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Friendly NPCs Don't Die
Download v1.1 (4.4 KB)


This mod makes it so that your NPCs don't get killed by enemies.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.2 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.3.6 (6.3 MB)

Hastur, Mr.Pigeon, Drunk…

Tons of exclusive mobile and console features are deleted with v1.3.
Our aim is to bring this unique content back with improvents in both sprites and code.

Content list:
- Ocram as a post-Mech boss with its new shiny Treasure Bag, including an Expert Mode accessory
- Ocram weapons and four armor sets: Dragon, Titan, Spectral and Warlock
- New special boss soundtrack for Ocram
- Lepus and Turkor with classic and new unique drops
- Improved boss AI and expert mode attacks
- Arch Demon and Arch Wyvern are back with new unique behaviour
- A bunch of ported exclusive pets
- Console and mobile enemies with new and improved abilities
- Many sprites reworked to match 1.3+ standards
- Boss Checklist and Fargo's Mutant Mod support
- Chinese New Year removed content
- Console exclusive vanity - including the Horned God set and many others
- Japanese exclusive vanity
- Holy Hand Grenade!

Planned content:
- Jungle Sanctum and Heart Shrine
- Octoberfest, Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's day unique content
- Mobile exclusive pets - Grandma and others
- Mc Moneypants NPC
- Console Christmas tree toppers

Also check our WIP bigger project - Rise of Ages! Find its thread in WIP modding section on forums.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Download v2.2.4.3 (152.7 KB)


This mod rewards players for game progression with Progress Points; a spendable, non-transferable currency to purchase rare, hard-to-grind items to speed up the game. Consult the Wayfarer town npc for spending options (note that more purchases are unlocked as you progress the game).

Settings and shop loadouts can be adjusted with the mod's configs.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.5 Edit | Delete
Upgraded Accessories
Download v5.0.0 (585.8 KB)

Gortart, Lonely Star, Go…

Lunar Ninja Boots :
"Equipped with portable quantum tunneling device"
Being wet or at low health grants lunatic speed boost
Vengeance :
"Moon's haunted" "What?" "Moon's haunted"
Summons exploding moons and beesiles when hurt
True Shield of Cthulhu :
"You have to face danger head-on"
Not fleeing from a danger drastically reduces damage taken from it
Grants moderate chance to reflect projectiles
Space Suit :
"F = GMm/r^2"
Grants alternating buffs on landing and taking off
Intimidation :
You will ignore any enemy or projectile deemed not worthy of your respect
Nearby enemies are terrified of your mere presence
Guass Pack :
"lrr r lr rrlr rrlr"
Allows fast hovering at the cost of dealing no damage
Exoskeleton :
"Deadly lasers"
Automatically shoots deadly lasers to nearby enemies
Moving fast will drastically increase laser damage and range
Solar Flare Glove :
Taking damage releases a super nova flare that pulls enemies in then explodes dealing massive damage
Vortex Scope :
"It's just applied aerodynamics"
Summons 2 vortex arrows that will chase down and damage enemies
Nebula Flower :
"Yer a wizard, [Player Name Here]!"
Dealing magic damage will summon nebula boosters that grant magic damage buff
It will also drop hearts and stars
Picking up heart/star will grant health/mana regen buff
Stardust Scroll :
"You and what army?"
Grants a shield that scales with your minion abilities
Summons a guardian that protects you
Final Delivery :
"It fitz, but the spirits like to throw tantrums"
Throwing/rogue hits periodically summon a helping hand that claps the enemy
Celestial Child :
"Emergency protocol activated"
An aura that buffs your allies follows your cursor
Fast healing bolts that heals life and mana for 4 will periodically emerge from you, 1 for each ally
Shooting Star Overdrive System :
"...and his music was electric."
Hitting enemies with symphonic damage will periodically summon a grog barrel
It will explode and buff any ally including you after dealing enough symphonic damage"> Upgraded Accessories adds several new accessories that combines existing accessories and/or has entirely new effect. Every expert item has its upgrade with thematically similar effect.
It also includes healer and bard class accessories for thorium mod and rouge class support for thrower accessory.

