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The Antiaris
Download v0.1.0.11 (3.3 MB)

Zadum4ivii, Sprywisp, Go…

What is Antiaris?
Antiaris is a new project from part of team which made Tremor Mod. The difference is that content in Antiaris is more interesting, balanced and unique, unlike in Tremor, basically "Quality > Quantity".
Our team is trying to make the game bigger and make the player feel more interested in game.

What does this mod add to the game?
● 423 Items
● 24 Mobs
● 1 Town NPC
● 2 Bosses
● 6 New structures
● 2 New mounts
● 2 Music tracks
● Support of Boss Checklist mod by Jopojelly

● Re-Logic - for creating Terraria
● tModLoader team - for developing tModLoader
● Zoomo - for allowing us to use his sprites & ideas
● Sergo - for allowing us to use his sprites & ideas
● Bla2e - for making armor animation sheets
● TMRC - for allowing us to use his sprites
● Bry-ccentric - for allowing us to use his "More Shadowflame Items" idea & sprites
● Snickerbobble - for allowing us to use his "Hidden Hearts" idea & sprites
● Phobostar - for making animation for Zadum4ivii's armor set
● Mintbut - for spriting and animating CookieSam's set and spriting chess accessories"> What is Antiaris?
Antiaris is a new project from part of team which made Tremor Mod. The difference is that content in Antiaris is more interesting, balanced and unique, unlike in Tremor, basically "Quality > Quantity".
Our team is trying to make the game bigger and make the player feel more interested in game.

What does this mod add to the game?
● 423 Items
● 24 Mobs
● 1 Town NPC
● 2 Bosses
● 6 New structures
● 2 New mounts
● 2 Music tracks
● Support of Boss Checklist mod by Jopojelly

● Re-Logic - for creating Terraria
● tModLoader team - for developing tModLoader
● Zoomo - for allowing us to use his sprites & ideas
● Sergo - for allowing us to use his sprites & ideas
● Bla2e - for making armor animation sheets
● TMRC - for allowing us to use his sprites
● Bry-ccentric - for allowing us to use his "More Shadowflame Items" idea & sprites
● Snickerbobble - for allowing us to use his "Hidden Hearts" idea & sprites
● Phobostar - for making animation for Zadum4ivii's armor set
● Mintbut - for spriting and animating CookieSam's set and spriting chess accessories

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Helpful NPCs
Download v0.2.1 (215.6 KB)


Helpful NPCs is a mod that adds four new NPCs that sell items that are usually boring to get.

- Miner (Sells bars and gems. Spawns after defeating the EoC.)
- Hunter (Sells monster drops/soul/essence related items and ammo. Spawns after defeating EoC.)
- Fisherman (Sells bait, normal fish, and quest fish. Spawns if there is an angler.)
- Environmentalist (Sells herbs, seeds, and critters. Spawns after defeating the Queen Bee)

NPC sprites and icon were made by the talented Lonely Star#6056 (Big thanks)

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Infinity - Endless Items
Download v19.0 (134.5 KB)

Lolkat & DragonHunter003

Adds in endless items.

These items act similar to the Endless Musket Pouch / Quiver and some, such as the throwables, are the same but do not consume themselves.

Website URL changed from the TCF link to the Discord link, since I'm not active on the forums anymore.
Changelog is now on the Discord, due to limitations on text.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Census - Town NPC Checklist
Download v0.3.1 (45 KB)


Census - Town NPC Checklist modifies the housing panel to show missing townspeople.

A "✓" signifies that the conditions for spawning that npc have been fulfilled. An "X" means that conditions have not been fulfilled. A "?" means the game hasn't checked Town NPC spawn conditions yet. Hover over it to see the spawn conditions.

Mods can add the conditions for their town easily. In PostSetupContent, call census.Call("TownNPCCondition", mod.NPCType("ExamplePerson"), "Create a house from ExampleBlock.");

Townspeople spawn about 2 minutes after day begins, so the data shown might not be up to date until that check happens.

The command "TownProgress" can be used to check available Town NPC from the server console.

You can also hover over Town NPC in the housing menu to see an arrow pointing to their location. This feature can be toggled off in the config.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Base Mod
Download v2.0.0.0 (552.7 KB)


A mod to be used as a base, providing cleaner code and easier manipulation of the game.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Starter Classes (Mod Support & Custom Bags)
Download v1.5.2.3 (30.4 KB)

WesleyCody, igozdev

Mod Config Menu to toggle certain aspects of the mod. In the new update players can customize a bag with their own items of whatever items from any mod they choose.
If you have any suggestions as to what class support you would like in the mod, or to report a change you would like, please view the forum post by clicking "Visit the Mod's Homepage."

