Details of Test Mod - Cool Weapons

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Test Mod - Cool Weapons
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Last Updated
2 years ago
Probably don't download...
Adds a cool "endgame" weapon for all classes (except Thrower?).
Only problem is... the weapons all use early pre-hardmode crafting materials.
Also, it lets you stack the new sword? Idk, just experiments is all. Probably new way to reforge the sword without cost as well, but I really don't care, this is just for fun ideas. (Also, seperating the stacked sword may be a bit hard.)

Started adding some custom weapons along the progression of a new playthrough me and my friend are doing so we can have some of my nice ideas to play with.
Also the weapons I am making are biased towards ranged and mage bc those are the classes my and my friend are using on this playthrough.

Plan to make post Moon Lord sans bossfight?

weapons made list:

(melee, ranged, mage, summoner)

king slime: n, n, n, n
eye of cthulhu: n, n, n, n
eow/boc: n, y, y, n
queen bee: n, y, y, n
skeletron: n, y, y, n
wall of flesh: n, n, n, n
the twins: n, n, n, n
the destroyer: n, n, n, n
skeletron prime: n, n, n, n
plantera: n, n, n, n
golem: n, n, n, n
duke fishron: n, n, n, n
lunatic cultist: n, n, n, n
moon lord: n, n, n, n


pumpkin moon: n, n, n, n
frost moon: n, n, n, n
wof again: n, n, n, n

(no celestial events ig)

sans thingy: y, y, y, y (kind of)

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