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Soup Mod
Download v0.1.5.3 (35.6 KB)


Soup mod is a mod made by people who suck at the game and want to be better.

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
Charleville 1777
Download v0.2 (313.1 KB)


Charleville 1777 is a badass weapon, used in the French Revolution, kill everyone with it.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Edit | Delete
Different Dimensions
Download v0.33 (115.5 KB)

Juno n Cynthia

The Different Dimensions mod is a self-indulgent mod focusing on adding bear related items and children's card games.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Download v0.1 (21.7 KB)


This is an early version of my mod in which I added bosses pickaxes. You can contact me by email
Это ранняя версия моего мода в котором я добавил кирки боссов.Cо мной можно связаться по почте

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Download v0.6 (44.3 KB)


ultramodwsd very good mod.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.6 Edit | Delete
Download v0.3.1.2 (29.9 KB)

Luzik. Arbuzik

This mod adds BABY YODA pet! Cool right?

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.7 Edit | Delete
Sh0ck R0ckve1n's Mod
Download v0.1.3.2 (105.1 KB)

Team ShockDawn

This mod is meant to be a commemoration for the 4 main hosts of The Official Podcast, who've helped me a lot
with who and what I wanna do.

At the moment, the mod's Official Podcast themed items are-
Town NPCs of Charlie White (Moist Merchant), and Huggbees (freakazoid)
Teirs of Yu Gi Oh card thrown weapons sold by Charlie
A special gun sold by Charlie post Plantera
Special bullets that inflict Wet on enemies sold by Moist Merchant

Non-Official Podcast items are-
Beaming Eye, a weapon made of flesh clumps that shoots lasers
Destiny Saber, a generic sword that will be used in a future update
Flesh Clump, material crafted from flesh blocks and leather
Frigid Wind, a pre-boss spell book that fires shards of ice
Gigashark, post Plantera version of Megashark
Melmetal Allow, material that has no use at the moment
Retinlaser Rifle, post Twins weapon that is a better version of the laser rifle
Starstorm Blaster, post Plantera version of Star Cannon that fires both stars and crystal shard projectiles
Viledust Pistol, gun made from demonite bars and vile powder that consumes sand as ammo and fires damaging vile powder projectiles

Now keep in mind, im basically indipendent working on this mod, and the other person working on it is still trying to learn coding for tmodloader
and basically so am I. This project just started out one day as a sleep deprived idea, but kept with it and wanted to continue. If you want to help
me and my friend with making sprites and/or code, you can contact me on the email and ill definitely credit you for your work.

Thank you if you download the mod, and i hope you have fun with it!

-Team ShockDawn

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
The Sticc
Download v0.5 (15.8 KB)


The Sticc is a magical sticc infused with the power of space.
It can be crafted with 10 (normal) wood and one fallen star.

V. 1.2 - V. 1.5
Attempted to add icon

V. 1.1
Changed a title


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.1 Edit | Delete
Destiny 2 Mod
Download v0.1 (31 KB)


Thank you for installing my mod. This is SUPER unfinished, there are only like 4 or 5 weapons in the game and that is about it so far.
all of the weapons currently are obtained through dirt blocks at a crafting bench lol.
In the future, I hope to add most of the Exotic weapons from the game Destiny 2, as well as some armor, mobs, and Bosses, and maybe a couple of NPCs.

Just note that this is completly unfinished as of now.
Thank you!

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Impossible Terraria Mod
Download v0.1.1 (19.5 KB)


makes terraria unimaginably painful.


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8 Edit | Delete
Ignis Wraith
Download v1.0 (16 KB)


The Ignis Wraith is crazy flamethrower refernece to Wardrame exploit

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.8 Edit | Delete
Blood Sport
Download v1.1.0 (92.4 KB)


Disclaimer: This mod is INDEV meaning it is still early in the development process. No stats are final and all content is subject to change.

The overall purpose of Blood Sport is to integrate lifesteal and a Blood accumulation mechanism to mid-late game content. This is also my first Terraria mod and is thus a testing ground for different game systems.

4 weapons
1 armor set
2 separate head pieces
3 accessories
1 crafting material
4 buffs, 2 debuffs
[g:5] 1 buff tied to a keybind
1 debuff tied to quick healing from Blood
an unpredictable experience that may change over the coming weeks

configs to allow server game balance and client choice

More Information:


Programming / Art - Creedus
Art - Wh4I3"> (1.3 port of the 1.4 Blood Sport mod)
The 1.4 version is the priority mod content area. This version contains a reduced number of items in comparison due to differences in 1.3 and 1.4 Terraria. Make sure to stay tuned for 1.4 updates, as eventually support for this 1.3 mod will be dropped.
Disclaimer: This mod is INDEV meaning it is still early in the development process. No stats are final and all content is subject to change.

