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The Enigma Mod!
Download v0.15 (45.3 MB)


Current features:
A new class- The Mystic Class!
A new dimension- The Etherial
8 Bosses
A new level-up system in the form of the Soul Stone
A new Alchemy System involving Crystallizing Potions
A new biome- The Obsidium
And more!
Fixed worldgen with XL Worlds on 64 bit

This is Enigma's final 1.3 update-
Enigma will be completely rewritten for 1.4 as Enigma: New Dawn, with lots more focus and detail put into every individial feature, so look forward to that!

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Fargo's Soul Mod DLC
Download v0.4.1 (579.6 KB)

Fargowilta and Terry N M…

Fargo's Soul Mod DLC
-This mod adds cross mod Enchantments and Souls for Thorium, Calamity, Shadows of Abbadon, and DragonBall Terraria
-Fargo's Soul Mod is required for this mod to work

NEW UPDATE - V 0.4.1
-Fixed Calamity incompatibility


-Updated most out of date or missing tooltips
-Added several missing accessories and their effects to Enchantments
-All effects that were lost for the Soul of Yggdrasil are now maintained
-Added several missing toggles and toggles will work in all cases (For some it only worked in Forces and above)
-Added Geode Enchantment to Force of Midgard
-Removed Demon Blood Badge from Demon Blood Enchantment
-Removed Malignant Enchantment
-Fixed Living Wood Enchantment minion not despawning
-Fixed Blooming Enchantment still having its old effect
-Fixed Cyber Punk Enchantment main effect not functioning
-Fixed Terrarium Enchantment main effect not functioning

-Added Config Toggle for Snow Ruffian Wings

-Fixed incompatability between Souls and DLC
-EchDeath speed tweaks
-EchDeath p2 gains bigger hitbox for players

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
AFK's PETS and more(Beta Before 1.4)
Download v9.9.9.51 (33 MB)

AFK, Blossom, Soft, Sato…

AFK PETS and More!

AFK Pets and More is a content mod which brings the following:

500+ Pets

400+ weapons

New subclasses such as transformations, bats, and active summons

6 bosses and 13 mini-bosses

15+ npcs including townspeople, traveling and minigame npcs

Farming and Fishing expansions

Misc such as furniture, paintings and placables

Unique mechanics involving changing the name of your NPCs, Opening the wiki ingame, making any entity your pet, and more

A lot of the mod is focused on references to media titles such as games, shows, webseries, etc such as: Touhou, Mario, Yume nikki, Pokemon and many more.

We do not aim to bring pre-generated biomes/structures or enemies outside of bosses or our own events, so this mod should be fine to install during any stage of the game

If you have any questions, come join the AFK Pets Discord Server!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Ancients Awakened
Download v1.0.3.2 (69.7 MB)


The Ancients have Awakened. Chaos reigns, storms ravage, and reality tears at the seams!

**NOTE: Small worlds are heavilly discouraged with this mod. Things break because we have a lot of worldgen.**

This mod adds:

800+ Items, including EX items; powerful upgrades to previous weapons with a new twist to them!

100+ NPCs

21 Bosses (7 Pre-Hardmode, 4 Hardmode, and 5 Post-Moon Lord)

4 New Biomes.

-The World Chaoses: Alternatives to the World Evils.

The Inferno, a volcanic biome ravaged by dragons, with gear mainly focusing on raw defense.

The Mire, a swampy biome infested by slithering creatures of the dark, with gear mainly focusing on sheer speed.

-The Void: Floating Islands at the top right of the world. Nothing is there, there is no reason to go there (Or is there?)

-The Terrarium: A crystal biosphere safe from the ever-corrupting world around you. Currently underdeveloped, but it has content post-plantera.

Cross-Mod content with GRealm and Thorium, with Mod of Redemption, Calamity, & Varia cross-mod content planned! (Thorium support being worked on. Currently only one healer weap)

Fargo's Mutant Mod support.

