Details of ExtraVanilla
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2 years ago
ExtraVanilla is a custom mod with custom things.
This mod is still in development so it might be glitchy. I recommend to not use this mod on your main character.
Considering giving feedback is a great way for me to improve this mod. You can contact me (Raftatul) on the official Tmodloader discord server !
Improve gobelin tinkerer.
Add Qualitys of life.
Add custom accessories.
Improve fishnig.
Accessories :
[New] Flashlight : The flashlight is an accessory to use to light your way! It can be dropped by the Spiky Boss.
[New] Super Flashlight : Crafted from the flashlight, it works the same except you don't need to equip it!
Resprite of some accessories.
Boss :
[Spiky] : Spiky is a post-eye of cthulhu boss that can be craft with iron.
Materials :
[Cold Silk] : The cold silk is a pre-Harmode material made with silk and hellstone ore.
[Hot Silk] : The hot silk is a pre-Harmode material made with silk and ice.
Weapons :
No weapons yet !
[Hot Silk Armor] : The Hot Silk armor is a pre-Hardmode armor made out of hot silk and any golden, Grant multiple ability about fire and lava.
Accesories :
[Living Boots] : The living boost will increase your speed if under half of your max healt.
[Wooden Boots] : A very cheap pair of boots that can be craft out of... wood I guess ? A perfect substitution before the hermes boots !
[Stone of life] : This accessory after healing, generates a flying heart that drops additional hearts after a certain time (based on the healing potion), dropped by the Eye of Cthulhu.
[Charm of life] : Crafted from the Charm of Myths and the Stone of Life, this accessory will grant the effect of the Charm of Myths and the Stone of Life.
Crafts :
[Ice Skates] : Ice Skates can now be craft with ice and other stuff.
[Lava Charm] : Lava Charm can now be craft with hell stone bar and other stuff.
[Wormhole Potion] : Wormhole Potion can now be craft with water bottle and Enchanted Nightcrawler.
[Several Crimson] Items can be transformed into their Corrupted version.
[Several Corrupted] Items can be transformed into their Crimson version.
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