Details of (Major Update!) Galaxium
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(Major Update!) Galaxium
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Last Updated
6 years ago
My gosh you guys are amazing. Beyond that. I said I would make a major update for 1,000 downloads. Then you guys decided to bring that up to 2,000! I honestly have no words... Other than thank you so much! As a thank you I added I think 20+ items! I also nerfed the ever so overpowered Galactite Armor to be fair. I also went all the way and added a custom boss. It is unfinished until I figure out how to make it underworld only. But for right now enjoy the ez kills on it.
I also added in a pet alien which is crafted by the new ore I also added. That ore requires the new (unsprited) pickaxe. The Alien Anvil is currently useless but I feel it will give you time to guess what will be added next. Along with all this other stuff I mentioned I also made a new ammo. It can be used by the Galactite Blasters. Try it out for yourself! Next, I added recipes for some hard to get items. It also makes Zombie Arms useful again! Hopefully you enjoy this kinda massive update!
In case you thought this update would be 100+ items added you need to remember I only work on this about an hour a day because I have other things to do ya know!
-2 New Ores
-3 Sets of Armor
-5 Tiles (1 unused)
-6 Gem Swords
-4 Baseball Bats
-2 New Ammos
-7 Guns
-A few other Items that I can't remember!
Obtaining Galactite ore is easy enough. Just grab a hellstone pickaxe and get to mining away at the giant meteors crashed around the world! Sometimes they float in mid-air because they are alien related! (AKA I don't know how to make them stay underground) The other "Ore" Alien Fossils are collected by using the poorly sprited Galactite Pickaxe. It currently is only useful for making the Alien pet. Oh yeah I also fixed the small world problem so you can make worlds as large as you like!
>Update Log<
-Added 2 new sets of armor
-1 new ore
-1 new boss
-2 new tiles
-1 new ammo
-1 new set of wings
-Added recipes for hard to obtain items.
-Nerfed / Buffed a few items
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