Currently this mod adds in 30 different starting class choices, including:
� Melee (Vanilla)
� Ranged (Vanilla)
� Summoner (Vanilla)
� Mage (Vanilla)
� Throwing (Vanilla)
� Rogue(Calamity Mod)
� Bard, Radiant (Thorium Mod)
� Druid (Mod of Redemption)
� Shaman, Alchemist, Gambler (Orchid Mod)
� Mystic (The Enigma Mod)
� Clicker (Clicker Class)
� Reaper (Guardians Mod)
� Telekinetic (Esper Class)
� Sentry (Expanded Sentries)
� Melee, Ranged, Summoner, Mage (Thorium, Calamity, Ancients Awakened Variants)
� Throwing (Thorium Variant)

Many thanks to Verveine (creator of the Orchid Mod) for contributing to most of the bag sprites."> Starter Classes allows the player to begin their journey as which ever class they choose without the hassel of trying to get class related items, ammo, accessories, etc. along with giving the player iron tools to start with, along with a hammer. Use the Mod Config Menu to toggle certain aspects of the mod. In the new update players can customize a bag with their own items of whatever items from any mod they choose.
If you have any suggestions as to what class support you would like in the mod, or to report a change you would like, please view the forum post by clicking "Visit the Mod's Homepage."

Currently this mod adds in 30 different starting class choices, including:
� Melee (Vanilla)
� Ranged (Vanilla)
� Summoner (Vanilla)
� Mage (Vanilla)
� Throwing (Vanilla)
� Rogue(Calamity Mod)
� Bard, Radiant (Thorium Mod)
� Druid (Mod of Redemption)
� Shaman, Alchemist, Gambler (Orchid Mod)
� Mystic (The Enigma Mod)
� Clicker (Clicker Class)
� Reaper (Guardians Mod)
� Telekinetic (Esper Class)
� Sentry (Expanded Sentries)
� Melee, Ranged, Summoner, Mage (Thorium, Calamity, Ancients Awakened Variants)
� Throwing (Thorium Variant)

Many thanks to Verveine (creator of the Orchid Mod) for contributing to most of the bag sprites.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Craftable Living Wood Stuff
Download v1.0.1 (3.6 KB)


Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.8.1.2 Edit | Delete
Blood Blade
Download v0.1 (32.2 KB)


This is Blood Blade.
This mod adds a new set of armor and tools, adds luminite hammers and axes, and 2 or 3 bonus items.

The new set of armor is named the "blood" set.
It is more powerful than the molten gear for pre-hardmode.
It is made of the crimson set and a bit of crimtane bars.

The new luminite tools aren't really new, because they were originally in the game. I reintroduced them for a bit more content for the game. They are all 135 Axe power and 110 Hammer power.

There are two accessories items and one sword in bonus.
the accessories are the minion Emblem and the medical shield.
The shield adds a regeneration buff that can be good even for past Moon-Lord, and 10 defense.
The minion Emblem adds 6 slots to your minion capacity.
The sword is relatively OP, but it has his cost. It is made out of 50 Stardust Fragment, 25 Luminite bars and a broken Hero Sword. All of that makes a Stardust Cleaver, wich has 497 Melee Damage.

Have a nice day, stay tuned for updates !

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.4 Edit | Delete
Where's My Items
Download v0.5.1 (32.9 KB)

jopojelly, alienmist325

Adds a method to locate items in chests easily. Press the hotkey and then start typing to find items in chests.

Make sure to assign the hotkey in the keybindings menu.

To use, simply press the hotkey and start typing a search term. Chests, Banks (Piggy Bank, Safe, Defenders Forge), and Magic Storage Hearts containing items matching the search term will display a quick peek at up to 3 results.

Press tab to restore from history the last search term.

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
More Chest Loot
Download v0.6 (24 KB)

Graydee& Schmo

More Chest Loot adds more loot to random chests for you to find. Currently adds 14 items to random chests throughout your world to find!

Forum page:

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Discord Hook
Download v1.0 (3.4 KB)


Adds a Rod of Discord that can go in your hook slot and be bound to a key.
Discord Rod + Lunar Hook

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v11.5.2 (5.4 MB)

Graydee, The dev team, j…

Crystilium is a mod that focuses around a single new biome, the crystal biome. NOTE: You must
generate a new world to get any of the content for this mod.

Adds a lot of new items, and even a challenging fun new boss.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Webmilio's Commons Library
Download v0.1.16.4 (432.8 KB)


Webmilio's Commons Library adds a couple of things I use in all of my mods. You can extract the DLL from the Mod.

