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CookieMod (LTB)
Download v1.0 (7.2 KB)


This Is A LTB (Locked Test Build) For CookieMod Test Reasons!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Continuum (UNFINISHED)
Download v0.72 (66.9 KB)



This mod is far from done, and it doesnt add too much content.
But, so far this mod adds:
- 3 New enemies
- 6 New weapons
- 4 New accesories (1 of them being a wing)
- 3 New Materials
- And a new way to craft bloody spine
(the last feature is only here because me and my friends world generated a very small crimson)

Yea thats it so far...

Version 0.72
- Added 2 Npcs, 3 Weapons and the new pre hardmode wings

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Jadwap's Expansion
Download v0.1 (34.2 KB)



Only published in order to let friend play.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Fry Guy Vanity Set
Download v0.1 (14.4 KB)


Adds the fry guy vanity set
troll face
(dont download the mod i genuinely dont

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.6 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (22.2 KB)


Astral Mod is a Content Mod currently in beta, once its done it will add Bosses, Items, Weapons, Tools and much more.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (8.6 KB)


Just a private mod with almost no centent, dont download it XD

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Conga's Random Mod
Download v0.1.4.3 (347.4 KB)

Conga Dispenser

A Random Mod is a pretty cool mod, very gamer.

Ok, I'll admit, I don't know what I was doing with this one.


Adds some weapons idk

maybe adding ore later?



+3 new swords
+1 new enemy
+2 new throwables


+1 new magic weapon


+1 new throwable (Prehard)
+1 new magic (Hard mode)


+1 new magic (Hard mode)


=Balance changes to crafting, and items.
+1 Town NPC
+1 armor set


=Price changes


=Name change to easily distinguish from other mods

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (42.1 KB)



Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.19 (230.3 KB)


Still a work in progress and still learning how to make things. So far there are:

5 Melee weapons
1 Range weapon
3 Magic weapon
7 Accessories
1 Enemy
1 Ore/Bar
1 Crafting Station
2 Materials
2 Ammo (Bullets)
4 Potions
+List is always up to date+

-Most items cannot be normally obtained yet. You can just use Hero Mod or Cheat Sheet to check them out.-
-Yes, the homepage link is google because 1) This mod is not even fully out. 2) I don't know how to make a homepage.-


*NOTE: This is the Pre version of the actual mod. Most sprites are not the final sprites and everything will be revamped when the complete version is out. This is just a project I am making while I am still learning and very new to spriting and coding. This is basically sneak peaks to items that is being made and updated.*

--Version 0.19--

-Terra Staff | Staff version of the Terra Blade, shoots the same projectiles but it is a magic weapon (Craftable)
-Book of Wind | Magic book that shoots small wind cyclones (Craftable)
-Dark Matter Bullet | Homes in on enemies and increased the crit chance to 56% (Update)

---Version 0.18---

-Luminous Scythe | projectile color and transparency change (Normal > Pink)
-Book of Fire | resprite and can now be crafted
-Few sell price changes/fixes
-Adds a new potion (Greater Regeneration Potion) | Potion count from 3 > 4
-Super Ironskin Potion | crafting recipe fixed
-Few potion recipe tweaks


Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
[[BIG SHOT]] Saplings Smash Pumpkins
Download v0.1 (6.4 KB)


A mod made for a friend of mine! It makes all saplings that are on-screen destroy any pumpkins within 3 blocks of them that might be preventing them from growing. Simple as that.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Calamity's Vanities drop fix
Download v1.0 (7.2 KB)

Potato Person

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.4 Edit | Delete
Cansas Mod
Download v1.1.6 (582.5 KB)


Cansas Mod is a mod made to play with Cansas

1.1.6 - Balanced some weapons
- Adjusted prices
- Adjusted Post-Moon Lord crafting recipes

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0.2 (86.5 KB)


Illustriam is my first mod, I want to learn C# to make better Terraria mods and I'm gonna expand on this mod from just cheat items. Join my Discord server to say hello or to
report any issues!


