Details of HolyBlade

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JackOfAllAce, Muckler
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Last Updated
4 years ago
Holy Blade is a blade obtainable from the sdtart of the game, craftable for 10 dirt at any workbench
The holy blade is mainly for fun if you enjoy watching enemies die in half a millisecond (not really it does take
some aiming skill)


-Now shoots holy arrows (ammo not needed)


-now gives player extremely fast health recovery
-Blade Price increased significantly (40 platinum)
-Sword now legendary upon crafting (may not add stats for legendary)


-Fixed problem with sword not recieving legendary stats


-Fixed reforge value from 20 platiunum to 1 silver
-Lowered sword value for fair gameplay


-Item Damage has been increased for those playing Calamity
-New Item recipe (some complained it was too easy to make, quest coming for item soon)
-Can Be Crafted Using wood 50, copper bar 10, gel 30


-new animation for the holy blade


-Bug Fixes


-New Holy Amror set, Craftable with hellstone bars at a hellforge. Lot of fun creating this one so i hope you guys enjoy!

Version 1.0

-New Unholy sword released (Crafted with 5 lead or iron bar, 30 gel, and 50 wood)

Version 1.1

-Fixed unholy blade png (no longer shows giant sword with white background..oops)

Version 1.2

-fixed animation bugs
-Fixed stacking armor
-fixed weapon sizing

version 1.3

-Added new blade
-attempted adding minion staff and failed
Lucifers true blade recipe (10 chlorophyte bars and 15 solar fragments) (Its a bit OP)

Version 1.4

-New Uzaki Blade released, a blade easily made at the beginning with some lead(or iron) Tungsten (or silver) and wood
-All blades Have been adjusted to take part in different parts of the game
-Uzaki for prehard. Unholy Blade for hard mode, Holy Blade is post plantera and Lucifers True Blade is post moodlord
Enjoy :)

Version 1.5

-New "Dirt Sword" prebosses sword. Decent damage for easily taking on enemies prebossmode. Easily crafted using
Dirt and wood, Enjoy.
-HomePage Coming Soon for feedback :)

Version 1.5.1

-Fixed a few bugs with some of the swords and armor

Version 1.5.2

-Added A new staff "staff of myths" crafted with dessert fossil and obsidion

Version 1.5.3

-New Staff introduced, the "Eighth Wonder" rainbow staff that shoots meowmers and is a great edition
to the prehardmode expierence. Crafted with wood and fallen stars at any anvil

Version 1.5.4

-New staff, the almighty satff known only as "The Dark Spector" an end game weapon crafted with
10 of each fragment, fallen stars, luminite, and glass of course. This staff outputs massive damaage.
even for those like me who like to play calamity :) enjoy

Version 1.5.5

--Finally a ranged weapon, the "monstrocity" easily made at any anvil with wood lead or iron and gel
-Added the giant blade named "gigantor" mostly for prehardmode and a little later after hard mode
can be crafted at any anvil for wood, stone, and mandible


-New summon staff
-New weapons coming soon
-5 New matierals coming soon
-New Postmoonlord Boss coming soon
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