Details of Creeper, Aw Man

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Creeper, Aw Man
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Aw man, here we go again.
This is a mod that adds Minecraft's iconic hissing, exploding mascot to Terraria.

Current Features:
3 variants of Creepers: Standard, Charged, and exclusive to Creeper, Aw Man, the Stealth Creeper.
1 pet: An adorable Creeper Hatchling who rides into the night on a Phantom!
1 tile: A Jukebox that plays music!

---Version History---
[~] Updated author name
[~] Fixed Creepers sometimes dropping stacks of 0 Explosive Powder
[~] Creepers no longer spawn in multiplayer (compatability is hard and I can't be asked to fix it at the moment, all the related items are still available however)

[~] Creepers of all types now detonate when set aflame, an easy way to dispatch earlygame Creepers with the Wand of Sparking, though you won't get any loot this way
[~] Adjusted some text related to the Creeper Hatchling pet

[~] The description of Creeper's Awe will now warn you that the resulting explosion will also hurt you, apparently I forgot to test that

[~] Stealth Creeper actually inflicts Unstable in Eternity Mode, they also do less damage in Eternity Mode to make it matter
[~] Removed Stealth Creeper auras because it makes more sense for it to be stealthy, auras remove that stealthiness. Besides, their other abilities make up for the lack of auras

[~] Standard Creeper's large aura now properly displays dirt particles instead of stone, whoops

[+] After some consideration, support for Eternity Mode for Fargo's Soul Mod has been reimplemented, though not everything related to it is present at the current moment, the following features have been added:
[~] All Creeper types have a small aura of Stoned
[~] Standard Creepers have a large aura of Antisocial
[~] Stealth Creepers have a large aura of Marked for Death
[~] Charged Creepers have a huge aura of Lightning Rod
[~] Creeper explosions inflict Defenseless and Stunned for 5 seconds, as well as Fused for 15 seconds if you survive the initial hit
[~] Stealth Creepers will also inflict Unstable for 10 seconds with their explosion
[~] Standard Creepers can detonate even if you're behind a wall, they also have a chance of spawning as Stealth Creepers in prehardmode
[~] Stealth Creepers are completely silent and don't take damage from water sources, they also cannot be targeted by homing projectiles under any circumstances
[~] Charged Creepers have significantly more health, their resistance to damage is unchanged
[~] Creeper's Awe drops from Charged Creepers, which gives attacks a chance to inflict Fused, it can no longer be placed like a furniture item

[~] Player detection now uses CanHit instead of CanHitLine, as it has been determined to be more accurate

[+] Added an easter egg to the Creeper pet
[+] Suspicious Looking Gunpowder is significantly easier to obtain and is now once again a guaranteed drop from Charged Creepers

[+] Stealth Creepers have slightly more damage resistance when cloaked
[~] Ranged projectiles will now miss Stealth Creepers when they are at full health, however they are not as quick at exploding in this case

[~] Added a friendly reminder to remove the old version of Creeper, Aw Man from your enabled list

[~] Stealth Creepers have more damage resistance when cloaked at least halfway and cannot be critically hit when fully cloaked

[~] Fixed an issue with Charged Creepers exploding

[~] Drops from Creepers now require some sort of interaction with the player, no more lava farms though not that they worked with Stealth and Charged Creepers anyway

[~] Sped up the standard Creeper's fuse time
[~] Lowered all Creepers' damage resistance a bit

[~] Stealth Creepers briefly lose their invisibility after being hit, they also take a while longer to blow up but are somewhat quieter to compensate

[+] Added recipes for grenades, bombs, and dynamite using explosive powder and iron/lead, these recipes will become obselete pretty quickly but at least you'll have a use for all that explosive powder in prehardmode
[~] Adjusted explosive powder drop rate for charged Creepers because I forgot to

Changes from previous release:
[+] Code is cleaned up and generally better
[+] Added banners
[~] A namespace change was in order
[~] Initial time for Creepers to play their "say" sound is randomized
[~] Time between Creeper "say" sounds is slightly longer, from 2-5 seconds to 3-7 seconds
[~] Standard Creepers should have better collision detection logic when deciding to blow up
[~] Stealth Creepers have a slightly different sprite, it looks pretty menacing now
[~] A few changes to how Creepers explode, they no longer use a projectile
[~] Jukebox now plays C418 - Wait instead of M
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