Details of MerchantsPlus
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Last Updated
3 years ago
This mod adds over 90 unique shops with almost every item in Terraria spread across all merchants.
Even the guide, nurse, angler, tax collector and old man are now merchants!
Although not all the items are unlocked at once, you will need to defeat bosses and other types of enemies to progress.
Currently there is no wiki, the best way to learn how everything works is by looking directly at the source linked below.
Want to help contribute? Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Suggesting new shops / items.
- Suggesting price changes / item condition changes for making the mod more balanced.
- Listing items that have no sell value.
+ Sell more items based on bosses / enemies defeated.
+ Some items get 'upgraded' as you progress.
+ Sell items based on what you currently have equipped.
+ Items that had no sell values now have unique sell values.
+ Quests (Quests give you hints on what you need to do to unlock more items) (WIP)
+ Merchants have a chance to drop items on death. (disabled by default)
+ 300 health for all merchants. (disabled by default)
+ Slightly reduced sizes. (disabled by default)
+ Shoot different projectiles based on bosses defeated. (disabled by default)
+ Accessory that gives discount on all shop items
+ Accessory that makes coins drop on enemy hit / kill
+ More complex UI's conveying more information to the player about shops and items including things such as quests
Special Thanks
- To everyone in the tModLoader Discord for all your generous help
- To ReLogic for making Terraria
- To the team that made tModLoader possible in the first place
Added missing dev set to clothier shop.
All boss bags now have unique sell values based on world difficulty.
ALL vanity items now have unique sell values.
ALL armour items now have unique sell values.
ALL block items now have unique sell values. (of course I missed a few, that's for you guys to point out :P)
Lots of other things that did not have sell value now have sell value.
Hotfix which fixes the Witch doctors and Dye Traders shops not cycling properly.
Added 'UniversalSeedCost' set at 1 gold.
Arms Dealer: Combined Msc shop with Guns shop
The stylist now says something useful.
Wings are no longer just 'Demon Wings' in Merchant shop.
The clothier now sells Yoraiz0r's Spell for 2 plat once you defeated the ancient cultist.
Adding missing vanity dev sets to the clothier clothing shop: Yoraiz0r, Skiph, Will, Aaron
The Dye Trader now has multiple shops and sells ALL the dyes.
Added 'UniversalDyeCost' set at 1 gold.
The Witch doctor now has a "Wings" shop and sells ALL the wings.
Removed Dye Vat from Dye Trader
Removed individual unique enemy kill requirements for all the dyes as it was a unnecessary level of complexity.
Removed Clentaminator from Steampunker
Added 'UniversalVanityCost' set at 5 gold.
Applied 'UniversalVanityCost' to all vanity items in Party Girl shop.
Added config option 'ShopPriceMultiplier'.
Reduced universal accessory cost from 25 to 20 gold.
The mechanic no longer sells EVERY furniture set, instead she sells their respective materials.
Party girl vanity items moved to Clothier merchant.
You no longer need to press the shop button whenever you click the cycle shop button.
LOTS of prices have been tweaked.
More items now require 'progression levels' to unlock.
The mod has been abstracted on a whole new level!
Universal pet cost reduced from 25 to 5 gold.
Guide shop items have been tweaked.
Removed empty shop in Merchant shop.
The Tinkerer no longer sells everything in 'chunks', the items are spread more out meaning you have to progress for fewer rewards now.
Streamlined the dialog for all the merchants. It's plain and boring now. In future updates, quests will be shown in dialog. Quests will tell the player how to unlock more items in the merchants shops.
Added config options for toggling merchant drops and projectiles.
The idea of quests have been implemented into Goblin Tinkerer dialog.
Shop category index now resets and is ready for next time you view the shop.
Complete overhaul of the Angler merchant, every item has not been over looked.
Fixed several potential bugs.
Merchant extra life, alternate Dialog and scaling are now disabled by default in the configs.
More price refactoring.
Merchant no longers sells all the pets at once, you need to
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