Details of DeviantAnomaly's Redemption stuff

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DeviantAnomaly's Redemption stuff
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2 years ago
As you might be able to tell from the mod's icon,
I'm a bit of a...
Xenomite enthusiast,
so I decided to make some more preferable toys.

This mod includes four things:

My vanity set, based on a City of Heroes look, which was inspired by Redemption, plus one extra head part with hairstyle 22.

"Xenomite Claw", an infectious melee weapon. Also infects the user if they're not protected.
It can be upgraded using Corrupted Xenomite or Xenium later.

"Xenomite Crystal Bomb", based on a special weapon
from Mega Man X: Corrupted.
It deals magic damage, infects like the claw, and its shots form crystal pillars that reflect enemy projectiles.

"Omega Blaster", a more classic X-Buster-type weapon.
Needs a Xenomite Crystal Bomb and corrupted materials to craft. It features classic projectiles, firing sounds and hit sparks.

"Victory Fist", a for-fun, free-to-craft item based on Mega Man X's victory pose, complete with flash and sound.
Try it with the matching vanity set.
Also includes a blue X version.

"Lesser Infected Core", a weaker but still useful version of Redemption's regular one. It's only available with Redemption enabled, and requires an Empty Core to craft. Although it only grants half the Wasteland stat bonus of a regular Infected Core, it doesn't cause blindness.

It's a shame when a fun toy gets outclassed, because then you're sort of hurting yourself if you want to keep using it... so I made these weapons able to be upgraded all the way to the end. They should be able to keep up with a number of other endgame weapons.

Also, the claw's reach extends slightly with each upgrade, and the bomb and blaster have two different appearances, one like an arm cannon, the other being a full arm, matching the vanity set.

This mod is for use with "Redemption", but it's not required. With it, you get to play with Redemption's infection debuffs, but without it, those debuffs are replaced with the ''Poisoned'' status.


Thanks to:
>Dan Yami, whose "Quill Quote" vanity set mod taught me how to make my own.
>Hallam, for glowmask help on the claws
>Nakano, creator of the "TerraGuardians" mod, for coding tips and assistance, and a surprising amount of patience with how things took a while to sink in at times
>Whitey and others from the "Redemption" Discord for critique and ideas
>JKB, of the "Mega Man X: Corrupted" team, for thoroughly demonstrating and explaining the Crystal Bomb special weapon
>FlashKirby99 and the WeaponOut mod, for the bit of code to make the Xenomite Crystal Bomb appear on the user's arm when wielded
>BLKNeko, creator of the "Megaman X Weaponry" mod, for pointing me towards it.

BIG thanks to the tModLoader Discord, especially to Gabe and Glasses-san, for the majority of coding assistance. I am NOT a big coder like other people. I'm just fortunate to have received the help that I did.

If you're interested in making something of your own, but you don't know jack about C# coding (I don't either actually), don't let that stop you. It all starts with taking that first step, and trust me, people will be willing to help. Just don't expect them to create your mod for you.


I highly recommend trying out "Mod of Redemption". The "Abandoned Lab" is amazing, but watch out for Xenomite-infected creatures, and be careful you don't get irradiated.

Also, be sure to try Dan Yami's mod, "Shadows of Abaddon". It has excellent bosses and awesome music.

"TerraGuardians" is awesome, as well. It adds player-like NPCs, with separate inventories, equipment slots, and stats that level up based on their actions.
You can command them to follow, wait, be passive, attack up close, stay at a distance, etc.
Extra commands and capabilities will unlock based on your friendship level.

The mod does have "furry" characters and that's not everyone's cup of tea, but there are also some Terrarian-type companions if you prefer, like Michelle, who can wear vanity costumes if you put them in the first bar of her inventory.


Since I pretty much live in the Redemption Discord right now, I've put that as the "homepage" link here.

Although I made these things mainly for myself, I hope you enjoy them.


[latest stuff]

A new weapon has been added: the Omega Blaster.
This one's a straight reference to Mega Man X, particularly the first game in the series, though I couldn't pull off the "Spiral Crush" sine wave pattern, so its full charge fires projectiles straight...
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