The overall purpose of Blood Sport is to integrate lifesteal and a Blood accumulation mechanism to mid-late game content. This is also my first Terraria mod and is thus a testing ground for different game systems.

4 weapons
1 armor set
2 separate head pieces
3 accessories
1 crafting material
4 buffs, 2 debuffs
[g:5] 1 buff tied to a keybind
1 debuff tied to quick healing from Blood
an unpredictable experience that may change over the coming weeks

configs to allow server game balance and client choice

More Information:


Programming / Art - Creedus
Art - Wh4I3

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Interitos Mod
Download v1.4.0.0 (112.1 KB)


Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.6.2 Edit | Delete
Say Goodbye to Your Ears
Download v0.1 (125.9 KB)


The name of this mod speaks for itself.

Localizer Package
4 years ago tModLoader v0.11.7.8 Edit | Delete
Twig Pet
Download v0.5 (19.2 KB)


The Twig Pet mod is a mod developed by me. I made the sprites, and did the coding, with help from the Example Mod sourcecode. This mod is simply one pet, and it's really cute. Also adds a recipe for Music Box.
Also adds an ice cream cone.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
DBT Leveled Patch
Download v1.1 (7.7 KB)


Allows Ki weapons to scale damage with the Leveled mod.

NOTE: This is a modified version of "DBT + Leveled Patch v0.1" by Simping For Mercenaries
Credit for development of the code within this mod goes to the above author, and this mod will be taken down upon request from the above author.
Ki Damage scaling

This simply removes the firerate ramping and player specific functions present in the mod referenced above.

Planning on adding a config whenever I figure out how.


* Lowered modifier value on damage to more closely resemble the damage scaling for other weapons in the Leveled mod

Localizer Package
2 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.9 Edit | Delete
End of the Line
Download v1.0.3 (93.4 KB)


End of the Line, formerly known as kitkeiz's hell, is a pretty cool mod which tries to take it self seriously,
and it kinda does, but ruins it when there's a cheese sword & the items + mobs don't match the terraria aesthethic.

join the dizzy!

stay a while, find the cool stuff in the mod, or don't, your choice!

atm, it's just a simple content mod, but i plan this to be up there with the big mods!

please note, things might break, be too op / weak, have filler textures, or be mislabelled, usually rarity wise. If you find any such issues,
or have any complaints, please report them to me on any of these!:

discord: nyakuzumi#5534
terraria forums:
twitter: or @nyakuzumi
discord server:


i could remove that but i don't wanna ^^


recommended mods for this!:
any qol mod, because why not.
any large content mod, they're just better together <3!
omniswing, because every weapon has autoswing, no i will not change it.

non recommended mods!:

kitkeiz's hell: this is literally kitkeiz's hell but with a different name and more content, having it would be redundant.



- plausible new mechanics
- new bosses
- new enemies
- new items
- new biomes
- some other things


Below is a changelog!:

1.0.3, modified some textures and some other things to prepare for 1.1

1.0.2, added discord server to description, also added a few new items, and a new icon!

really this is just an excuse to push an update out, next update will be, large, i guess?

1.0.1, github, mod is now known as End of the Line [ since edge of the line sounded stupid ], and icon!

1.0, initial release, with content from kitkeiz's hell! adds some other stuff, like new ores, and festive items!


next update plans [ if there are any ]:

1.1: adds much more content then previous updates, new town npc, and a new boss bag feature
and maybe a boss

i won't update the mod until i got these covered.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Gray -> Grey Spelling
Download v1.0.3 (10.6 KB)


Changes the spelling of the word 'Gray' to the British alternative, 'Grey,' throughout the game.

~ Affected Items:
Gray Brick
Gray Brick Wall
Gray Pressure Plate
Gray Stucco
Gray Stucco Wall
Gray Paint
Fancy Gray Wallpaper
Martian Gray Grunt Banner

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
Hell Mode
Download v0.1 (10.9 KB)


Hell Mode gives enemies extra health.
There are no rewards.

Health multiplier can be changed via the config.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.5 Edit | Delete
Regular Stealth Gen While Moving
Download v1.0 (10.2 KB)


Finally recreated the mod that got me into modding as that mod is no longer working.
Special thanks to Bran and Pip for keeping interested in this mod and WVlad for making the original rogue improvements mod.
Note: This hasn't been tested in multiplayer.

Localizer Package
3 years ago tModLoader v0.11.8.4 Edit | Delete
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