A unique soundtrack.

~Update Changelog~

1. Fixed an issue disabling the mod in MP when used with calamity

2. Fixed the Terrarium blocks being super duper dark

Thanks to all these amazing people for all their help with the mod!

-Elizabeth Miles
-Grox The Great
-Hallam, God of Rainbows
-Tails the Fox 92
-Glitched Pixel
-Charlie Debnam
-Dan Yami
-Diverman Sam
-Uncle Danny

Thank you to our amazing Patrons!

-Spectral Aves

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Cool Sword Mod
Download v0.1.1 (7 KB)


Cool Sword Mod is a pretty cool mod, it does things.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Qwerty's Bosses and Items
Download v0.23.0 (35.6 MB)


This mod adds whatever I feel like adding. I generally try to make the content I add feel unique.
I have a forum page and discord server for the mod where you can read up on the content, leave suggestions, or report bugs
Also working on a wiki

-8 bosses with custom AI!
-A new sky fortress biome/strucutre with randomised layouts, and new enemeis with custom AI!
-A new event the dino militia!
-8 new accesory prefixes!
-over 400 items total! including...
-many new armor sets all with unique effects
-LOADS of cool and unique weapons!

I'm not that good of a spriter so here I'll give thanks to the spriters who helped!
-Liquidated Assets

Extra thanks
-Turquiose (for writing custom themes)
-musicman (polar exterminator theme)
-Kerdo (Russian Translations)
-Cerberus (Chinese Translations)

-new world gen for the polar exterminator's den
-the polar exterminator fight has been overhauled

-nerfed divine hail knife, damage 15->13, useTime 4->5, and is a little less acurrate
-the frenzied quick morph prefix now only reduces cooldown by 25% instead of 50%
-adjusted biomass's ammo creation rate
-Imperial courage buff attack speed bonus reduced 35%->25%
-EoC shift no longer resets iFrames when bouncing and has 15% droppoff for each enemy hit
-nerfed vitalum armor... a lot

-fixed traveling merchant never selling morph gem
-fixed anvil morph dealing damage when sitting on the ground
-fixed spazzer's eye not bouncing off tiles

-fixed severe bug where mod wouldn't be able to create a server

-fixed severe bug that caused the mod not to load when 'classic Impererious' sprite setting was enabled
-tops now inflict more iFrames 10->20
-reduced nano dart's nano probe damage 50%->40%
-longsword staff damage reduced 22->19 (It was better than the f*cking xeno staff)

-rhuthinium vaporizer mana cost 12->8, damage 19 -> 35, knockback 0-> 0.5
-beak javelin damage 110->100
-fixed Imperious being vulnerable to projectiles with static immunity
-fixed bug where reloading the mod multiple times could cause Ancient Machine, Imperious, and Hydra's loot pools to repeat

-reduced the fire rate of space fighter 3aps->2aps
-homing weapons like miniond won't attack high priests at full health, anfd thus potentially anger them unintentionally
-fixed boss checklist loot table for divine light displaying restless sun twice and not diving hail knife
-reduced fire rate of glass helm's glass prism
-ancient gemstone no longere halves max life, healing effect is now requires 10 seconds of avoiding damage, and heals an amount equal to half the damage recieved from the previus attack instead of fully healing
-reduced the cost of rhuthinium bars 6->3 ore

-hydra beam attack rate reduced 12hps->5hps, doesn't pierce through tiles below the player
-hydra javeling damage reduced 40->35
-hydra head staff damage reduced 30->28, will now stop firing when the player stops attacking
-hydrator fishing power reduced 30%->10%
-fire hydrent's breath now does 40% of the spear's damage intstead of 50%
-hydra missile rod's spitting heads now do 60% of the damage of the head the came from instead of 80%

-tweaked longsword minion's ai a bit
-glass spike, cobalt shuriken, frostburn staff, and sliding penguins now use static immunity

