pickaxes! This doesn't affect gameplay, but it DOES have a significant boost on code performance and efficiency, which is always nice
[+] Finally added support for multiplayer! Took long enough...
[+] Added a prefix available to all non-industrial pickaxes that will allow you to smelt ores, with the same drawback of being slowed down
[-] Removed support for Ancients Awakened, a soul for a soul

[~] Cross-mod pickaxes are now unloaded if the respective mods are not enabled

[~] Enchanted Pickaxe and its skins now emits particles on swing

4.8.0 - Tying Up Loose Ends
[+] Added a new skin for the A.C.D.E. and Violet Thaumaturgy
[+] Added the Enchanted Pickaxe, a new prehardmode industrial pickaxe, bought from the Merchant after the Eye of Cthulhu is defeated
The Enchanted Pickaxe is now the first industrial pickaxe you can obtain, no more waiting to get the Blazing Molten Pickaxe!
[+] Added the Steampunk Excavator, a new hardmode industrial pickaxe, bought from the Steampunker after any mechanical boss is defeated
The Steampunk Excavator bridges the gap between the Blazing Molten Pickaxe and Graceful Chlorophyte Pickaxe

[~] Fixed a multiplayer issue with the A.C.D.E.

[+] Added support for Qwerty's and Ultranium
[~] Avali Manipulator got

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Calamity mod Traducción Español/Calamity Mod spanish translation
Download v1.9.8.2 (294.4 KB)

Master Dong

Calamity mod Traducción Español traduce el Calamity Mod al español.
Este mod fue creado para que los españoles que no dominen el ingles puedan disfrutar de este mod sin complicaciones.

Este mod se actualizará regularmente.

-Nombre de criaturas traducidos
-Accesorios traducidos
-Materiales traducidos
-Minerales traducidos
-Lore traducido
-Armas traducidas
-Armaduras traducidas
-Frases de los jefes en el chat traducidas
-Bónuses de armaduras

Proximas actualizaciones:
-Traducir hotkeys
NOTA: No estoy afiliado con Fabsol ni con los creadores del Calamity mod


-Eliminadas las traducciones de varias descripciones debido a que provocaban que el juego se cerrara (Rama de mejoras de la Espada de Biomas).

-Eliminada la traducción de la descripción del Arca de los Elementos debido a que el juego se cerraba al pasar el ratón por encima debido a un error desconocido.

-Arreglados varios errores
-Prevenidos crasheos por intentar traducir objetos que quitaron del mod.

-Traducidos los contenidos principales de la Draedon Update.
-Traducidas las mascotas y mascotas luminosas.
-Traducida una silla

-Eliminadas las traducciones de armas que no existen.

-Traducidos los bónuses de armaduras.
-Traducidas las Hotkeys de las armaduras(hotkeys generales en progreso).

-Corregidas varias descripciones antiguas.
-todos los acentos y ñs se muestran correctamente.

-Traducidas las alas y las botas.

-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.
-Preparados ciertos requerimientos para actualizar los Sets de Armadura(Los jugadores que usen el mod no verán diferencias actualmente).

-Corregidas descripciones de armas y objetos.
-Traducidos items que quedaron sin traducir en otras actualizaciones.

-Traducidos todos los mensajes del chat(Mensajes de estados y frases de jefes).
-Traducidos algunos objetos de pasadas actualizaciones.

-Traducido el arsenal de Draedon y todos los objetos de los laboratorios.

-Puesto al día con las aztualizaciones del Calamity Mod.

-Traducidas las pociones y los power-ups permanentes.

-Traducidas algunas cosas que antes no estaban.

-Nombre de criaturas traducidos.

-Armaduras traducidas (sin bonus).

-Armas de Rogue traducidas.

-Armas de Invocador traducidas.

-Armas Mágicas traducidas.

-Armas A Distancia traducidas.

-Armas Cuerpo a Cuerpo traducidas.

-Traducidas todas las herramientas.
-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.

-Arreglado un error por el cual el mod no funcionaba.

-Traducido todo el lore restante.

-Traducidos los materiales restantes.
-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.
v 1.7.6

-Mejorada la calidad de la traducción.
v 1.7.5

-Traducidos todos los tipos de munición.
-Traducidos algunos debuffs más.
-Traducido mucho lore.
v 1.6.2

-Traducidos la mayoria de debuffs.
-Traducidos aun mas jefes.
-Añadido un icono.
v 1.5.1

-Algunos jefes traducidos.
-Calidad de la traducción mejorada, ahora los acentos y las Ñ de todos los objetos traducidos son visibles, ya no se ven como *

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Extra Gunslinger Gear
Download v1.3.2.1 (1.7 MB)


Extra Gunslinger Gear adds new tiers of burst fire rifles, shotguns, SMGs, revolvers, snipers, armor, accessories, and endless bullet pouches/crates.
More content is being created all the time.

