Details of DeitiesMod

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7 years ago
DeitiesMod is a brand new mod which adds new and exciting additions to the base world of Terraria.

V. 0.11 Changes
- Small modifications to flasks

v. 0.10 Changes
- Added a crafting recipe for Bat pet, and Cat Summon
- Cat Summon now scales with Necrotic Damage
- Added Necromancer class token
- Added guilty set
- Changed Sprite art of the HealthSupportFlask
- Added guilty set bonus

v. 0.9 Changes(BETA)
- Fixed recipe for HealingSupportFlask and RegenSupportFlask to give 30 flasks instead of only 1
- Fixed OpalStaff to have a cap on the maximum number of projectiles that can be fired out
- Fixed Darkwish not having base crit
- Fixed description of bat pet summon item and buff icon
- Added a defense buff given by the bat pet
- Rewriten some code to test behavior of certain items in multiplayer settings
- New Summon Pet Doom
- Fixed various issues with the new summon not behavioring accurately
(More Testing needed to improve the AI of the summon)
- Added an easy way to switch between ammunition for the Basic Sprayer
- Changed the sprite art of the BasicSprayer
- Most Zombies now drop Soul Vials
- RegenSupportFlask regeneration rate increased
- Changed the sprite art of the RegenSupportFlask
- Added compatibility support to allow recipes to use Tremor-based Items

v. 0.8 Changes
- Added Soul Vials to the drop table for various enemies
- Soul Vials will be used in a future patch to craft Necromancy items
- Renamed Necromancy damage to Necrotic Damage
- Added Opal Staff
- Added Alchemic Damage Modifiers
- Updated Basic Sprayer to scale with Alchemic Damage
- Fixed HealingSupportFlask spam healing and removed its cooldown
- Added RegenSupportFlask

V. 0.7 Changes
- Added Darkwish
- Added Necromancy Damage
- Reduced cooldown on HealingSupportFlask
- Revised some buff sprites
- Balanced Harth Staff
- Added Bat pet
- Added sprayer for HealingSupportFlask

V. 0.6 Changes
- Added t
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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