-added shape shift: S.S. Hurricane

-some resprites for O.L.O.R.D. items (thanks Olive)
-fixed the classic noehtnap sprite setting preventing the mod from loading
-fixed morph defense not working

-fixed vitalum headress and vitalum jeans adding 90% damage instead of 9% damage

-fixed every npc dropping the new duke fishron weapons in normal mode

-added some duke fishron drops
--added whirlpool
--added cyclone
--added bubble brewer baton

-added venom dart
-added nano dart
-rhuithinium dart damage reduced 11->7

-tops now use static immunity

-fixed bug where every empty slot in a shadow chest could be filled with an ash fell staff

-overhauled Rune ghost boss fight
--all the runes now have new animations when being drawn in
--All runes have had thier behavior tweaked, aggro runes got completely reworked
--fixed 'bug' where in multiplayer all runes were spawned client side, now only ice runes spawn clinet side as an inteded feature
--rune ghost is now less vulnerable to kiting

-rebalnced rune scrolls, leech scroll used to be absolutely busted while the others mostly useless
-leech scroll's rate of spawning runes is fixed instead of scaling on dps. You can consider this adding 100 base dps to your ranged attacks and 1hp/s healing
-aggro scroll has been completely cahnged just like the aggro runes themselves.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Leveled Mod
Download v1.1.4 (2.4 MB)

Gotest, Webmilio

Leveled is a mod to add leveling to Terraria, while attempting to keep vanilla balance. This mod will not be including things such as classes, races, quests, and so on. Just Leveling.
Some things might not work correctly, such as proper projectile scaling by anything but players, due to tMod limitations.
Hearts, mana stars, equipment, and weapons are still VERY important to character strength.

Unleveled also supports this mod. So if you like interface mods, get Unleveled!

Please don't mix leveling mods. It extremely breaks the balance of the game and can also cause huge problems.

Notable additions:
*Levels and EXP.
*Max level is 100.
*Basic stats such as Stamina(HP), Strength(Melee), Resistance(Defense), Dexterity(Ranged), Agility(Throwing), Spirit(Summon), and Intelligence(Magic).
*Customizable stats that grant passive abilities and bonus basic stats.
*Passive abilities that you can enable or disable, at the cost of AP(Ability Points).
*A new stat "Armor" is essentially your total defense from equipment. Defense is your defensive power after the increase from your Resistance and level.
*EXP gain from mining pre-hardmode ores and fishing!
*Vanilla enemies have fixed levels. They will also scale up to a minimum level in Expert HardMode according to progression, but will not affect bosses.
*Enemies from mods will have their level reflect the level of the biome you're in. This isn't ideal for how the devs wanted their mod balanced and would need to support Leveled by giving them an appropriate level.
*Weapons that use mana have had their mana costs adjusted for the changes to maximum mana.

Tip: Entity HP bars will not show up until you unlock the Scan ability after leveling up a bit.

*Gotest - Author, Coder, Spriter
*Webmilio - Coder, API

Special Thanks:
*ReLogic -> Terraria - Thank you so much for making a game that I have enjoyed for so long.

---Change Log---
*Changed the way NPC level data is stored. Big change to the API to allow easier compatibility.
*Added UpdateEquips override for the ability API.
*Fixed Aptitude and Finesse being swapped. You may want to get a stat reset if you used these.
*Updated Mana Shield and Barrier with their rebalances that the standalone received.
*Fixed an issue where NPCs that don't full heal like they're supposed to when they transform.
*Fixed an error when loading characters where having an ability active that no longer exists in the table. Such as an added ability from another mod.

*Implemented some of the balance changes introduced in the updated Standalone.

Updated for tMod

*Fixed all NPCs level scaling.

*Updated to tMod 0.11.3
*Added a not so invasive tutorial for new players to help describe the mods features.
*Added seasonal effects to Power Flower, recommendation of AnArtBob.
*Adjusted damage scaling to be less major between levels.
*Fixed being unable to select world evil type when choosing Critical Mode.
*Fixed banner buff damage boost causing 300% more damage to projectiles.
*Fixed issue in multiplayer where modded enemy NPCs would not level scale to biome.

