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Last Updated
3 years ago
DISCLAIMER: This mod is discontinued (at the moment) and will currently only be an unfinished WIP version. This is only being put out there for the purpose of having a better quality version out, but it is not a full version.

Old description:
Made by a fresh beginner, Gala's Heart aims to add a bunch of new items and materials with a (mostly) vanilla-esque feel to fill in places throughout progression.

This was started a few days ago without prior knowledge in C# or anything, so there isn't much stuff yet but after I do some stuff I'll feel free to add some more

- Minor fix-up
- Slamhammers will now be renamed/referred to as Slammers
- New weapons
- Revisited and updated older weapons
- Updated Purgeheart tooltip to match updated functionality
- Added Stingthorn, a spear crafted from jungle materials (just wanted to make a spear)
- Other minor balance changes

Introducing an entirely new melee weapon subclass- Slamhammers! (named so because I don't want to call them warhammers)
Slamhammers are large, slow attacking melee weapons that focus on special bonuses on critical hits.
By default, slamhammers will do 4x damage on crits instead of 2x, and roughly 2x knockback.

There's still at least 4 more planned, but a large chunk of progression (minus WoF and certain others unfortunately) should theoretically be possible!


- Added Stone Slamhammer, your very first slamhammer crafted from wood and stone
- Added Granite Slamhammer, obtained from resources from Granite Biomes
- Added Skullslam, a post-Skeletron slamhammer that happens to be very good at slamming certain skulls
- Added Crystal Slamhammer, a hardmode slamhammer that creates homing crystal shards on crits - designed for Skeletron Prime
- Added Bluefrost Smasher, a hardmode slamhammer crafted from a Frost Core that deals massive crits from patiently charging stacks that also can protect you. Designed to help deal massive bursts of damage in short opportunity windows - for the Twins
- Added Pwnedslammer, a mid-mechs slamhammer that casts powerful smites on crits - designed for the Destroyer
- Reworked Purgeheart - now a slamhammer that creates a powerful and probably not properly balanced Heart Shockwave on crits

Other weapons:
- Added Granite Boulder Staff, a pre-boss magic staff that casts a granite boulder forward that can roll on the ground a little
- Added Icicle Impale, a post-Skeletron Spell Tome that creates fast Icicles that have a chance to create a large freezing Ice Crystal on impact
- Added Sparkle Surge, a post-Skeletron Spell Tome that casts down a sparkle from the sky that twinkles into smaller sparkles
- Added Cloudstrike, a pre-boss bow that converts arrows into short range wind piercers
- Added Skyfear, a pre-boss sword that has the very original idea of creating a (short range) projectile each swing
- Altered the Magic Lanterns slightly

- Added Hollow Skull, a crafting material dropped from Cursed Skulls (Giant ones too) used for Skullslam and a new recipe for Book of Skulls
- Added Granite Core, a crafting material that can sometimes drop from Granite Elementals
- Empty Lantern now drops from Enchanted Swords until I can overcome not wanting to make a custom enemy
- Hopefully Plantera actually drops Spirit Petals

- Added Hell's Lantern
- Added Heaven's Lantern
- Reworked Spirit Lantern
- Added Purgeheart
- Attempted fix to Ice Dart shattering

- Added (unobtainable) Ghost Arrows that move slowly, but move through walls
- Added Ice Crystals, a crafting material dropped from Spiked Ice Slimes
- Added Ice Darts that split into smaller shards on impact, crafted from Ice Crystals
- Added Ice Claws, a short range, speedy melee weapon that acts as an early game Fetid Baghn i cant spell
- Added (unobtainable) Spirit Petal, a crafting material that I didn't actually make drop from Plantera yet
- Added (unobtainable) Spirit Lantern, a magic weapon that sends down spirits from the skies
- Added (unobtainable) Gala's Starbow, a developer ranged weapon that was sprited in 60 seconds and converts Jester's Arrows to powerful stars
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