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Tortoise Sword Mod
Download v0.1 (13.3 KB)


Tortoise Sword Mod adds one things: a tortise sword that turns things into tortoises.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.3 (23.1 KB)


DeathRoll is the mod for all those who miss the thrill of deathrolling your hard earned money with other players as is done in other MMORPGs.

Simply type /roll <number> and you will roll a random number between 1 and your number. (Must be below 2,147,483,647)

Place your bet beforehand.
Select a number to start with - ie 10000
Whatever is rolled is the new max - ie 7321
Continue untill one of you rolls 1 - if you do, you lost

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v0.7 (35 KB)


This mod is not really meant for mass use but should be functional
The theme is to add items that have utility and will hopefully include more items as I figure out how to make them

Absolutely none of this mod could be done without the work behind the tmodloader Example Mod ( and the AlchemistNPC mod (
At the end of the day most of the ideas and concepts that go into the items of this mod are primarily reconsituted from those sources whom should be praised for their brillance and kindness to let access to their materials

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
The Eyelander
Download v1.69.4 (22.1 KB)


Take heads with the Eyelander. Each head increases max HP up to 25%.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Fix Bee Cloak Recipe
Download v0.2 (5.7 KB)


At some point my Bee Cloak recipe disappeared. This is just re-adding it to the crafting list.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (43.8 KB)


CircuitsMod is a mod that focuses of some of the parts in terraia that could use more fetures, it treies to stick to the original terraia feeling

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Craftable Alchemy Table
Download v0.1 (5.7 KB)


This is a mod that adds a crafting recipe for the Alchemy Table for 10 Tungsten bars and 2 Lesser Healing Potions.

Sorry if this mod isn't that good, it's my first mod.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Dr. Craisins Mod
Download v0.1 (170.9 KB)

Dr. Craisin

This mod adds bruh, bruh is a prehardmode weapon, not because you can get it in prehardmode, but because its awful in hardmode.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Messing Around
Download v0.1 (17.6 KB)


This is a basic mod I want to use and mess around with for learning the basics of modding Terraria!

I'm new to making mods, but I have silly ideas I want to add in.

Expect this mod to have random things added. Will update as I go.

Contact Me For Bugs/Errors: DISCORD - Chagmen#4975

Notice: I may not answer all messages, but I will keep them in mind.

UNKNOWN! I'm relatively new to coding, so don't expect this mod to be 100% compatible with any other mods!

Version 0.0.1

My first weapon.

~ Magic ~

Sawblade Staff

Any Iron Bar x10
Hallowed Bar x20
Mana Star x2

Made at "Mythril Anvil" and "Crystal Ball"

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.1 (1.1 MB)



Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
ez turtle shell
Download v0.2 (5.2 KB)


ever struggle to find turtles? even with reduced grind well this mod makes the turtle shell craftable with 1 chlorophyte bar and 1 hallowed bar

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (104.1 KB)


Bronie są modem dodającym mase yoyo do gry ale to nie koniec a dopiero początek czegoś poteżnego!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (3.1 MB)


races names are listed here! Scroll down if you'd like. It also lists some brief details about what has been done to them in this update.

It's possible that there wont be anymore content updates in 1.3 for this race addon [Or at least outside of fixes or balancing.] Knowing me though, there's still a chance that I may try to come back to updating this with more content while it is on 1.3; Especially if I struggle with or cannot completely learn how to do certain things on 1.4.

If this is updated, it'll likely be for tweaks /
balancing. An additional race is not as likely.

Gaian (Reworked endurnace)
MetalScroom (Had fixes and reworked endurance.)
Rigan (Changed Health drain from ST and lowered normal Mana regen)
Dullahan (Had a fix? And nerfed slightly.)
Haseldan (Recovery movement buff and FS max endurance nerf.)
Dinakeri (Fixedup passive deaggro. ER grants more aggro.)
Construct (Had a minor fix and a very, very small buff.)
Kasparan (Slight nerf on Endurance gains.)
Fischeran (Small nerf+buff on AWS + max-endurance nerf.)
Dzin (Decently reworked/Somewhat major changes. Might alter.)

I might undo my endurance rework if I find a way to
cap it off or heavily reduce all the external gains.
However at the moment I do want to keep it this way.
^ The races are only balanced between eachother and not with the Authentic Races. New (and now old) races are at risk of an imbalance, so please send me feedback if you feel like any of the races are much stronger and or weaker compared to the others. If I can I'll try to balance it out between them some more.
I might be planning on adding the rest of the races; or at least maybe 2-5 more.. Justtt not right now. I already have a basic concept ready for each of them, though even if I do go through with adding them into the mod it's still unlikely that they'll come out soon. [Unlike my first update which happened about a month later, lol.]

Let me know how I can improve these if you'd like! [Martypotty#9781 is my discord.]

Credit for what/who helped with the races
in this mod;
Note: By help I mean that they helped me learn something or let me use something like an anti-negative regen thing/or because of let's say the exampliar code I was able to make this or that. I don't know how to code in C# properly, and so I needed help knowing if something existed or not.

