Details of Draxy mod
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Draxy mod
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Last Updated
6 years ago
Draxy mod is a mod made by me (DraxyDow) that contains some new weapons, especially cheatier spear as well as 2 new classes of slingshots and throwing knives!
--- /!\ I have to do a lot of re-equilibration about the darts and the slingshots, I think the next update is going to be long to wait too! /!\ ---
For more details, this mod add :
- 2 all new class of slingshots and throwing knives!
- 9 new darts with it!
- 44 fresh new weapons!
- A cheaty potion (end game)!
- 7 accessories!
- A cute pet!
- 4 cool new items!
- A crafting station for pre-hardmode bosses!
- Some new vanilla craft!
- And even more to come! :D
Be sure to enjoy it! ^^
Changelog :
V 0.7
Changes :
- Lot of changes of the IceBlade
- Nerf of the slime gem
- Some changes on the fake DraxySword
- Changed some textures (yes again ;-;)
- Gems and other drops are now operational + easier for some ! :D
- Capitalise EVERY items (That's long... ;-;)
- Too much changes on the spray
- Buff of the sickle rod
- Changes some crafts
- Changed the name of the mod
- Big buff of the DraxySword (YES!)
- Retired the Dirt Sword (you'll be miss (or not))
- Nerf of Mana knives
- Changes of the Antlion knives and the Antlion darts
- Little buff of the Multpile knives
- Buff of the Guardian dart
- Retire the very early updates to just keep the latest ones.
- Retire the eggs and the drop of easter eggs (harder to get)
- Rock ball is now throwable!
- Changes about the pet (even cuter :3)
- Some other little changes to make the mod easier and better!
Added :
- A craft for the Frostbrand
- Pallagi and Cobaji scythes!
- Extractinator is now sold by the demolisher
- Mana throwing knives
- New knives!
- Knife darts (also throwable)!
V 0.6
Changes :
- Little buff of the Dirt sword
- Little buff of the dungeon spear
- Nerf of the Platypus sword
- Nerf of the Antlion knives
- Nerf of the crimtane and demonite dart
- Little nerf of the skull gem + more aggro
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