-- to --
These versions are hotfixes.
Currently working on bug: NPCs are all level 100.
* : Yoesph fix: NPCs no longer dissapear once hit.
* : Yoesph fix: old Leveled characters no longer explode.
* : Fixed critical bug in interface that made the game print an ungodly amount of errors in the chat.
* : Temporarily disabled the tutorial as its not complete.
* : [API]You can use the LeveledLanguageManager to add localized names and tooltips to your abilities, which was a obvious thing to do.

*Added a level cap to NPCs (same as the Player's).
*[API] Renamed NPCStats to LeveledNPCStats to prevent conflicting with other mods who are also unoriginal.

*Added API methods in NPCStats to make Town NPCs scale with custom conditions. See

*Massive reconstruction of the code of the mod to clean it up and make it easier to use.
*New API created to allow mod devs to give their mod support for Leveled.
*!!Native support for other mods has been removed and left to be done through the API.!!
*Made Ore EXP flags about 30% more efficient in RAM and in save data.
*The value that shows EXP to next level now says "MAX" when at level 100.
*New texture for the power flower.
*Weapons that use mana have had their mana costs altered according to the item's base rarity to be better fit with MP scaling. 40% to 170% respectively.
*Experience curve altered.
*Power Flower SP curve altered.
*Altered base stats from 3 to 2.
*Altered Damage/Defense/HP mul

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Download v21.0 (2 KB)


Increases the stack of common items to 9999

Localizer Package
6 years ago tModLoader v0.10.1.5 Edit | Delete
Low-Health Beep
Download v1.0 (46 KB)


Causes the game to play a beeping sound when you reach low health.
Also plays a more panicked sound when at extremely low health.
A small notification will appear below your player when you're at dangerously low HP levels.

Time between beeps, beep volume, ui, and hp triggers are all configurable via the configuration file.


* Mod release

Localizer Package
7 years ago tModLoader v0.10.0.2 Edit | Delete
Smart Doors (from 1.4)
Download v1.3.3 (27.6 KB)


Smart Doors is a feature from 1.4 where doors automatically open. A lot of people playing 1.4 that come back to tModLoader will have to get used to no smart doors however this changes that and adds the feature in a mod.

~ This mod is not open source as it uses code directly from Terraria's code.

Version History:

- Added safety to adding values to dictionaries and lists

- General code cleaning

- General code cleaning and organizing
- Removed tall gate modded support coming soon from description as tModLoader doesn't support that

- Fixed a bug with reloading.. again
- Cleaned more code + small optimizations

- Cleaner code and better description

- Fixed a bug with reloading causing an error

- Fixed modded doors not working

- Initial release

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Loot Bags
Download v1.1 (216 KB)


Welcome to the Loot Bags Mod!
This mod adds 7 different obtainable loot bags and 2 loot bag only items to your world. (+1 Secret Loot Bag that has a ridiculous new way of obtaining)

The loot obtainable has been completely revamped. Click the homepage button for the list of items.
The aim of the mod is to give you occasional rare items.

Tier 1 - Beginning of Game
Tier 2 - Post Skeletron
Tier 3 - Post WoF
Tier 4 - Post Mech Bosses
Tier 5 - Post Golem
Tier 6 - Post Moon Lord
Dye - Drops from dye related enemies

There are special weapons for each loot bag tier. The weapons get better as you go up the tiers.

Big Thanks to Xray299 and seabass927 for amazing sprites and suggestions!

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.3 Edit | Delete
Download v0.8.0.3 (49.7 MB)


This is a beta version I put on the mod browser for convenience.

