Details of Castled's AI Scrambler

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Castled's AI Scrambler
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Last Updated
4 years ago
Please use the config menu if you want to change anything, as well as fix some performance issues.

Castled's AI Scrambler contains all of the tools you need to completely distort NPC AI, ranging from randomizing AI Styles, loot box slimes and distorting the AI itself.
Some of the things you can do include:

- /rainbowchar, to give your player a super rainbow hue
- /reset, to set your player to default presets
- /clearhead, /clearbody and /clearleg, in case if you don't want to get Lamia Wraps, etc, and THERE ARE NO LOOPHOLES :wesmart:
- /speedrun, :kappa:
- /seteye, /setskin, since 1.4 dresser doesn't exist, use these and the color "config" in Player Randomizer config menu to change either eyes or skin to that color.
- /resetflag, to reset all vanilla boss downed flags.

AI Scramble: Using a completely randomized formula, the AI itself will be completely distorted, resulting in some bizzare experiences.
*NOTE: This IS NOT aiStyle change, but rather change to the AI itself.
This can lead to events such as overclocked Golem, breakdancing and constant arm shedding.
This does not affect a handful of NPC's or AI Styles due to either hardcoding or just using unique code.
Use the config menu to disable Town NPC's as well as dangerous AI Styles (that crash the game when scrambled) to be modified.

**AI Style Randomization: This does exactly what you think it does: randomize the AI Style of every NPC. Instead of modifying the AI itself, this swaps the AI of an NPC with another style.
You can add a delay in the configs for how often you want the AI Style to be randomized, however anything below 5 seconds will cause a lot of issues.
This is automatically set to 0, meaning it will only be modified once for the NPC's lifetime.
NOTE: This is NOT AI Scramble, but rather changing to the AI STYLE.
**This is separate from AI Scramble itself, and is highly unrecommended to be used alongside with.

Loot Box Slimes: All slimes which can hold items will become sentient loot boxes, cycling through every LOADED item in the game, thus being able to drop any item in the game, including modded items.
*NOTE: This does not need the AI Scrambler config to be on, but it will be modified if it is.

Stat Randomizer: Randomize various traits of NPCs, which can lead to some... interesting results, to say the least.

Rainbow NPCs: Feeling pride? Turn on this toggle to give every NPC a rainbow color effect similar to the Rainbow Slime.
*NOTE: This does not need the AI Scrambler config to be on, but it might be modified if it is.

Frame Lock: Set a value to prevent any AI modification from occuring if the current frame rate is at or below that level. This is very useful in case if the AI modification is causing machine issues.

AI Scramble Hotkey: If granted permission in a server, you can use this hotkey to immediately toggle AI Scramble. There is a config to enable or disable permission for everyone in the server.
This hotkey has a six second cooldown, however you can disable this as well in the configs.


v.0.1 - Release
v.0.1.1 - Added mod icon
v.0.1.2 - Added NPC Shop Randomizer and Scale config, added Butcher Hotkey and added The Destroyer AI to "Crash Prevention"
v. - Player update!
- Added four commands that change the player (go to the homepage for more information)

- Added a hotkey and an entirely new config menu for randomizing your character's looks, like the "Randomize" button in character creation, however to change hair color and
to access exclusive haircuts, you have to get the stylist, and also defeat some other powerful creatures. (Check the Terraria Wiki for more information).

- Removed redundant config tooltips

- Changed AI Style delay config to an AI Style Lock.

v. - Hey Feces Posterior...
- Added /speedrun command
- The Lootbox Slime config will now cycle through every loaded item, being able to drop any item, including modded ones.

v. - The Slime's Revenge!
- Added a new config category: The Danger Zone.
> Randomize Stat and Pandora's Box Slime config
- Updated Randomize Town NPC shop to now also be able to sell any loaded item when enabled
- Added configs to now toggle certain areas that the /rainbowchar command will affect.
- Added experimental config for Slime Box, however this will be updated in the future as I forgot to update this mod, and learned how to properly use lists
- Added a config to toggle the 1.4 skin randomizer

v. - Just a test update to see if I can publish existing mods on a new laptop
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