Things this adds:
- Better Networking (in my opinion, at least).
- Managers (manual or singletons that handle classes that could be seen as static, but need inheritance)
- Loaders (manual or singletons that handle loading all found classes within the Terraria assembly, including mods)
- Identity Manager (WIP): a way to get Steam ID from the user (if the user is using Steam)
- A bunch of extensions
- Keyboard Manager: get the state of any keys (NotPressed, JustPressed, Pressed, JustReleased), regardless of Mod Hotkey.
- Custom Achievements: you can add custom achievements in a less complex way than without the library.
- Effects: screenshake (multiplayer compatible), easy shaders

Other Utilities:
- Class which allows you to quickly create a tile-placing item once extended.

Credits (Team Members)
- Scalie: ideas for
* Custom Achievements
* StandardTileItem
- Blockaroz3349:
* Easy shader code cause I suck at doing them
- "Stupid person with good ideas" who sometimes came up with good ideas but also stupid ones

Special Thanks
- Kazzymodus: being a gamer and hand-holding me with shaders until I understood them.

If you want an example mod that uses this better networking, check out the JoJo mod by HellGoesOn on or and search for ModPlayerNetworkPacket.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
High Quality Main Menu Logo Mod (HQMMLM)
Download v0.1 (33.1 KB)

a cats

Replaces the terraria logo with random memes

Memes change every update

Join the discord (mod homepage) to submit memes

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.2.1 (65.6 KB)


Antisocial allows all social accessory slots to be used as normal accessory slots. It's super cheaty, obviously.

A config allows for social armor to also be used, as well as limiting the number of affected social accessory slots.

When using HerosMod, the "Modify Antisocial Config" can be used to limit who can change the config settings.

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Subworld Library
Download v1.1.1 (78.7 KB)

John Snail

Dimensions, made easy.

A tool for modders to easily add dimensions (referred to as subworlds), handling most of the hard work, such as loading, saving, and Multiplayer compatibility.

- Registering
Any class that derives from the 'Subworld' class is automatically registered as a subworld. Subworlds are highly customisable; from their size and how they generate, to whether they or the players inside of them save, to even what ModWorld is allowed to update while inside of them. Registering a subworld without directly referencing Subworld Library is also possible, via 'Mod.Call'.

- Loading
Loading a subworld is as simple as calling 'Subworld.Enter'. Each subworld can have a custom loading UI if its class overrides 'loadingUIState'. The UI can even persist after the world is loaded if 'loadingUI' is overridden.

- Saving
Subworlds can be set to be either temporary or permanent. Subworlds can also prevent players from saving while inside them. Subworld Library also handles deleting subworlds when their main world is deleted.

- Multiplayer
Subworld Library doesn't just handle loading, saving, etc. in Singleplayer; it also does so in Multiplayer, with little to no extra work required on your end. By default, players vote on whether to enter/leave a subworld, preventing any unwanted travels.

- Misc.
Subworld Library gets rid of Space, the Underworld, and both Oceans inside subworlds, freeing up tons of world space, and allowing for very small subworlds.

If you encounter a bug, it is likely from another mod. Do not report it otherwise; 1.3 is no longer supported.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Sigil of Discord
Download v1.1001 (106.7 KB)


The 'Sigil of Discord' Mod is an implementation of various Items, Characters, Weapons, Armor etc. from the yet unreleased book/game 'Fallen - The Sigil of Discord'
Patchnotes - 1.1001


-Changed it's recipe to add a new Ingridient, Discord Shards and a new Weapon, instead of a Muramasa. (Ingridients do need the completion of the Dungeon/Defeat of Skeletron to be crafted!)

//Lead Greatsword:
Changed Damage from 37 down to 22 due to it's early accessability.
Changed it's speed to 'Extremely Slow'

//Iron Greatsword:
Changed Damage from 24 to 18 due to it's early accessability.
changed it's speed to 'Slow'

//Thanatum Clamatis


//'The Townsguard's Lead Greadsword'
Damage: 30 (Subject to Change undoubtly)
Speed:'Slow' (Slower as the Iron Greatsword, Faster than the normal Lead Greatsword.)
Recipe: 30 Gold Bars, 30 Lead Bars, 30 Discord Shards.
Crafted at an Anvil
Textures are subjected to Change in the next patch.

//Discord Shards
Material Item for various 'Twisted' Items, Such as Thanatos or the "Townsguard's" Items.
Recipe: 1 Suspicious looking Eye, 20 Bones, 30 Silk.
Crafted at Demon Altars.

