Details of Bame's Vanilla Rebalancing
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Bame's Vanilla Rebalancing
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Last Updated
3 years ago
An attempt to improve the balance of Vanilla Terraria. Over 100 items have been modified with the intention of making almost every single item in the game viable. Also includes changes to Bosses and Enemies.
For more information, including detailed documentation of all changes, check out the Mod's homepage.
1.7 update:
Scourge of the Corruptor
+ Now inflicts a new debuff, "Corrupted"
++ The Javelin inflicts this debuff for 5 seconds.
++ The Tiny Eaters inflict it for 1 second.
++ For both projectiles, the duration is increased by your current melee speed.
Corrupted causes two Tiny Eaters to come out of the afflicted target every 1.5 seconds, and the target will release three Tiny Eaters when killed. Every Tiny Eater spawned by the debuff deals 53 damage.
This change makes it a powerful sidearm to keep with you when dealing with enemies, and a useful tool to keep flask debuffs on Bosses.
Razorblade Typhoon:
+ Projectile lifespan increased from 3 seconds to 5.
- Mana cost increased from 16 to 100.
- There can now only be one projectile at a time.
This weapon has such a powerful and spammable projectile that the only way to balance it out is to limit it to a sidearm weapon closer to Magnet Sphere. This change additionally declones it from the eventual Nightglow.
+ Revolver damage increased from 20 to 30
+ Nail Gun Damage increased from 85 to 125 (for those who cared, these two are what I was referring to in the previous message)
+ Candy Corn Rifle damage increased from 44 to 60
+ Jack O Lantern Launcher velocity increased from 7 to 14
- Chlorophyte Bullets:
-- Damage decreased from 10 to 9
-- Now lose their homing effect 8 updates after being shot.
Celestial Stone stat increases changed from:
* +10% damage, +2% crit, +1 hp/s, +4 defense, +10% melee speed +other stuff that doesnt matter.
* +6% damage, +2% crit, +0.5 hp/s, +4 defense. +5% melee speed, -6% mana costs, +10% chance not to consume ammo, +10% movement speed
+ Band of Starpower is now functionally identical to Band of Mana Regeneration
+ Band of Mana Regeneration now inherits Band of Regeneration's +1 hp/s
** this item has been renamed to "Band of Dual Regeneration"
+ Magic Cuffs now additionally increase magic damage by a multiplicative 20% for [damage * 5 / 60] seconds. Stacking with Celestial Cuffs doubles duration.
-- Reverted the latter's buff to maximum mana.
** Now requires the Band of Starpower instead of the Band of Mana Regeneration
+ Doubled Melee Speed bonuses for the Wild, Rash, Intrepid and Violent Prefixes.
+ Doubled movement speed bonuses for the Brisk, Fleeting, Hasty and Quick modifiers, and added a Jump Speed bonus of equal value.
+ Arcane now additionally lowers mana costs by 4%.
Mana Stars:
-- Mana regained reduced from 100 to 25.
++ Increased pickup range for these by 40%. Pickup range with a Celestial Magnet is unaffected.
- Reverted damage nerf on Celestial Emblem.
+ Spectre Mask's damaging ball recharge rate increased from 150 to 800 (this should make the set bonus roughly equivalent to its 1.4 counterpart)
++ Now has its 1.4 stats, but its defense has been lowered to 12.
** reverted previous changes to the rest of this armor.
+ Spectre Hood and Vampire Knives' healing changed. Their healing rate is now a stable 5 hp/s while in constant combat. (Before, they would only heal for 1, but the player's LifeSteal count would still be based on the weapon's damage, leading to inconsistent healing)
++ The latter's Defense has been increased to 12.
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