Details of Boss Tools & Weapons
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Boss Tools & Weapons
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Last Updated
5 years ago
Boss Tools & Weapons is a pretty cool mod.
It adds 15 New Swords, 15 Pickaxe, 15 Axes, a New Bow and a new Magic Weapon which are crafted from the trophies or maskes of the different bosses.
Pickaxes and Axes are crafted from Boss Trophies
Sword are crafted from Boss Masks
1.1 Update:
-Added Moon Bow
The Moon Bow does 500 DMG and converts any arrow into a luminite arrow, It also has a 50% crit chance and an 80% chance to consume ammo
The Moon Bow crafting recipe is: 100 Luminite Bars and 1 Phantasm Bow
-Added Boss Axes
Boss Axes are crafted from boss trophies aswell
-Buffed Hardmode Swords
The size has been increased by 2x
-Made Lunatic Cultist Pickaxe and Sword Unobtainable
-Added Testing Yoyo
1.2 Update:
-Added The Zapper, Soul Scythe, and Frost Sword
The Zapper is a better versoin of the removed Zapinator
The Dark Scythe is a very similar weapon to the Original, removed Soul Scythe
The Frost Sword is very similar to the removed Ice Mourne
-The Twins Pickaxe and Axe only require one of the two twins trophies rather than both
-New Enemy "Remi"
Remi has a 10% chance to spawn in the hardmode jungle
-Added the Lunar Gun
The Lunar Gun has a 2% chance to drop from Remi
1.3 Update:
-Added Fishron, WoF, and Golem Hooks
Range and Speed varies
-Added Dark Bomb
Dark Bomb has a range of 15 tiles
-Added Remi's Ring
Remi x Mechanic
-Added Remi and C4md3n Dev Hats
Only obtainable through mods (Cheat Sheet, Hero's Mod, etc)
-Added Remi's Yo-Yo
130 Dmg, Inf Time, Far Range
1.3.2 Update:
-Added 2k Ring
Celebrate 2k Mod Downloads by D3ealing 2k Damage
-Fixed Error in the Crafting Recipes for the Hooks
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