Mod of Redemption is a mod thats getting a big improvement in the full 0.8 update, which will be on 1.4 TModLoader once thats out.
For now you have this, and yes its safe to play (just don't expect multiplayer to be good)

If you've never heard of this mod before and wondering where the version before this is, don't worry about it, this version is better anyway :)

(Also it says because mod browser wont let me publish a new beta with the same version number)

(And if mod browser can't download it, join the discord to get the links)


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Calamity Mod Extra Music
Download v1.0.7.5 (34.8 MB)


This mod aims to add themes for vanilla features that don't already have unique themes. Most, if not all bosses will sometime recieve their own themes exclusive to this mod!
All themes and code done by me (Turquoise), though big thanks to Fabsol for pointing me in the right direction in terms of music overrides.

Current boss themes:
-Eye of Cthulhu
-Queen Bee
-Destroyer/Twins/Skeletron Prime
-Duke Fishron
-King Slime
-Eater of Worlds
-Brain of Cthulhu
-Wall of Flesh
-Lunatic Cultist (Side note: it's an updated version of what's already in the regular Calamity Music mod.)

Current event themes:
-Acid Rain

Current biome themes:

Current music boxes:
-Queen Bee
-Destroyer/Twins/Skeletron Prime
-King Slime
-Eater of Worlds

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.4 Edit | Delete
Reduced Grinding
Download v6.0 (392 KB)


Reduced Grinding

This mod isn't supposed to make the game too easy, but makes
it so you don't have to spend huge amounts of time farming for
loot, for example: AFK farms to get rare item like Biome Keys.
It's highly configurable, so you can adjust, enable, or
disable features to your liking.

This mod info breifly explains how it this mod works, for
more info see the link below. What's in this mod:

* New War Potion and Chaos Potion to boost spawn rates. If you
can handle it, you'll get items faster.
* New Chlorophyte Accelerator, which allows you to turn Mud in
to Chlorophyte Ore after defeating the Golem.
* Added New Recipes.
* Increased drop rates for many different loot items and added
some additional drops. This is from Enemies, Grab Bags,
Fishing, Quest Items, and Extractinator.
* New Stationary Merchant: This NPC sells everything the
Traveling Merchant has a chance to sell, but there's a
catch. By default, his prices are higher, especially when
the Traveling Merchant is away. Also by default, the rarer
the item, the more expensive the item is.
* Christmas Elf, a new permanent stationary version of Santa.
* Celestial Beacon, to make the Moon Lord summon right away.
* New Sundials to instantly skip to Night or Day (Enchanted
Sundial cooldown and Tax Collector wont benefit from this).
* New Moon Ball to change the Moon Phase. Having this in your
inventory removes the Moon Phase requirements from the
items in Skeleton Merchant's shop.
* A potion that affects fishing catches. For every 5 fishing
quest completed it will re-roll the fishing chance if the
item caught is less than rare (100 re-rolls max).
* New Lockboxes for different chest you'd find in the world
and possible furniture items that would be located around
* Christmas and Halloween Spirit potions, to make it a
holliday for a day.
* Items to instantly end the Goblin, Pirate, and Lunar
invasion (without summoning Moonlord).
* Items to summon some defeated Invasions/Bosses and items to
cancel some defeated Invasions.
* Crimson/Corruption versions of Seeds/Solutions are available
in both worlds.
* Keep in mind, that the drop rate increases in configuration
file are additional to the drops you get in vanilla (for
example: if an item's vanilla rate = 10% and mod rate = 90%
then the combined rate is 100% which means that it's likely
to always drop, but if both chances fail it wont).

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Download v3.0.1 (25.6 KB)


Makes every weapon in the game auto-swing/auto-shoot.

Because why the heck not?

NEW IN V3.0: Configurable via Mod Settings!

Special thanks:
CrimsHallowHero for fixing spears.
Pop000100 for maintaing the mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Extensible Inventory
Download v1.5.3 (115 KB)


Implements an extensible, paginated inventory for players, able to be scaled endlessly.