A more in-depth description is available on the mod's homepage linked below.

Please inform me of any bugs.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.1 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.1 (8.7 KB)


Decreases respawn time. Similar to several other mods, but with a particularly short timer.


* icon
* Github integration
* tModLoader v0.10.1.4


* initial upload

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Too Many Accessories
Download v1.1 (72.6 KB)


This mod allows you to increase your stats by using the vanity armor and accessories slots as well as your hotbar and your inventory.

It adds 8 new accessories, crafted with Expert mode drops, that allow you to increase your armor and accessory count to obscene levels.

- The Vanity Accessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from accessories/armors in your vanity slots;
- The Hotbar Accessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from accessories/armors in your hotbar;
- The Lowest Row Acessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from accessories/armors in your lowest row of inventory;
- The Two Lowest Rows Acessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from accessories/armors in your two lowest rows of inventory;
- The Almost Full Inventory Acessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from accessories/armors in any but the topmost (the one below the hotbar) row of inventory;
- The Full Inventory Acessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from accessories/armors in any row of inventory (except hotbar);
- The Total Accessory Enabler, when equipped in an active accessory slot, allows you to receive accessory/armor effects from any inventory, hotbar or vanity slots.
- The Chest Accessory Enabler must first be configured by using it (left click) on any chest, Piggybank, Safe and Defender's forge included. Afterwards, equip it on any active accessory slot to have that chest's content added to your stats. It is limited by config (with the default being disabled, or 0), and every chest is processed only once, but you can share chests with other players.
- Also, Chest Accessory Enabler must be reconfiged every time you enter a world (it does not save the chest it's on, for sanity reasons), so every time you enter a world, you must open the chest with the accessories and use the Chest Enabler on it.
This is, in no way, a balanced mod. Consider it a less cheaty alternative to other similar mods.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Stars Above Music
Download v0.4.1 (33.7 MB)


Please check the Discord / Forum for the latest info!
Included in the Discord is a link to the wiki!

"> This mod adds in boss music for foes encountered in 'The Stars Above'
This mod also includes region-specific music for alternate worlds journeyed to in 'The Stars Above'

The Stars Above is a Terraria expansion mod that adds
a new important game mechanic: the Starfarer system.

The Stars Above is NOT included in this mod; this is only the music for The Stars Above.

Please check the Discord / Forum for the latest info!
Included in the Discord is a link to the wiki!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
No Angler Timer
Download v1.1.2 (17.5 KB)


A simple mod that disables the timer for the Angler's quest and adds a "reroll" button to switch the fish that the Angler has for 5 gold. Everything is configurable.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
More Boss Summons Mod
Download v1.2.2 (215.7 KB)


Feature Overview

-A new NPC that sells Boss Summoners after the boss has been defeated & more!

-Special Boss Summoners that aren't consumed when used!

-A special boss selector item which you can use to summon any boss!

Changelog for 1.2.2:

-Permanent event summoners
-A day/night changer with no cooldown
-A rain toggler
-A Slime Rain summoner
-Enchanted Sundial Recipe "> This mod adds multiple convinience items for any modded or semi-vanilla playthrough!

Feature Overview

-A new NPC that sells Boss Summoners after the boss has been defeated & more!

-Special Boss Summoners that aren't consumed when used!

-A special boss selector item which you can use to summon any boss!

Changelog for 1.2.2:

-Permanent event summoners
-A day/night changer with no cooldown
-A rain toggler
-A Slime Rain summoner
-Enchanted Sundial Recipe

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Better Zoom & Camera Control
Download v2.1.4 (119.3 KB)


This mod allows you to zoom in and out much
further than what's possible in Vanilla.

Very useful to people who play in lower resolutions or
who want to have high resolution sprites.

You can also make the game turn upside down.

Open the UI using the hotkey (default: 'B').

For a Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Contact NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.

Special Thanks to:
AbsoluteAquarian, for helping me with Lerp!
bafto & Hexagonalex, for testing multiplayer.
Cryoknight, for the trashcan sprite!
AbsoluteAquarian, Trivaxy and direwolf420 for helping with the IL-edit


Better Zoom

Zoom (default: 1x):
Changing the Zoom slider or Pressing the
plus or minus keys on your keyboard
(not the ones on the numpad) will zoom your
game in and out just like normal, but
instead of zooming from 100% to 200%,
you can zoom from 20% to 1000%
and from -100% to -20% (upside down)

When you zoom out the tiles don't load any further.
This is not a bug!

