Details of Crouch, Crawl, and Roll

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Crouch, Crawl, and Roll
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Last Updated
3 years ago
This mod allows you to, as the title suggests, crouch, crawl, and roll!
Crouching, crawling, or rolling halves your height, allowing you to fit into 1.5 block spaces.
Hold the Crouch key (I recommend CTRL and rebinding Smart Cursor) to, well, crouch.
Stay still while holding crouch to charge a crouch jump, which is higher and faster than normal!
Move while crouching to start crawling! Your speed is halved while doing this.
Press the crouch key while moving to roll! Rolling speed is increased by jump speed (like from frog legs).
Melee weapons deal 15% more damage and knockback during the first half of a roll.
Pressing and holding crouch midair will make you dive, increasing your horizontal speed.
Holding Crouch while diving and moving will make you roll when you hit the ground, reducing fall damage by 100!

Version 1.2.2
- Added Hotkey to toggle crawling so you dont need to hold down the crouch key
- Reduced diving runspeed multiplier from 2x to 1.5x
- You can now roll while crawling

Version 1.2.1
- Added support for mods to disable the ability to crouch using mod.Call
The arguments are
"CanCrouch" //string which is required
p //int for the player's index
canCrouch //bool whether the player can input crouch (point being to set this to false)
forceUnCrouch //bool which, if true, forces the player to uncrouch (forcing their head into the ceiling)

Example use:

Mod crouchMod = ModLoader.GetMod("CrouchMod");
if (crouchMod != null)
crouchMod.Call("CanCrouch", player.whoAmI, false, true);

Version 1.2
- Added Shoes of the Blur, now you can do a spin dash just like sonic!
- Added Shoes of the Rolling Blur, combination of Shoes of the Blur and Cross Charm
- Increased money value of Cross Charm and Charm of Immunity
- Reduced immunity frames granted from Charm of Immunity and Cross Charm from 24 to 20
- Tweaked tumbling physics and animation (rolling on a slope)
- You now tumble when you land with a dive
- You no longer get the melee weapon damage and knockback bonus towards the end of your roll
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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