Lunar Ninja Boots :
"Equipped with portable quantum tunneling device"
Being wet or at low health grants lunatic speed boost
Vengeance :
"Moon's haunted" "What?" "Moon's haunted"
Summons exploding moons and beesiles when hurt
True Shield of Cthulhu :
"You have to face danger head-on"
Not fleeing from a danger drastically reduces damage taken from it
Grants moderate chance to reflect projectiles
Space Suit :
"F = GMm/r^2"
Grants alternating buffs on landing and taking off
Intimidation :
You will ignore any enemy or projectile deemed not worthy of your respect
Nearby enemies are terrified of your mere presence
Guass Pack :
"lrr r lr rrlr rrlr"
Allows fast hovering at the cost of dealing no damage
Exoskeleton :
"Deadly lasers"
Automatically shoots deadly lasers to nearby enemies
Moving fast will drastically increase laser damage and range
Solar Flare Glove :
Taking damage releases a super nova flare that pulls enemies in then explodes dealing massive damage
Vortex Scope :
"It's just applied aerodynamics"
Summons 2 vortex arrows that will chase down and damage enemies
Nebula Flower :
"Yer a wizard, [Player Name Here]!"
Dealing magic damage will summon nebula boosters that grant magic damage buff
It will also drop hearts and stars
Picking up heart/star will grant health/mana regen buff
Stardust Scroll :
"You and what army?"
Grants a shield that scales with your minion abilities
Summons a guardian that protects you
Final Delivery :
"It fitz, but the spirits like to throw tantrums"
Throwing/rogue hits periodically summon a helping hand that claps the enemy
Celestial Child :
"Emergency protocol activated"
An aura that buffs your allies follows your cursor
Fast healing bolts that heals life and mana for 4 will periodically emerge from you, 1 for each ally
Shooting Star Overdrive System :
"...and his music was electric."
Hitting enemies with symphonic damage will periodically summon a grog barrel
It will explode and buff any ally including you after dealing enough symphonic damage

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Furniture, Food, and Fun
Download v1.90 (7.5 MB)


A mod made for the builders, roleplayers, collectors, and fashionistas of Terraria. Be sure to check out the discord by clicking on the Homepage button!
Now updated for tModLoader v0.11.8.9!

-4 new Gems with Furniture Sets
-2 new biomes: a world generated garden biome and a manmade celestial biome
-Decorative variants of almost any vanilla item
-Lots of new furniture sets
-Custom world map placeables to map out your world!
-Aquariums for Non-Quest Fish fishes
-Combination tiles for almost any vanilla crafting station
-Small QoL crafting recipes for some vanilla tiles
-Foods with a small variety of effects
-Enemy themed furniture
-Placeable fruit and vegetable plants
-Armor and Accessory Vanities
-More craftable Living Wood Wand variants
-Lots of blocks and walls to build with

Jenosis - Coder+Spriter
Anubscorpiak - Spriter

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Faster Tools
Download v1.5.1 (19.9 KB)

valkyrienyanko, convicte…

Axes, hammers and pickaxes swing 25% faster. (Configurable)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Dragon Ball Terraria
Download v1.0.9.8 (18.1 MB)

Tyndareus, NuovaPrime

Dragon Ball Z Mod For Terraria!

Current Content:
- 216 Items
- 7 New Armor sets with ki based helmets for existing armors.
- A whole new class that utilizes a new energy, "Ki".
- 12 Unique and Iconic Transformations
- Full Multiplayer Compatibility
- A fully custom and unique flight system
- A fully working dragon ball and wish system
- 3 New Placeables
- Content up to Moon Lord

Please List any bugs you find on my forum page or on my discord!

Discord Link :

-Credit To Earth, Blockaroz, Alphi and some other amazing spriters for their hard work!
-Credit To GabeHasWon's, Divermansam and the whole TModLoader Discord for help with code and such.
-Credit To Akira Toriyama for creating Dragon Ball!
-Credit To Bluemagic and everyone else for creating TModloader.
-Credit To My Discord Moderators and everyone else for giving me motivation.
-Credit To Relogic for making an incredible game.

I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super; all credit goes to Akira Toriyama,Toei animation, Fuji TV, and FuniMation.
All content used is for Fair Use and Private Entertainment, please support the official release.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Cataclysm (Addon: Calamity, Thorium, Split, Clicker Class)
Download v1.1.1.5 (3.9 MB)



Cataclysm is a Terraria mod focusing on changing different aspects of different mods.
Current support mods: Calamity, Thorium, Clicker Class, and Split

Have any suggestions? Any bugs to report? Shoot them at me through the repository's issue tracker ( or directly in my Discord server (the homepage).

