Details of DoTerraria

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Last Updated
5 years ago
Version 2.5:
*Nerfed Desolator
*Started Development of the wiki page
*Borderline the placeholder png files to make item more terraria-like
*Started development of the custom NPC original Sprite
Version 2.1:
*Updated description for the recipes items.
*The custom NPC will arrive after the Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated and will progressivel sell new items when defeating other bosses
*The shopkeeper NPC will sell recipes papers at night.
*The Heart of Tarrasque item can only be obteined in expert mode since it needs the worm scarf in it's recipe
Version 1.1:
*Added Mod Icon
*updated Orchid Malevolence recipe and description
*updated Octarine Core description
Version 0.1:
DoTerraria is an in-development mod that in the future will add a few iconic items from Dota2 into the world of Terraria in the form of at the most end game accessoryes.
*This is a test version of the mod and may conflict with other mods and cause issues in the game (even by itself)*
*Sprites in this mod are just pixalated versions of images from dota items, i do not own them. I am working on the final version of the sprites but for as long as they are not done this will be the mod's images.
*ATM the mod does not add visual for the Acc while equiped.
Features in this mod include:
Linear progression accessories all the way trought Moon Lord for melee, ranged, magic and summon.
Other pre-Moon Lord Acc
A way to transform from one type of accessory to another one of the same Tier
*One Town Npc that sells all the base items for the mod
*20+ New Accessories
*Custom Workbench/Anvil for moded items;
*Other Acc from iconic items;
*Sprites for all Items in game;
*sprite for the custom NPC;
*Balance Tests and changes;
*function that prevent players from using multiple Tier5 items(combined versions & type versions).

*This mod was not tested with other mods since it's in it's early development- this may cause probelms in characters or
tModLoader Version
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Localizer Package
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