MrPlague's tutorial on how to make a race & the Exampliar code.
SM [Creator of the Steel race mod] for letting his race's code be read. Because I was able to look at it, it made me understand a couple more things about creating races and how I could add a little more. His description also inspired how I should make this one.
Also credit to SM again for helping me out with a way to cancel out negative health regen! [Like Poison!]
Pog(Karma) and Shaggy Overlord for answering a couple of my questions in the Discord when I was wondering about how to do something.
My Discord friends Soppy and Dowellz for helping me see if it worked well on Multiplayer when I first started on making this.

{If this mod frustrates you, please keep in mind
that these people weren't directly involved in this
creation, and might not have even known it entirely.
Don't go to them, contact Martypotty#9781 instead.}

If the main mod didn't work, this would've been
difficult / probably wouldn't have happened by me.
Credits for the "MrPlague's Authentic Races" mod.
(I'm not 100% sure as to how I should credit the original mod exactly, but here it is!)

-MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder)
-Mirsario (helped with cleaning up MrPlague's spaghetti code and did 90% of the custom race support)
-SnowMelon (adjusted some of the audio fi"> This is a Terraria parody of Rogue Lineage:
The races in this mod aren't exactly balanced; except maybe between each other.
Any lore heard from the Race's lore pages may be incorrect or at most somewhat true / speculation. (There're also tiny bits of new "lore" related to Terraria stuff but that's just made up for fun.)

Mod Homepage leads to a Google document about recent and past changes/additions*

The races in this addon are decently different from their Rogue counterparts.
Despite this fact, you will likely see some extreme exaggerations or similarities between most of the races of this mod and the races of Rogue Lineage. For example Gaian is tanky, Rigan has high mana regen, and Ashiin has multiple class-based stats. Also 15 out of the 16 races this addon adds have a unique ability and offer somewhat differing things!
The races names are listed here! Scroll down if you'd like. It also lists some brief details about what has been done to them in this update.

It's possible that there wont be anymore content updates in 1.3 for this race addon [Or at least outside of fixes or balancing.] Knowing me though, there's still a chance that I may try to come back to updating this with more content while it is on 1.3; Especially if I struggle with or cannot completely learn how to do certain things on 1.4.

If this is updated, it'll likely be for tweaks /
balancing. An additional race is not as likely.

Gaian (Reworked endurnace)
MetalScroom (Had fixes and reworked endurance.)
Rigan (Changed Health drain from ST and lowered normal Mana regen)
Dullahan (Had a fix? And nerfed slightly.)
Haseldan (Recovery movement buff and FS max endurance nerf.)
Dinakeri (Fixedup passive deaggro. ER grants more aggro.)
Construct (Had a minor fix and a very, very small buff.)
Kasparan (Slight nerf on Endurance gains.)
Fischeran (Small nerf+buff on AWS + max-endurance nerf.)
Dzin (Decently reworked/Somewhat major changes. Might alter.)

I might undo my endurance rework if I find a way to
cap it off or heavily reduce all the external gains.
However at the moment I do want to keep it this way.
^ The races are only balanced between eachother and not with the Authentic Races. New (and now old) races are at risk of an imbalance, so please send me feedback if you feel like any of the races are much stronger and or weaker compared to the others. If I can I'll try to balance it out between them some more.
I might be planning on adding the rest of the races; or at least maybe 2-5 more.. Justtt not right now. I already have a basic concept ready for each of them, though even if I do go through with adding them into the mod it's still unlikely that they'll come out soon. [Unlike my first update which happened about a month later, lol.]

Let me know how I can improve these if you'd like! [Martypotty#9781 is my discord.]

Credit for what/who helped with the races
in this mod;
Note: By help I mean that they helped me learn something or let me use something like an anti-negative regen thing/or because of let's say the exampliar code I was able to make this or that. I don't know how to code in C# properly, and so I needed help knowing if something existed or not.

MrPlague's tutorial on how to make a race & the Exampliar code.
SM [Creator of the Steel race mod] for letting his race's code be read. Because I was able to look at it, it made me understand a couple more things about creating races and how I could add a little more. His description also inspired how I should make this one.
Also credit to SM again for helping me out with a way to cancel out negative health regen! [Like Poison!]
Pog(Karma) and Shaggy Overlord for answering a couple of my questions in the Discord when I was wondering about how to do something.
My Discord friends Soppy and Dowellz for helping me see if it worked well on Multiplayer when I first started on making this.

{If this mod frustrates you, please keep in mind
that these people weren't directly involved in this
creation, and might not have even known it entirely.
Don't go to them, contact Martypotty#9781 instead.}

If the main mod didn't work, this would've been
difficult / probably wouldn't have happened by me.
Credits for the "MrPlague's Authentic Races" mod.
(I'm not 100% sure as to how I should credit the original mod exactly, but here it is!)