New (v1.5.2): Now includes a hotkey to create a new page just after the current page.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Magic Storage - Extra
Download v0.5.5.10 (584.1 KB)

blushiemagic and wvlad a…

Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems!

This mod offers a solution to storage problems once and for all. It allows you to construct a central network to store all your items, that you can access from one single block. If desired, you can even set up multiple access points to use your storage from anywhere in the world. You can search your storage for items with a certain name, filter by item types, etc. The magic storage can even craft items for you!

The magic storage scales as you progress in your playthrough. It is accessible very early in the game, but with limited power. As you defeat bosses and earn more materials, you will be able to upgrade your storage to perform more functions and more easily expand the storage capacity.

Changes from original:
Added more station slots to the crafting interface.
Added more sort options.
Added RecursiveCraft support
Added quick stack and restock to Storage Heart deposit button (Read tooltip)
Added weapon DPS calculation (Not 100% accurate)

Money Compactor
Blacklist/Whitelist for specific accesses
Wait for bug reports

Fix Linux issues - fuck Mono
Add config option to toggle the dps tooltip
Fix bug that prevented the placement of Storage Connector above blocks
- Fix bug that prevented placing storage tiles onto blocks
- Fix Storage Unit placement bug
- Items of same type and prefix stack together
- Bug fix
- Added config to clear search text
Add config for storage deposit quick stack behaviour
- Due to some config changes, all your config settings have been reset
Fixed world sections not loading due to storage systems having too many items
Fixed bad netcode causing "read underflows"
Fixed the crafting GUI sometimes throwing exceptions
Fixes done by absoluteAquarian
Update RecursiveCraft reference
Fix storage access
Fix reach extending items not working
Show that ingredient is craftable in ingredient list
Fix logic error
Fix storage heart not being loaded when far away in multiplayer
Update for new RecursiveCraft version
Fix issue with recipe staying selected after reload
Fix bug introduced in and add Mod Helpers bug reporting feature
Some more optimizations
Fix right click only working on result once
Fix pulling wrong item from storage
Optimizations and modular ingredient UI
Added config for default recipe filter
Fixed extracting items from first instead of last stack
Functional RecursiveCraft support
Fix vanilla recipe groups not being processed
Temporarily disable integration with RecursiveCraft due to bugs
Fix search bug
Added integration with the RecursiveCraft mod

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Stars Above
Download v1.1.0.1 (36.4 MB)


Compatible with multiplayer!
Thank you everyone for over 1 million downloads!
Please check the Discord for the latest info + wiki!
Click the homepage link below!
For the best experience, make sure to download
'The Stars Above Music' for music!
This mod includes:
- Two fully furnished deuteroganists with over 1000+
lines of dialogue and custom UI to support it
- Modular, upgradable ultimate abilities that scale
with boss progression
- Pre-made instanced explorable dungeons
set amongst the stars
- 24 custom unlockable passive abilities present in a
unique weight-based system
- 50+ special weapons that have malleable damage types,
alternate abilities, charged attacks, etc.
- 6 unique bosses each with their own special
cast-centric AI
*** Requires Subworld Library! ***
Full description below...

The Stars Above is a Terraria expansion mod that adds
a new important game mechanic: the Starfarer system.
Compatible with multiplayer and all popular content mods.

Meet Asphodene and Eridani: twin Starfarers, spatial
foreigners that will grant you strength on your journey.

Unlock unique equippable abilities within the Stellar Array,
mixing and matching them to perfect your build.

Obtain incredibly powerful Stellar Novas to decide battles,
and then modify and upgrade your Stellar Novas with
Stellar Prisms.

With hundreds of unique dialogue lines for each Starfarer,
become stronger with their guidance,
and arm yourselves for the challenges to come.
Your Starfarers will also have dialogue for modded bosses!

Obtain extraordinary weapons with layers of strategy
and myriad powers to overwhelm your foes. Every single
weapon is incredibly unique and custom-made.

