Details of Equipable Lanterns
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Equipable Lanterns
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Last Updated
6 years ago
This small mod adds equipable lanterns that are essentially upgradable versions of the Mining Helmet. Lanterns provide the convenience of the Mining Helmet's constant light, but with the added bonuses of allowing you to wear your full armor set, only taking up one accessory slot, more reliability than that of a Light Pet, the ability to apply prefixes/reforge, and added bonuses for the better lanterns besides just being brighter.
== Recipes ==
Mining Lantern (Early Pre-Hardmode) - Slightly brighter than Mining Helmet.
Crafted using 1 Mining Helmet, 1 Chain, 3 Diamonds, and 3 Silver/Tungsten Bars at an Anvil.
Evilantern (Mid Pre-hardmode) - Brighter version of Mining Lantern.
Crafted using 1 Mining Lantern, 10 Bones, 10 Lens, 10 Vertebrae/Rotten Chunks, and 3 Crimtane/Demonite Bars at a Tinkerer's Workbench.
Honeycomb Lantern (Late Pre-Hardmode) - Brighter than Evilantern, health regeneration increased while equipped.
Crafted using 1 Evilantern, 25 Honey Blocks, 3 Vines, and 5 Stingers at a Tinkerer's Workbench.
Pixie Lantern (Early Hardmode) - Brighter than Honeycomb Lantern, mana and health regeneration increased while equipped.
Crafted using 1 Honeycomb Lantern, 25 Pixie Dust, 10 Souls of Light, and 3 Cobalt/Palladium Bars at a Tinkerer's Workbench.
Treasure Lantern (Mid-Hardmode) - Brightest lantern, grants Spelunker buff while equipped.
Crafted using 1 Pixie Lantern, 50 Ultrabright Torches, 50 Spelunker Glowsticks, and 10 Titanium/Adamantite Bars at a Tinkerer's Workbench.
== Changelog ==
0.5 -
Added Honeycomb Lantern.
+ Upgrade from Evilantern, crafted using 25 honeycombs, 3 vines, and 5 stingers and Tinkerer's Workbench.
+ Gives health regeneration.
Adjusted light amounts for all lanterns aside from normal Lantern.
Benefits of lower tiered lanterns now applied onto upgraded lanterns (e.g. Honeycomb Lantern is upgraded to Pixie Lantern, therefore Pixie Lantern gets health regeneration as well as mana regeneration.
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