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1 Edit | Delete
Universal Empires
Download v1.0 (234.9 KB)


A WIP content mod for Terraria

-3 Bosses
-2 Non-boss enemies
-Several Weapons (1 unobtainable)
-2 New interactable blocks, a computer and an enchanting table
-Enchanting mechanic, inspired my minecraft and my fevered imagination
-New Prefix
-1 New structure

Just me for now

- Toshnika

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.2.2 Edit | Delete
Even More Modifiers
Download v0.1.2.3 (479.9 KB)


Weapons, armor, and accessories can all roll up to 4 modifiers that grant a wide variety of bonuses and effects. See the homepage for details and changelogs

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Download v2.8.6 (472.9 KB)


DISCLAIMER: Most of the incompatibilities with Calamity 1.5 are fixed by now, the new versions of Bags are NOT compatible with anything older than Calamity anymore. Use the newest versions of both mods.

Important: This Mod only works with Calamity.

I created a Discord Server as a place for feedback, suggestions and to get information. Feel free to join! Click the "Visit the Homepage-Button" to join.

Visit my thread on the forums for more information, if you have feedback, suggestions, etc.

This Mod adds 41 Bags to the mod which can drop from enemies. Every single boss triggers a new one to be dropped.

There is a Town NPC who can spawn after King Slime has been killed who has items in his shop to give the player some useful information about the Bags. There is also one who sells potions which lower the current tier of dropped bags.

It also adds some ammunition bags in the shops to make buying ammo less tiring.

This Mod was created with the purpose to put the focus a bit more on action, and a bit less on farming and waiting. The newest update allows you to adjust the droprates of different categories of items just like you want it to be for the perfect experience.

(These are just the most important changes, full lists of changes are on my discord server)
-A few minor additions and changes

-A few minor additions

-Adjustments for Calamity compatibility

-A few minor additions and fixes

-A few minor additions and fixes

-Added a new command and reworked the bag command
-A few other minor changes

-Massive Early-Hardmode Bag Rework

-Removed Post-Polterghast Abyss Bag but added a
Post-Calamitas and a Post-Polterghast Abyss Activation
-Added material from the Arsenal Labs

-Updated /bag command and both Town NPCs

-A few more compatibility things
-Added the Post-Draedon and the Post-Eidolon Wyrm Bag

-Added the Gem Bag
-Removed all the Developer Items from the Post-Supreme
Calamitas Bag

-A few small compatibility things
-Gave the Bag Tooltips some color

-Removed the Post-Yharon Phase 1 Bag
-Compatibility with the new Early Hardmode Progression Rework

-Bag Expert revamped
-All Legendary Items and Rare Item Variants removed from

-Added bags for Martian Madness, Pumpkin and Frost Moon
which drop when certain requirements are met (use /bag
for info)
-A few minor fixes

-Removed all the 4 fragments
-Added 4 different clams (Forest, Corruption, Crimson,
Hallow) and their respective pearls, used to craft
Potion of Beginner's Luck, Wealth, Fortune and
Absolute Luck

-Added bags for Giant Clam, Earth Elemental and all
3 biome mimics which drop when certain requirements are
met (use /bag for info)
-Added the Corruption, Crimson and Hallowed Activation
Crystal, working similar to the others mentioned below
-A few other minor changes and new drops

-Added the Golden, Shadow and Abyss Activation Crystal,
items made from golden and shadow keys to activate
certain drops
-Removed /bagt completely, but revived /bag. /bag is now
an informational command for dependencies and is
basically /bag and /bagt in one

-Nerfed bag droprates during Pumpkin and Frost Moon
Post-ML and Pre-Devourer of Gods

-Recolored all the potions in the Manipulators shop

-Added buff icon resprites and a few missing dependencies

-Added a line to the tooltip of all bags dropping hardmode
ores to prevent confusion

-A bunch of rebalances
-Renamed Bag Guide to Bag Expert and added a Config Option
to deactivate him for people who already know the mod well
-A few bug fixes

-Fixed a bug that caused you to get too much loot with
leftclick in Multiplayer and slowed done opening speed
to reduce lag

-Added a feature that allows you to open bags very quickly
by using/left clicking them

-Removed /bag and /bagt but enhanced the drop table
document on the discord server

-Resprites for ALL bags (except the ones in the shops)
-A new config so you can customize your game however
you want by disabling/enabling different categories
of items and/or lowering the dropchances of them
-A few bug fixes
-Recipes for Blood Orbs, Darksun Fragments, Nightmare
Fuel and Endothermic Energy using fragment leftovers

-Fixed a missing dependency in the Post-DoG Bag
-Lowered droprates of Stress Pills, Laudanum and
Heart of Darkness

-Reduced Auric Ore droprate
-Fixed a missing dependency in the Post-Plantera Bag

-Fixed Pro

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
<<-- | <- | -> | -->>