Defeat six powerful unqiue bosses boasting a custom AI system:
Casted Attacks. Adapt and learn to defeat these powerful foes!

The adventure doesn't stop with your home planet. Journey
to the stars above, exploring ancient ruins, alien relics,
and more.

This mod grants nearly limitless player agency; you decide
how you want to play.


Along with the Stellar Array mechanic, there are a myriad of
new weapons exclusive to your respective Aspect carefully made
with unique gameplay in mind. This mod embraces quality over
quantity; each weapon can be qualified as a legendary
artifact by itself, and you may recognize some of them...


Once you have defeated the Wall of Flesh, you can challenge The Vagrant of Space and Time.
Defeating this boss will unlock the next step of your powers, the utilization of Stellar Novas.

During your journey, square off against legendary foes such as Nalhaun, the Burnished King,
Penthesilea, the Witch of Ink, and Arbitration.
Prepare yourself for their myriad attacks, and erase them from this world!

At the end of your journey, The Stars Above has one last challenge for you: The Warrior of Light.
This fight, one of the most unique Terraria bosses ever, will pit you against the pinnacle of heroes, testing
your strength and willpower. It will push you to your Limit- and beyond.

Once you've bested all the bosses of the Stars Above, a new foe will make itself known.
Prepare for the fight of your life...

In Expert Mode, prepare for a challenge that will test every ounce of your abilities.


For enjoyers of the Calamity Mod:
Several weapons are custom-tailored to suit the post-Moon Lord endgame the Calamity Mod offers.
Furthermore, Stellar Novas will scale automatically to Calamity progress.

Custom dialogue is present for Thorium bosses as well!
Even if the mod does not support a modded boss, there will still be dialogue!


Thank you to Subworld Library and Scalar's Structurizer for resources used to create subworlds!

This mod is meant to be utilized in tandem with other mods to enhance the gameplay experience.

Fully compatible with multiplayer, but there may be some desync issues.
Compatible with saves, but highly recommended to start a new playthrough.
If any incompatibilities arise, they will be mentioned ingame.

Please consider donating to The Stars Above if you're able!
You can get a pet or a custom weapon added into the mod!"> 'Conquer the world's evils, Starfarers at your side.'
Compatible with multiplayer!
Thank you everyone for over 1 million downloads!
Please check the Discord for the latest info + wiki!
Click the homepage link below!
For the best experience, make sure to download
'The Stars Above Music' for music!
This mod includes:
- Two fully furnished deuteroganists with over 1000+
lines of dialogue and custom UI to support it
- Modular, upgradable ultimate abilities that scale
with boss progression
- Pre-made instanced explorable dungeons
set amongst the stars
- 24 custom unlockable passive abilities present in a
unique weight-based system
- 50+ special weapons that have malleable damage types,
alternate abilities, charged attacks, etc.
- 6 unique bosses each with their own special
cast-centric AI
*** Requires Subworld Library! ***
Full description below...

The Stars Above is a Terraria expansion mod that adds
a new important game mechanic: the Starfarer system.
Compatible with multiplayer and all popular content mods.

Meet Asphodene and Eridani: twin Starfarers, spatial
foreigners that will grant you strength on your journey.

Unlock unique equippable abilities within the Stellar Array,
mixing and matching them to perfect your build.

Obtain incredibly powerful Stellar Novas to decide battles,
and then modify and upgrade your Stellar Novas with
Stellar Prisms.

With hundreds of unique dialogue lines for each Starfarer,
become stronger with their guidance,
and arm yourselves for the challenges to come.
Your Starfarers will also have dialogue for modded bosses!

Obtain extraordinary weapons with layers of strategy
and myriad powers to overwhelm your foes. Every single
weapon is incredibly unique and custom-made.

Defeat six powerful unqiue bosses boasting a custom AI system:
Casted Attacks. Adapt and learn to defeat these powerful foes!

The adventure doesn't stop with your home planet. Journey
to the stars above, exploring ancient ruins, alien relics,
and more.

