Details of Expanded Weapons

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Expanded Weapons
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Expanded Weapons is a pretty cool mod, it adds over 100 weapons!

It adds more weapons to the more under used weapon types. (Like the Flamethrower)

Even more weapons if you download the Whips & more mod!

It also adds more accessories, like more combinations to previous accesories.


165 Weapons!
148 weapons from base
17 weapons exclusive with whips mod

42 Melee weapons
42 Ranged weapons
30 Magic weapons
31 Summon weapons
9 Throwing weapons
10 Other weapons

Cloud boss
16000 HP / 48000 HP (post golem)
Drops some vanilla sky-themed items.
Gets buffed after defeating golem and drops new items.
Has a small chance to drop the Three Spikes item.

Cumulus (cloud boss sidekick)
8000 HP / 24000 HP (post golem)

Aggressive nimbus (cloud boss minion)
300 HP / 900 HP (post golem)

Bullethell nimbus (cloud boss minion)
700 HP / 2100 HP (post golem)

Cloud swarmer (cloud boss minion)
40 HP / 120 HP (post golem)

Happy face (damage tester)
20000 HP

Angry face (damage tester)
50000 HP

Cloud star (expert)
Endless star canister (ammo)
Endless rocket box (ammo)
Spectral bullet (ammo)
Shroom bullet (ammo)
Jesters bullet (ammo)
Reinforced whip handle
Frozen whip handle
Ancient whip handle
Stardust whip handle
Solar gauntlet
Vortex scope
Nebula emblem
Cloud truffle (mount)
Michigun truffle (mount)
Milcoh tracers
Pearlwood rainbow helmet (melee)
Pearlwood rainbow hat (ranged)
Pearlwood rainbow hood (magic)
Pearlwood rainbow chestplate
Pearlwood rainbow leggings
Pool ticket

Equipables (whips mod exclusive)
Michigun emblem
Michigun mask (melee)
Michigun helmet (ranged)
Michigun hood (magic)
Michigun headgear (summon)
Michigun suit
Michigun leggings
Luck axolotl
Meteor tracers

Other items
Cloud handle (material for rain cloud weapons)
Rainbow essence (cloud boss drop)
Cloud trophy
Cloud bag (expert)
Soul of cloud
Strange cloud (boss summon)
Three spikes (material for all michigun items)
Zardy pickaxe (a pickaxe for digging fast)
Suspicious Call (martian madness summon item)
Luminite Sigil (moon lord summon item)
Pearlwood rainbreaker (hamaxe)
Purity rainbreaker (hamaxe)
Sussy potato (potion bag)
Pearlwood rod (fishing)
Pearlwood rainbow rod (fishing)
Purity rainbow rod (fishing)

Extract the mod for balance changes on vanilla weapons, and config balance changes to this mod's weapons

Update 2.61
Added Rainbow Bullet
Fixed Snowflake Raelgun one-shot ceaseless void issue

Update 2.6
Added Purity Rainblast, Purity Rainbow Torch, Purity Rainbow, and Purity Rainblade
Added Purity Rainbreaker, and Purity Rainbow Rod
Added Meteor Tracers
Added Spectral Bullet, Shroom Bullet, Jesters Bullet
Added Rainbow Essence
Added Enchanted Potions
Sussy Potato now has more potion types
Oreo Obliterator MK2 beam visuals improved
Buffed Diamond Blade use time (20 -> 18)
Buffed the range of all flamethrowers
Cloud Boss and Cumulus now has 10% DR
Resprited Stardust Whip Handle
Rebalanced all michigun weapons
Rebalanced some post-moon lord weapons
Michigun armor can now be crafted into auric tesla armor
Minions now move around while idling
Made Camping Torch and Pearlwood Torch minions smaller
Nerfed Camping Torch (8-> 5)
Adjusted the minion's ranges
Modded NPCs are no longer immune to ExpandedWeapons debuffs
Reworked Snowflake Raelgun
Resprited Constellation Cannon

Update 2.56
Made the Diego pet provide more life regeneration when your health is low
Added a new feature to the Luck Axolotl accessory

Update 2.55
Buffed all support guns and Snowflake Raelgun effect duration
Improved Snowflake Raelgun homing
Buffed Leech Shooter and Soul Thief healing
Changed Snowflake Staff recipe
Resprited Monochrome Rod

Update 2.5
Added Luck Axolotl, and Pool Ticket
Fixed a terrible bug on the Jamesbow and Pearlwood Rainbow shooting arrows downwards
Buffed Pearlwood Rainbow Armor defense
Made all pearlwood items easier to get
Made Three Spikes a bit easier to get

Update 2.47
Added an alternate recipe for Sussy Potato
Made Cursed Bow and Ichor Bow easier to get

Update 2.46
Buffed Optic Staff and Deadly Sphere Staff hit speed
Pygmy Staff and Tempest Staff projectiles now have homing
Reworked Clinger Staff
Tempest Staff buffed (50 -> 65)

Update 2.45
Whips mod exclusive update!
Added Experienced Wand, Pearlwood Torch, Pearlwood Rainbow Torch, Cody's Greatstriker, Amerilaser, and Overdrive Staff
Added Pearlwood Rod, and Pearlwood Rainbow Rod (fishing rods)
Added Pearlwood Rainbow Armor
Michigun weapons are now post-providence
Reduced the souls required to craft pearlwood weapons to 10
Nerfed Double barrel shotgun (15 -> 8)

Update 2.42
Pearlwood Rainblast projectile speed increased
Pearlwood Rainblast left click projectile is now easier to aim
Constellation Cannon blue star hitboxes fixed
Slap Hand Whip damage buffed (60 -> 65
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side
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