Zoom Background (default: 'off'):
This toggles if the background should zoom too.

Flip Background (default: 'on'):
This decides if the background should flip
once the zoom is negative.

Hotbar scale (default: 1x):
This changes how big your hotbar is.

UI Scale (default: 1x):
Similar to "Zoom" but for the UI.
You can also change this by holding shift while
pressing plus or minus.

Camera Control

Tracking Speed (default 1x):
Controls the tracking speed.

Lock screen (default: 'off'):
Setting this to on or pressing the Hotkey,
locks your screen to the current position.

You can still move while it's locked
(Unlike Hero's Mod "Fly Camera tool").

Pressing the Hotkey again or toggling
"Lock Screen", unlocks your screen.

Move Screen (the Dpad):
You can move your screen while it's locked

Pressing the arrow keys moves
your screen in the direction too.

Path Trackers (red):
Click to place Path Trackers which
will draw a curve the camera follows

The Eraser will remove Path Trackers
when you click or hold the left mouse button

The Delete button will remove all Path Trackers

You can move Path trackers using the move tool

Entity Tracker (green):
Click to place a Entity Tracker which will track
the closest NPC or Player (only in Multiplayer)"> This mod allows you to zoom in and out much
further than what's possible in Vanilla.

Very useful to people who play in lower resolutions or
who want to have high resolution sprites.

You can also make the game turn upside down.

Open the UI using the hotkey (default: 'B').

For a Changlog and more information visit my homepage!

Contact NotLe0n#7696 on discord if you have any problems.

Special Thanks to:
AbsoluteAquarian, for helping me with Lerp!
bafto & Hexagonalex, for testing multiplayer.
Cryoknight, for the trashcan sprite!
AbsoluteAquarian, Trivaxy and direwolf420 for helping with the IL-edit


Better Zoom

Zoom (default: 1x):
Changing the Zoom slider or Pressing the
plus or minus keys on your keyboard
(not the ones on the numpad) will zoom your
game in and out just like normal, but
instead of zooming from 100% to 200%,
you can zoom from 20% to 1000%
and from -100% to -20% (upside down)

When you zoom out the tiles don't load any further.
This is not a bug!

Zoom Background (default: 'off'):
This toggles if the background should zoom too.

Flip Background (default: 'on'):
This decides if the background should flip
once the zoom is negative.

Hotbar scale (default: 1x):
This changes how big your hotbar is.

UI Scale (default: 1x):
Similar to "Zoom" but for the UI.
You can also change this by holding shift while
pressing plus or minus.

Camera Control

Tracking Speed (default 1x):
Controls the tracking speed.

Lock screen (default: 'off'):
Setting this to on or pressing the Hotkey,
locks your screen to the current position.

You can still move while it's locked
(Unlike Hero's Mod "Fly Camera tool").

Pressing the Hotkey again or toggling
"Lock Screen", unlocks your screen.

Move Screen (the Dpad):
You can move your screen while it's locked

Pressing the arrow keys moves
your screen in the direction too.

Path Trackers (red):
Click to place Path Trackers which
will draw a curve the camera follows

The Eraser will remove Path Trackers
when you click or hold the left mouse button

The Delete button will remove all Path Trackers

You can move Path trackers using the move tool

Entity Tracker (green):
Click to place a Entity Tracker which will track
the closest NPC or Player (only in Multiplayer)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Disarray [ Beta ]
Download v3.0 (12.9 MB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Base Library
Download v1.3.3 (3.5 MB)

Itorius & team

Non-specific library for my mods

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Dragon Ball: Calamity Addon [Unofficial]
Download v0.5.1.3 (4.5 MB)


NOTE: This mod wasn't made by the original DBT devs and is completely independent.
If you have a problem with this mod, please tell me the problem in the Discord server found in the mod's description and not the original devs.
The DBT Discord server has nothing to do with this mod.
For info, use the wiki with a link found at the bottom of this description.

Adds many post-Moon Lord items for the Dragon Ball Terraria mod, mostly based on Calamity progression.
If anything doesn't work, please tell me and I'll try to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Requires both the Dragon Ball Terraria and Calamity mod.

