Details of Lite's Elemental Hearts [Deprecated]

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Lite's Elemental Hearts [Deprecated]
Vincent Jenei (Lite#4249)
Download 25.4 KB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
3 years ago
As of December 2021, this mod is now deprecated.
A new and improved version of this mod has been in the works the past few months and is finally done. Its been released, and can be found on the mod browser.

Elemental Hearts is a mod which adds a ton of new consumable items which increase your health (Like life crystals). They are based on all of the basic elements, (blocks, ores, etc.).

As with all of my mods, I prefer quality of quantity. This mod is a great addition to any modded playthrough, which adds a use for all of your leftover/extra blocks and ores.
This mod spreads with progression, so that you can never become too powerful.

+Mod support with Calamity, Thorium, ElementsAwoken, Fargosouls, Laugicality, Ancients Awakened, Confection Rebaked, and Consolaria.

Mod By:
Vincent Jenei (Lite#4249)

Mod is labeled as deprecated.
New rewrite is finished!
All data has been removed from this mod. It is now an empty mod so it doesn't cause any problems with the newer one.
Made a new summer icon to catch your eyes. This also will represent a new leaf.
I will no longer neglect this mod. It is a great project of mine and I will continue to work on it.
Added several missing vanilla hearts.
Added Confection Rebirth hearts support.
Added Ancients Awakened hearts support.
Upgraded the Menacing Heart AI
+ He now spawns minions that rotate around the player and eat up bullets.
+ Menacing Heart now slightly moves instead of standing still after teleporting.
New summon weapon dropped by the Menacing Heart.
+ Slowely spawns friendly versions of the Menacing Heart's minions.
+ Their purpose is to protect the accesory, since it is a piece of life crystal broken off of the Menacing Heart.
Added Zenith Heart.
Added all event boss hearts (vanilla only at the moment).
Added Enchanted Heart that obtainable from shrines.
Added Cloud and Sunplate Hearts craftable from Clouds either Sunplates.
Adjusted some recipes.
Adjusted the description.
Fixed the bug where you wouldnt be able to create a character.
0.7.30 (Spring Cleaning (Not the full rewrite, but as much cleaning as I can get in))
Removed Elemental Hearts UI. (Never worked, and you can use the recipe browser)
Removed Menacing Dye.
Fixed all Menacing Tools.
Added recomendation to config.
Removed dev weapons and hearts.
Dev wings are only vanity now.
Removed some stuff from the Life Crystal mini biomes.
Removed Global Suppressions. (file for development purposes)
Removed the duplicate Mod Player and added that stuff to the original mod player. (code optimizations)
^This fixes the error when using Calamity, "The type "ElementalHeartsPlayer" already contains definition for "CharredLife". (was a big problem in the discord)
Removed some Legacy code. (This might cause problems for people using pre 0.9 version worlds, but it helps clean up code).
Removed the reference needed for WebmilioComons, along with any functionality we added with it like achievements. This will fix a lot of problems.
Removed some alt icons, and created a NEW icon (Looks pretty sick!).
Removed crystal walls, they were unobtainable.
Removed the old music I made 2 years ago for menacing heart, reducing file size.
Menacing statue is no longer found in random world gen... BECAUSE IF YOU STEP ON A PRESSURE PLATE HE WOULD SPAWN!
Menacing statue now costs life ore to craft.
Rewrote the boss bag code.
^ AppleInTheSky's dev wings are now obtainable from treasure bags. (Rip AppleInTheSky :( )
Fixed a lot of boss hearts not registering on load
Rewrote the empty heart.
Deleted a few duplicate hearts.
Fixed the directory of the ancient life equipment.
Ancient Life Pick is now actually craftable.

0.7.20 (Versions messed up because of April Fools, but would be equivelent to 0.3.2)
Removed Rainbow Menacing Lunar Ancient Fleshy Celestial Royal Wormy Volatile Fishark with Googly Eyes and Brains of the Hives and Plants Idol Iron Heart with Solar Power MK2 +
Changed recipe from 100k of materials to 100
Added Menacing Heart, removed Menacing heart 2.0 which is immortal
All hearts add more hp to make it more balaanced
Combine all hearts to get 1 nothing!
The mega heart does not exist anymore.
In order to balance this, we have removed eternal menacing suffering debuf which damages that player for all of eternity, or until he reinstalls terraria or drinks milk.
0.6.9 (April Fools)
Added Rainbow Menacing Lunar Ancient Fleshy Celestial Royal Wormy Volatile Fishark with Googly Eyes and Brains of the Hives and Plants Idol Iron Heart with Solar Power MK2 +
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
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