Details of ItemMagnetPlus

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3 years ago
ItemMagnetPlus adds a single item called "Item Magnet" that does the obvious thing: Sucking in items around you so you don't have to run around and collect them yourself.

Item Magnet (and corresponding buff) that
* can be crafted with simple materials (Iron/Lead)
* works while in your inventory
* can be toggled on and off
* has adjustable range and item succ speed
* has increased stats after killing bosses
* customizable via config ingame to fit your playstyle

How to use:
* Left click cycles through its ranges
* Right click shows current range (you can always check the stats on the buff tooltip)
* This right click functionality changes to "turn off" when "Buff" in the config is false
* Killing bosses improves its stats
* If you want it to either be on or off, change "Scale" in the config to anything but "Increase With Bosses"

* This mod is multiplayer compatible, the config is entirely server side, but the buff flag is forced to 1
* Items that are inbetween two players with magnets will "float"
* If "Instant" is enabled and multiple players are in range of an item, it will always go to the same player (it is based on join order)
* Due to the way the "grab delay" is only set in singleplayer, items dropped by the player will instantly latch onto the player, which is normal behavior
* Items might not get sucked up and turn into a "ghost" with the Auto Trash Mod enabled
* Lost items due to this bug won't be recovered
* Report any bugs in the forum thread (please)

Progression: (default config)
Starts with:
Range = 10 (blocks in each direction)
Velocity = 8
Acceleration = 8

Ends with: (killing Moonlord)
Range = 120 (one and a half screens)
Velocity = 32
Acceleration = 32

About the config:
* Buff decides if it gives you a corresponding buff icon to show the status of the magnet
* Held decides if the magnet works only when held
* "Activate On Enter" decides if magnet should be automatically activated when entering the world
* Filter function: Presets (hearts, mana stars, coins, pickup effects), blacklist/whitelist
* Magnet stats are limited to sensible values (Range only goes up to about three screens in any direction)
* If you increase Vel or Acc too much from those recommended above, items might get "stuck" on you until you deactivate it again
* Beware of lag when increasing these values, especially range
* If the difference between velocity and acceleration is too big, items will go in circles around you or get stuck until you deactivate it
* "Instant" skips any velocity of acceleration checks and directly teleports the item to your location
* After you change the values in the config, use the magnet again to take effect

v1.0.3.3: Reduce lag with full inventory

v1.0.3.2: Update item sprite, make config only editable by the host
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