Update log:
Added Kolodity's reward item - Tier 2 weapon called Trick Burst
Fixed reward items not showing Ki usage
Fixed LSSJ3 not working with the Legendary weapons and with Limit Breaker
Reworked Legendary Explosion
Fixed Aviation Boots not negating fall damage
Fixed multiple bugs with the Angelic Staff
Rebalanced Angelic Staff
Fixed multiple bugs with Sword of Hope and Salvation
The two weapons now do not turn off after overcharging
Also introduced a time limit to the weapon

A multitude of fixes
Changed how UI dodge chance works to eliminate stacking
Added the Angelic trait with a small chance to obtain it when making a new character
Added Zeno and content based around him
Lastly, due to the Android Heart decreasing ki usage, negative ki usage was possible
Because of this, it no longer decreases ki usage that much, but it has increased regen

=Tier 10=
Added Ultra Snowball Barrage, some reworks, an upgrade to LSSJ and Ki proficiency
=Tier 9=
Added Scythe of Sorrow, more Boss Accesories and Enoflame armor

Release of the mod with new items that progress up to Post-DoG and Zenkai which makes you stronger if you recover from a hard fight

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Fernium Remastered
Download v1.1.3.0 (5 MB)

Mr Fern

Welcome to Fernium Remastered. Its goal is to make new content for terraria so users can have a new experience playing it. Updates will be released regularily when possible.
Thanks for taking the time for reading the description.
The discord page: Click the homepage button
The forum: Search on google, or via the discord

Works in multiplayer.
Works in singeplayer.
Supports English.
Supports Russian.

What the mod has to offer:
209 new items.
16 new Tiles.
8 new Accessories.
8 new NPCs.
2 new Bosses.
1 new Town NPC.

Special thanks to

Kregjoke (Past Spriter)
Mr Fern (Creator)
Zane poise (Youtuber)
Buccit (Spriter)
SlinkyCoil (Spriter)
Turquoise (Musician) (Spriter) (Coder)
Shiney (Russian Translator)

-Added Copper Spear
-Added Tin Spear
-Added Iron Spear
-Added Lead Spear
-Added Silver Spear
-Added Tungsten Spear
-Added Gold Spear
-Added Platinum Spear
-Added Enchanted Fernium Bar Tile
-Added Fernium Bar Tile
-Added Nickel Bar Tile
-Added Aluminium Bar Tile
-Added Chromium Bar Tile
-Added Aqua Bar Tile
-Added Pyrite Bar Tile
-Updated Enchanted Fernium Bar
-Updated Fernium Bar
-Updated Nickel Bar
-Updated Aluminium Bar
-Updated Chromium Bar
-Updated Aqua Bar
-Updated Pyrite Bar
-Changed Knight Shuriken Sprite
-Changed Pyrite Bar Description


-Added Stone Medal
-Made Stone Medal Into An Starting Item
-Changed Lucky Medals Recipe
-Changed FlowerSupreme's name to Sword of the Flowers
-Fixed Sunplate Block Recipe
-Fixed Skymill Recipe
-Fixed Sword of the Flowers Description
-Fixed Soul of Knight Description
-Fixed Fernium Wings Description
-Changed LuminiteMedals Description
-Changed DarkLightMedals Description
-Changed HallowedMedals Description
-Changed Fernium Ore Description
-Changed Enchanted Fernium Bar Description
-Changed Fernium Bar Description
-Changed Knight's Dream Description
-Changed Cactus Tomes Description
-Changed Therercher's Masks Description
-Changed Fernium's Flame Description
-Changed Aqua Bars Description
-Removed Fernium Bricks Description
-Removed Enchanted Fernium Shortswords Description
-Removed Marble Shortswords Description
-Removed Granite Shortswords Description
-Removed Cactus Bow Description
-Removed FerniumHelmets Description


-Nerfed Stone Knife
-Changed Stone Knife Sprite
-Changed Stone Pickaxe Recipe
-Changed Stone Axe Recipe
-Changed Stone Hammer Recipe
-Added Two New Recipes for Skymill

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
WeaponOut Lite
Download v0.1 (24 KB)


WeaponOut Lite is based on the original purpose of WeaponOut before it ballooned into extra content. This version is just for the vanity effect without any content provided in the main mod.

This mod doesn't do anything if you already have WeaponOut loaded.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.1 Edit | Delete
Shop Expander
Download v1.1.2 (73.7 KB)


Shop expander aims to solve a problem encountered by many players using multiple large mods. Town NPCs have a limited amount of free shop inventory space. When multiple different mods add items to a single vanilla NPC's shop, it can overflow, causing any additional items to not show up. The issue is further compounded by the fact that some items might be added to the same shop by multiple different mods, resulting in wasted slots.

This mod solves the problem, by modifying tModLoader's shop setup process. It provides each mod with a new empty inventory to put items in, then combines the inventories. This new Expanded shop is then divided into pages for displaying. As a bonus, you also get a full 28 slot empty page for the buyback buffer.

For more game-play info visit the mod's home page.


- Fixed multiplayer issues

- Better error handling and other bug fixes
- Fixed overzealous duplicate remover

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>