Current features (subject to change!):
* The Sponge and The Absorber have the effects of the Rover Drive.
* Infinity no longer consumes ammo, but suffers from a slightly DPS decrease as a result.
* Spider Armor provides more defense and lets you stick to walls.
* Added the Sulphurous (Sulfurous) Shell, which allows you to teleport to the Sulphurous Sea (obtained from Abyssal Crates).
* Clothier and Guide Voodoo dolls have an increased max stack of 20.
* Basher is 1.2 times larger.
* Sulphurskin Potions sell for 2 silver.
* The Rampart of Deities and Deific Amulet provide the same life regeneration as the Heart Band.
* Some changes to Mysterious Circuitry and Dubious Plating drops.
* Clingers drop a new item called the Dagger of Decree, which is a new legendary rogue item.
* The Travelling Merchant may now drop the Pulse Bow on death.
* Frogfish, Catfish, Devil Fish, Fusion Feeders, and Sunskaters can drop shark fins.
* Angry Dogs have an increased span rate and a higher change to drop the Cryophobia.
* Great Sand Sharks drop a new item called the Grand Shark Repellent, which can prevent the Great Sand Shark from spawning.
* The Wizard will now sell the Guide Voodoo Doll.
* Numerous different minions now rotate as they move. Looks cool and gud.
* Dratliornus' arrows pass throw blocks.
* Fungal Clump now emits light.
* Lore items remain activated if placed in a piggy bank (Lore items will be re-added by Cataclysm once they are removed in Calamity 1.5!).
* Cavern shrines are made out of stone and stone bricks instead of obsidian.
* Slime God inflicts slimed so you don't become unable to move up and down lmaoooo.
* Torrential Tear doesn't make it rain like a tsunami is above you or some crap.
* Throwing Bricks are crafted at a work bench instead of an anvil.
* Halley's Inferno is crafted with a Rifle Scope instead of Sniper Scope.

* Stained Glass sells for 5 silver like vanilla stained glass.
* Doubled Globee spawn rate. :)

Clicker Class:
* Added several new clicker weapons, still a heavy work-in-progress.

* The Umbrella can now block Menace's icicle knife and Tetris ice block attacks.
* Added the Pharaoh's Fear, an Ankh Shield and Terror Shield upgrade.

Some of these mods are more lacking than others, but I'll get around to adding more content soon!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v2.2 (19.3 MB)


JoJo Stands:

JoJoStands Wiki... in the forum post

Discord Link... also in the forum post.

The JoJoStands Contributors: Placement, Phil, Techno, Blu, Hey Mister, Joser, Niker, D.Storm, Benney, NekroSektor, Ozi, StringsArn'tRealNumbers, Xenon, Com-Obie, Gundam_Belphagor, KrimsonHeadshot, and Sicco-Jo
Alana Gilston, for making TerraUI which helped us make the Stand Slot
The ExampleMod devs, cause it's a good everything reference

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Pumpking's Mod
Download v1.1.4.1 (173.2 KB)


This mod adds lots of endgame content, including a Post-Moon Lord boss!
Check the thread for more details!

Currently contains:
- 60+ items
- 2 bosses
- New ore and crafting station
- New armor
- New accessories
- A few quality of life items

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Wildlife Mod
Download v0.14 (289.8 KB)

5, Graydee

Wildlife Mod adds new passive animals and plants to add that extra touch of atmosphere to your terraria world. You can make several new potions and get other goodies from the content.
The theme of content varies massively, from bamboo on the outskirts of your world to oysters found on the beaches.

Forum post is severely outdated, refer to the discord linked to it if you have questions.

Latest Update:
Stoneberries- grow near water on stone, they increase health but lower damage, these will be reconsidered/revamped quite shortly, give some ideas on the discord server
Overgrown Living Wood Mite- Spawns in living mahoganys, used for bait
Scorching Phoenix- Like the frost phoenix, but spawns in hell
Oyster Gore Fixed
Flying Coin is now the correct size

Yellow Fairy- Spawns like the others, its bottled farm grants slightly increased defense
Living Wood Mite- Spawns in living wood trees, used for bait
Gilded Crawler and Supercharged Orb- One crawls, one floats and glows, found in granite and marble biomes, these two will be polished more soon
Arctic Fox- A chilly recolor of the normal fox for snow biomes
Frost Phoenix- Spawns all around the frost biome, even underground, for some reason it likes to follow you, it may split into two upon death
Glowmasks for more items and grammatical fixes.

