Details of Nycro's Nohit Efficiency Mod

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Nycro's Nohit Efficiency Mod
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Last Updated
2 years ago
Enables the configuration of various things in game that make nohitting go a little more smoothly
Also adds automatic max HP and mana items

Note that using Calamity's "Hermit's Box of a Hundred Medicines" will prevent the respawn HP override from working.

Currently supported features:
- You can choose to despawn bosses, hostile NPCs (not including bosses), friendly NPCs, hostile projectiles, friendly projectiles, dusts, and grounded items whenever you die or whenever you are hit
- Keeps track of the number of attempts a player has done on any given boss
- Allows the enabling of instant death whenever the player is hit, configurable to be only active whenever a boss is alive or always active
- Allows the disabling of flight time
- Allows the disabling of rain, events/invasions, natural NPC spawns, fallen stars, and tombstones
- You can choose to automatically destroy pickup hearts, mana stars, coins, and all other grounded items
- Players can override the respawn timer
- Players can override their respawn HP
- Players can clear the in game chat automatically on respawn, with a configurable delay
- Players can immdeiately stop boss music on respawn
- Players can reset the in game lighting on respawn
- Allows the display of fight stats in chat on respawn (attempt number, fight length, boss health at the end of the attempt, and slowdown percentage)
- Allows the ability to display the session attempt number above the player's head, also with a configurable timer
- Players can cap gore and dust lifetimes for reduced lag
- Toggleable unlimited consumable weapons, ammo, potions, mana potions, healing potions, and other consumable items
- Players can auto Quick-Buff on respawn or permanently enable potions from the inventory
- Adds the Max Life Crystal, Max Life Fruit, and Max Mana Crystal, which automatically use the max number of their respective bases
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