-MrPlague (spriter, animator, and coder)
-Mirsario (helped with cleaning up MrPlague's spaghetti code and did 90% of the custom race support)
-SnowMelon (adjusted some of the audio fi

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Revertable Hardmode
Download v0.1 (6 KB)


A dumb mod that allows you to go back in Pre-Hardmode by beating the Wall of Flesh while being on Hardmode.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.3 Edit | Delete
Stick Sword
Download v0.4 (12.2 KB)


Stick Sword is a pretty cool mod, it does...this.

Stworzone przez polaka ;)

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (14.5 KB)



Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Baron P. Puffenstien Mod
Download v3.2 (52.2 KB)

Baron P. Puffenstien

Version 0.1:
Added Bulker Armor as First Mod element
Added the Bulker Buster as the first weapon
Added Bane Armor as a
Lead-Counterpart to the Bulker Armor
Added Lead Poisoner as a More Powerful
Lead-Counterpart to the Bulker Buster
Added Double Clawshot as a bonus

Version 0.2:
fixed a text bug in version 0.1
Added the Homepage where you can send
responses of what you want me to add
(it no longer exists)

Version 0.3 - Shroomfire Update!:
I'd like to apologize for being inactive, its been
very busy, anyways. heres the new items!

Added Mushroom Elixr a drink that boosts
melee damage without the tipsy effect.
Added Hellshroom a mushroom dipped in
lava, you're not going to eat this, are you?

not everything is in the shroomfire update, so consider it a snapshot
also, the modsite has been terminated, i'll see you all on forums!

Coding and design by
Baron P. Puffenstien

"> Baron P. Puffenstien Presents the Baron P. Puffenstien Mod! this mod grants a lot of ideas i want to put in Terraria

Version 0.1:
Added Bulker Armor as First Mod element
Added the Bulker Buster as the first weapon
Added Bane Armor as a
Lead-Counterpart to the Bulker Armor
Added Lead Poisoner as a More Powerful
Lead-Counterpart to the Bulker Buster
Added Double Clawshot as a bonus

Version 0.2:
fixed a text bug in version 0.1
Added the Homepage where you can send
responses of what you want me to add
(it no longer exists)

Version 0.3 - Shroomfire Update!:
I'd like to apologize for being inactive, its been
very busy, anyways. heres the new items!

Added Mushroom Elixr a drink that boosts
melee damage without the tipsy effect.
Added Hellshroom a mushroom dipped in
lava, you're not going to eat this, are you?

not everything is in the shroomfire update, so consider it a snapshot
also, the modsite has been terminated, i'll see you all on forums!

Coding and design by
Baron P. Puffenstien

Localizer Package
5 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Gummy Items(beta)
Download v0.9.0 (38.6 KB)


This mod adds gummy items to the game, this mod will require a lot of gel from you, A LOT OF GEL. So stock up on it.

1 Tiles
1 Buff
13 Gummy Items.

Mini guide to mod:
In order to craft Gummy items, you will have to get 200 gel blocks, 400 gel, and 40 fallen star, craft a Gummy star on a workbench and then craft a Gummy workbench, on which items are already being crafted.

Gummy lever = 30 wood & 60 Gummy.
Gummy bar = 1 Hellstone Bar & 5 Gummy.
Gummy = 2 Gel.
Most recipes are related to gummy.
To craft weapons, tools, you need a Gummy, Gummy Lever and a Gummy Star.

At the moment, the mod is in beta test.
v0.1.0|Adding a mod.
v0.2.0|Adding a gummy staff.
v0.3.0|Adding a gummy resources.
v0.4.0|Adding a gummy axe and pickaxe.
v0.5.0|Adding a gummy workbench.
v0.6.0|Updating item sprites.
v0.7.0|Adding a gummy bar. Updating Gummy sprite. update crafts.
v0.8.0|Added Gummy wings, Gummy emblem 1, gummy emblem 2, Updating sprite and update crafts.
v0.9.0|Added gummy sword, gummy gun and gummy pet. Updating sprites and crafts.
v?.?.?.?|Coming soon...

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Reverse Brick Crafting
Download v0.2.1 (8.3 KB)


Reverse Brick Crafting lets you turn bricks into their ore component basically just a reverse of the crafting recipe. i.e. Gold Brick into gold ore.
Due to the constraints of the recipe system there can only be one result for each craft, so the stone block is lost in each crafting.
Uses the furnace to work, so is usable with Furnace, hellforge, and hardmode furnaces.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Flari's Basic Weapons
Download v0.1.5 (3.9 MB)


This is mainly just a test for some weapons I wanted to add in for a texture pack, but couldn't due to the resolution.

v0.1.5 - Found out that the Howlah's Howl ended up being incredibly busted pre-hardmode, plus the pre-hardmode options were pretty much stuck to two guns, the Howlah's Howl, and the Terminator, so I added more weapons.

- Added the Ol' Reliable, M16, and Skorpion

- Added the Rusty Garand, M1 Garand, and Hell's Call

- Added the Broken Barreled Shotgun, Hellbreaker, and Hellrazer

This is the first wave of new weapons, so expect more in the future. When will it happen? No clue. Also, there will be a bit of a upgrade for crafting the current and future weapons, so keep an eye out for that.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
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