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Last Updated
2 years ago
A mod that does basically whatever it wants. Somewhat like Joostmod. Please check out Joostmod if you get the chance, it's pretty good.
Progression currently goes up to after Moon Lord, most recipes are in Hardmode.

Collect materials to craft into different items like basically every content mod.
Each boss has its own unique weapon drop (WIP).
Build a house for the Eggplant Wizard when you get at least 1 Crimite, also defeat the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu to get another NPC to spawn.
Going into the Cavern is dangerous, but it can provide you with powerful materials if you're careful.
There's three different Post-Golem item classes!
Watch out for the Pog Ball. He is funny.
You may fight one of two final bosses (warning, there is even another).

There's another "final" boss that you can fight with using the Lurker God's totem... but is there another? Maybe the TV has an answer...

Infected biome surface background textures are mostly placeholders until I can make better designs.


7/16/2022: Finally added proper boss drop items for the main progression line of bosses, fixed things, and added things. Removed Herobrine. Updated localization files.
4/16/2022: Sorry for cranking out so many updates. Sinister Stability is made better, other slight random changes, added a few other random things. Nerfed some things.
4/2/2022: MANDATORY bugfix update, fixes and balances things and makes Eggplant God's AI actually good. Also removed the last of the accidental double damage projectiles.
3/29/2022: Huge hotfix, sliced the damage of hostile projectiles in half because they apparently do double damage (good game design /s). I have no idea if I added anything new.
3/14/2022: Apologies for another update, required hotfixes needed to be made. Space Cadet armor has been buffed. New Fallen Star-like items drop during Hardmode. Gorigan enemy now spawns in the Desert. etc things.
3/2/2022: Chiropka's AI has been completely reworked, no more cheesing via staying close. Added a very special boss to the Hunger and removed recipes for most spaceship cannons. Added a traveling NPC that will randomly visit your town and stay there (very humorous). Removed Herobrine.
2/13/2022: Entirely new biome has been added, but don't remake your worlds, it is generated AFTER killing the big spider boss in the Cavern! The biome adds two new bosses, three enemies, and a few other things. Added Boss Checklist stuff.
1/24/2022: Removed some bloat, changed Tank's AI finally, changed a few sprites. Gorigan, a few other enemies, and Sky Alien are being worked on in addition to a HUGE upcoming boss.
1/14/2022: Tactical UFO has been revised and remade, Sun Stones and Moon Stones were made to spawn after the Wall of Flesh is killed, Eggplant Goddess now spawns after Tactical UFO is dead, and a few other reworks/changes.
1/7/2022: Lurker Pyromancer is complete, made Chilled Lurker easier, still working on Tank.
10/25/2021: Lurker God was made better, no more Skeletron AI, currently working on the Tank and Lurker Pyromancer to be more original.
10/25/2021: Reworked the steel items (specifically the swords) to be better, changed Heliron to not use Vanilla AI, made Green Menace have original AI, etc. Stim Doctor's design has been changed.
10/25/2021: Finally a content update. Added a very long boss fight that took AGES to make, but I hopefully haven't forgotten anything about it. You can get a cool sword from it :) (if the fight is too easy I WILL make it harder)
8/19/2021: Eggplant God has been added, Martian Emperor has been reworked, enjoy.
8/17/2021: I forgot to make the Eggplant Commander/etc not spawn at all jajajaja. Okay but seriously he doesn't spawn anymore, at least for now. (Martian Emperor is bugged atm so don't panic) EGGPLANT GOD COMING VERY SOON
7/17/2021: It has occurred to me that the final two bosses had... unreasonable attack power, I did testing with an endgame character and kept dying. Oops, heh. Fixed that though.
6/26/2021: Added Monstro as a Pre-HM boss! Additionally improved some balancing.
6/16/2021: A few changes that include bug fixes and balancing.
6/14/2021: Full mod completed! Changes and additions will be coming along! At the moment the demonic final boss's essences aren't used for anything (changing soon so recipes will be added).
6/10/2021: Very minor changes regarding two new names for the Stim NPC and balancing fixes.
6/9/2021: Cleanup of the mod and added Stim items to increase specific stats based on progression, and an NPC to sell them.
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