Venom Radish- Grows on jungle grass in hardmode, careful not to use 'quick buff' with this in your inventory or you'll be envenomed.
You can use the venom radish for stink and battle potions, as well as pre-plantera venom vials using spider legs.
Pink Marshmallow- Add a strawberry to a cooked marshmallow, extends the effects of the strawberry.
Possibly some other minor tweaks.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Archery Overhaul
Download v1.0.41 (717.1 KB)


From the creators of Sorcery Overhaul comes Archery Overhaul!

Archery Overhaul doesn't just add in more bows and arrows; it creates a better archery experience. Here are some of the unique features Archery Overhaul has to offer.:

. Critical hits on arrows create a splash-damaging shockwave
. Blur effect on arrows when reaching high speeds
. Arrow impacts have custom sounds and particle effects
. Quivers visually equip onto the player
. New Crossbows have a right-click functionality
. Arrow Pouches drop from enemies, which scale with game progression
. All ranged weapons have autoswing by default
. Full bar conversion
. Alternate recipes for vanilla items (e.g., Hermes boots, Anklet of the Wind)

This mod currently adds in the following 150+ items:

. 50+ New Bows
. 25 New Arrows
. 6 New Crossbow Variants
. 30 New Accessories
. 8 Equippable Quivers with visual effects
. 4 New armor sets
. 15 New Materials
. 5 New Arrow Grenades
. 8 New Loot Bags
. 1 New NPC
. 1 New Potion
. 1 New Enemy
. 10+ New Recipes for vanilla items

And much more!

Thank you for over 300,000 downloads! I'm so glad people can have so much fun with something I made!

If you didn't know, I'm actually a game developer, and I make tons of art, music and more! (This is my first terraria mod, criticism is welcome!) If you want to share your work and have fun,
or want to find the wiki, join my discord below! We try to update the mod every other week. If you want to help make sprites or code for the mod, join my Discord and send me a message!


If you want to support both my terraria mods and my games, become a patron for a custom donor item and other special rewards!


= Overhaul Team =:



Right now, since I am working on Sorcery Overhaul, I have given permission to a fellow artist of Archery Overhaul and Sorcery Overhaul (Mutater) to make changes to sprites
and code and generally improve the mod.


== v 2.2.2 - Fixed Amalgamation ==

. Amalgamation reworked, now buffed, but shoots volley of arrows every third shot
. Flint Shrapnel no longer counts as an arrow for the Mystic Quiver

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Summoners Association
Download v0.4.7.1 (160.5 KB)

jopojelly, direwolf420

This mod aims to fix a few grievances with summons and flesh out Summoner to be a fully developed class. This vision is of a summoner who has their hands full buffing and controlling minions and has little time for other weapons.

Includes 6 items:

Summoners Association Card - Displays summoner-related information
Minion Control Rod - Teleport your minions, select an enemy or spawn a reticle as a target
Blood Talisman - Sacrifice your own abilities to buff your minions at the cursor
Minion Selection Book - Allows summoning any minion from the inventory
Minion History Book - Allows summoning a set of minions from the inventory with one click
Automatic Minion History Book - Upgraded Minion History Book that summons a minion set automatically after respawn

Contains two configs: 'Server Config' contains settings related to the reticle from Minion Control Rod, while 'Client Config' contains settings related to the UI

If you experience issues with Minion Control Rods' reticle feature, let us know on the homepage; You can continue using this mod by disabling the feature in the 'Server Config'

* Fix Minion Control Rod reticle feature bug on "tml 64 bit"

* Add 1 new mod.Call (See the github)

* Add 1 new mod.Call (See the github)

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Polarities Mod
Download v0.10.1 (6.7 MB)


A WIP content mod which aims to add mechanically interesting bosses, enemies, items, and more! Currently adds ten new bosses, several new enemies, a variety of weapons and accessories, some tiles and armor sets, two new mini-biomes, a new subworld, and a new town NPC.

Note that the music is contained in a separate music mod.