This mod grants nearly limitless player agency; you decide
how you want to play.


Along with the Stellar Array mechanic, there are a myriad of
new weapons exclusive to your respective Aspect carefully made
with unique gameplay in mind. This mod embraces quality over
quantity; each weapon can be qualified as a legendary
artifact by itself, and you may recognize some of them...


Once you have defeated the Wall of Flesh, you can challenge The Vagrant of Space and Time.
Defeating this boss will unlock the next step of your powers, the utilization of Stellar Novas.

During your journey, square off against legendary foes such as Nalhaun, the Burnished King,
Penthesilea, the Witch of Ink, and Arbitration.
Prepare yourself for their myriad attacks, and erase them from this world!

At the end of your journey, The Stars Above has one last challenge for you: The Warrior of Light.
This fight, one of the most unique Terraria bosses ever, will pit you against the pinnacle of heroes, testing
your strength and willpower. It will push you to your Limit- and beyond.

Once you've bested all the bosses of the Stars Above, a new foe will make itself known.
Prepare for the fight of your life...

In Expert Mode, prepare for a challenge that will test every ounce of your abilities.


For enjoyers of the Calamity Mod:
Several weapons are custom-tailored to suit the post-Moon Lord endgame the Calamity Mod offers.
Furthermore, Stellar Novas will scale automatically to Calamity progress.

Custom dialogue is present for Thorium bosses as well!
Even if the mod does not support a modded boss, there will still be dialogue!


Thank you to Subworld Library and Scalar's Structurizer for resources used to create subworlds!

This mod is meant to be utilized in tandem with other mods to enhance the gameplay experience.

Fully compatible with multiplayer, but there may be some desync issues.
Compatible with saves, but highly recommended to start a new playthrough.
If any incompatibilities arise, they will be mentioned ingame.

Please consider donating to The Stars Above if you're able!
You can get a pet or a custom weapon added into the mod!

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Boss Cursor
Download v1.5.1 (13.2 KB)


Boss cursor adds arrows around your character that points towards the boss.

This way you do not need the mini-map open to be able to properly aim.

The size and transparency of the arrow changes the closer the boss is, so that you get a good feel for how far away the boss is, even when it is off screen.

Using the overlay map hides the cursor.

Boss cursor has ModConfig support that enables you to modify the cursors properties.

Want to remove or add cursors for additional NPCs? Check out the forum thread for instructions on how to use the mod's API.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.4.1.10 (47.1 MB)

Doctor Hummer, Instrex, …

Split Mod adds new content to the game, such as items, enemies, bosses and more.
The main aim of the mod is to provide wholesome and fresh experience on top of the base game without breaking its charm and ambience.
We are working hard to make all of the content feel natural and interesting, so take your time and enjoy it!
Our Discord:

> Over 700 new items - new unique weapons, armor sets, accesories and much more!
> Over 40 new monsters with unique animations and attacks!
> 7 brand new bosses with unique AI!
> 6 new town NPCs, each with its own interesting stuff to sell and exchange!
> Two new structures - the Stranded Ship and the Underworld Domain!
> Support for Russian language!
> Support for Boss Checklist and Census Mod by Jopojelly!

Enjoy!"> About
Split Mod adds new content to the game, such as items, enemies, bosses and more.
The main aim of the mod is to provide wholesome and fresh experience on top of the base game without breaking its charm and ambience.
We are working hard to make all of the content feel natural and interesting, so take your time and enjoy it!
Our Discord:

> Over 700 new items - new unique weapons, armor sets, accesories and much more!
> Over 40 new monsters with unique animations and attacks!
> 7 brand new bosses with unique AI!
> 6 new town NPCs, each with its own interesting stuff to sell and exchange!
> Two new structures - the Stranded Ship and the Underworld Domain!
> Support for Russian language!
> Support for Boss Checklist and Census Mod by Jopojelly!


Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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