Details of Meh's Weaponry

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Meh's Weaponry
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2 years ago
This mod adds Cleavers to your world!

Cleavers are easy to make, you just need 14 of any bar.
Some cleavers are more complicated though, often requiring different materials.
There is a night's edge equivalent cleaver called "Butcher's Edge"
This description will tell you how to make it.
First, you will need a cleaver made out of the finest evil bars (Demonite/Crimtane). Get 22 of them, and make yourself The Scourge/Demon Butcherer.
Now, you will need a Nature's Rend, which is either 1/10 dropped by Queen Bee or crafted with jungle materials.
Get yourself 15 Stingers from your local Hornets, 15 Jungle Spores, 25 Bee Wax from Queen Bee, and 30 Honey Blocks, obtained by mixing honey and water.
Put them in an anvil and you get a Nature's Rend.
Now, try mixing water and lava and dig up the resulting obsidian. 22 of it would do.
Now that you have some Obsidian, dig your way down to hell and try not to get annihilated by those demons.
Dig up enough hellstone to make 22 hellstone bars, and forge your 999 Degree Cleaver!
Next, Defeat that skeletron and enter the dungeon.
Crack open some gold chests until you find a Hydroplanar Cleaver.

Now, mash them all together in an evil altar and get a sick new Butcher's Edge!
Maybe you could show this to the guide... There may be a True Butcher's Edge.

Maybe you could slay a few Butchers in a solar eclipse and see if they drop something?
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