Coders- turingcomplete30
Wiki- bubbyboytoo
Spriters- ElectroManiac, niker, triangle, Scratch Lunin, Squartron
Former team members- junk boy
With sprites from- discord_account, yogu, Vega_1, Evolution, UnworthyPie, warrenmark_art, Masked Luigi, Darkpuppey, DeJuiceTD, Jimbo Animations, Le Supreme Slimelad, nalyddd, Hugekraken, Heart Plus Up!, MountainyBear49, Rocketlauncher269, Rednbloo, TRYAGAIN211

v0.10.1 Changelog
The underworld now generates with a large lava ocean on the same side of the world as the dungeon
Mantellar ore now generates only in the lava ocean
Molten spirits and convective wanderers now spawn only in the lava ocean, show up better in lava, and can target players and pursue players outside of lava
Updated the asthenos, pyroclastic onslaught, draconian, hadean upwelling, seismic striker, volcanic plume, and molten spirit staff
Added the slimey and caustic slug
Added alkaline soup
Resprited mantellar ore
Adaptive genes now increases your movement speed better
Hemorrphage's shield tentacles no longer prevent piercing projectiles from damaging it
Sol moth and luna butterfly now have hit sounds
Resprited the unfolding blossom, maw of flesh, and stardance

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
WorldGen Previewer
Download v0.3.1 (43.1 KB)


This mod changes the world generation screen to include a preview of the map as it generates. You can also pause, resume, repeat, skip, or cancel generation as you like.

For example, you can repeat the dungeon step to generate multiple dungeons. If you don't like how a world is looking, simply click cancel and you can start over.

Please let me know problems you run into.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Begone, Evil! (Disable Evil Biome Spread)
Download v1.1.1 (26.7 KB)


This mod allows biome spread to be toggled. By default, biome spread will be disabled just by enabling this mod.

Crimson, Corruption, and Hallow biome spread are affected by this mod. In addition, the random patches of evil biome spawned by breaking Demon Altars will also be disabled.

The setting is saved per world.

If you'd like to re-enable biome spreading, you can use the Hero's Mod integration or a chat command to toggle the effect.

With Hero's Mod enabled, the "Toggle Corruption Spread" permission allows you to use the Toggle Corruption Spread button in the Extension Tools sub-menu.

In Chat or the Server console, the "/spread" command will toggle the effect. (just "spread" in the server console)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.6 Edit | Delete
Download v2.3 (13.2 KB)

Eldrazi & VVV101

Adds an item called 'Heart of Nature' which is dropped with a 10% chance by Plantera (or her Treasure Bag on expert with 20%).
Consuming this item will give the player an additional accessory slot (which stacks with the Demon Heart passive).
This mod also allows for the Demon Heart accessory slot to be used in non-expert worlds.
Changelog: v2.3 - Upgraded to tModLoader 0.10.5. Increased drop chance on Expert Mode to 20%. Changed rarity of item.
Changelog: v2.2 - Upgraded to tModLoader 0.10.4. Just recompiled. No changes.
Changelog: v2.1 - Upgraded to tModLoader 0.10.1. New sprite by Logodum. Added icon for mod.
Changelog: v2.0 - Upgraded to tModLoader 0.10.
Changelog: v1.8 - Fixed normal mode effect.
Changelog: v1.7 - New sprite for Heart of Nature, reduced value to 10 platinum.
Changelog: v1.6 - Multiplayer update.
Changelog: v1.5 - Separated looting rules of HoN in normal & expert mod.
Changelog: v1.4 - Fixed no money looting bug.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Music Mod
Download v1.0.1.3 (15.8 MB)

Fargo & Terry

This mod contains music for Fargo's Souls Mod.

Credit to Sakuzyo/削除 for composition.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Project tRU
Download v2.2.2.10 (4.6 MB)

tRU Team

The mod doesn't add new content

Обо всех изменениях в русификаторе вы можете узнать на нашем Дискорд сервере
The mod doesn't add new content

Обо всех изменениях в русификаторе вы можете узнать на нашем Дискорд сервере

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Elements Awoken Music
Download v0.5 (32.1 MB)


Elements Awoken Music Pack gives all of the bosses their unique themes as well as adding music boxes for each of them.

- New Void Leviathan theme
- Radiant Rain & Master theme
- Celestial Music Boxes are craftable
- New Aqueous theme
- Cosmic Observer and The Ancients now have a theme
- Astras theme now plays alongside Astra again
- Fixed EA Retro disabled themes playing normal themes
- Astra's Theme
- Celestial Music Boxes
- Fixed Obsidious theme not playing properly
- Fixed multiplayer bugs
- Fixed the celestials theme not playing properly

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
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