This mod is only in BETA.

Thanks to KRxia and J O S H for helping with sprites and emotional support.

Version 0.1:

+ Cheater Bow added
+ Cheater Hamaxe added
+ Cheater Dagger added
+ Cheater Pickaxe added

Version 0.2:

+ Icon added

Version 0.3:

+ True Death Sickle added
+ True Arkhalis added

Version 0.4:

+ Rival Of The Ancients added

Version 0.5:

+Literally nothing, just a description change.

Version 0.6:

+ Patch

Version 0.7:

+ Resized the True Death Sickle sprite
+ Resized the Rival Of The Ancients sprite

Version 0.8:

+ Trilton pickaxe added

(Notes: New Icon coming in either 0.9 or 1.0 update.)

Version 0.9:

+ New icon added (Thanks to J O S H for making the pickaxe)

Version 1.0:

(Note: Finally, we have version 1.0)

+ Jester Pickaxe added
+ Jester Ore added
+ Jester Bar added
+ Jester Sword added
+ Ore Generation added

Version 1.0.1:

+Blood God added
+Book Of Blood added
+Bloody Antler added

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Idle Slayer
Download v1.1 (138.1 KB)

Benjamin Høly

This is my first public mod so it's probably very bad
This mod contains:

-32 Items
-8 Weapons
-2 Accessories
-more nothing

this is a really small mod
but i will be adding more items to it later

if you have any feedback
please send it to my discord account

-Added logo

-Improved treasure bags
-Improved dragon and simurgh eggs
-Fixed and improved some recipes
-Added Boreas longsword

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (26 KB)


Armageddon is a pretty cool mod, it adds 2 Lifesteal swords and a few accesoires (add more later).

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v0.3 (21.7 KB)


The atomizer is designed for when you're ready to either remove your world from existence, or just want to have fun in a new world and see what kind of madness you can ensue. Basically you're holding a remove control to an AC-130's missle system, this item can ONLY be spawned using cheats because it's rediculous and will destroy your world. Use this wisely!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Uexkull Mod
Download v0.1.2 (35.7 KB)

Team Illusion

A mod that includes a FlipFlappers character-themed pet and armor set. All of this crafted with a new material droped by bunnies. Enjoy!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Slimy Stuff!
Download v0.3 (34.6 KB)


The Slimy Stuff! mod addds a bit more slimy items to your game that can be used to end pre-hardmode pretty fast.
For now it only adds:
2 pickaxes
2 swords
2 axes
1 bow
There could be updates, but probably not as its my first mod. Shoutouts to JediWolf for reminding me that Terraria and TModLoader exist.
0.2 Update:
Axes added, they are pretty slimy
0.3 Update:
Added a bow, still slimy
Added a flying eye, its weaker and slimier than normal demon eyes

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Lndl's funny haha swords
Download v0.99 (44.3 KB)


This mod is pretty small and pretty dumb, just basically added a sword, which can be upgraded in this order;
Blank Sword; Which is just a blank sword, what can you say?
Optic Sword; it's direct upgrade, duh.
Bony Sword
Flesh Sword
Mechanical Sword
Lihzard Sword
And finally, the Moon Sword.

Also, starting with the fleshy sword, the swords actually begin to shoot out projectiles!

The mod is really small, and it's my first mod, but i'd appreciate it if you tried it out!
(Also there's bound to be more swords... ...Maybe another mod that's bigger altogether)
I worked quite a bit on it, for my first mod so i hope it's good.
Discord Contact: @Lndl#7880 on discord for bugs or suggestions. :)

P.S. You get the runes from given bosses, 50% chance for each, but 100% for the mechanical ones.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Download v1.0 (61 KB)

Hibub and 00face

For some reason it thinks I have a default Build.txt
CaveBlazers is a mod adding a subworld based off the game CaveBlazers
This mod is far from done, Im just taking a break for now

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
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