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Last Updated
5 years ago
- is the discord for this :D
So far, this mod adds 6 swords, 1 bow, which has nothing to do with swords, just wanted to add a bow, and a town NPC! (a new addition)
SwordofIceandFire - Inflicts Onfire! and Frostburn on it, Deals 74 damage, and has some good range.
Recipe: 2 Frost cores, 1 fireblossom, and 10 hellfire bars at a crystal ball
SwordOfTheBloodmoon - Deals 39 damage, accessible after Eye of Cthulhu, but requires some work to get it. (Not that much, but some work nonetheless, and the mushrooms are pretty grindy tbh)
Recipe: 15 Crimtane bars, 5 vicious mushrooms, 30 vicious powder, 1 Sus looking eye, and 1 blood butcherer at a crimson altar.
SwordOfTheVoid (*renamed from SwordOfTheNight, sounded like a copy of Night's Edge) - (Corruption version of Sword of the bloodmoon, so: Read: SwordOfTheBloodmoon)
Recipe: 15 Demonite Bars, 5 Vile mushrooms, 30 Vile powder, 1 sus looking eye, 1 Light's bane at a demon altar
DemonicSword - Deals 88 damage, inflicts Onfire!, Frostburn, AND Venom on hit, has some good darn range.
Recipe: Crafted with SwordOfTheVoid, SwordOfTheBloodmoon, SwordofIceandFire, and Avenger emblem at demon altar
BowOfSwords - Deals 41 damage
Recipe: 5 vicious mushrooms, 1 copper shortsword, 1 slime gun at a workbench (kind of random recipe but like... whatever xD)
SwordOfLight - Deals 68 damage, adds OnFire! debuff to enemy when hit. (gonna add so when you swing it, it adds the shine buff to you soon!)
Recipe: 2 Light shards, 10 Souls of light, 20 Hallowed Bars
SellswordsBlade - Deals 29 damage, adds OnFire! and Venom debuff to enemy when you hit them.
How to get: buy from Sellsword Illusion at any time
Sellsword Town NPC - Spawns after you beat Eye of Cthulhu. Sells: Ironskin Potion and SellswordsBlade (costs 10 gold) at any time, Titan Potion after you beat Slime king, Rage and Endurance potion when you beat skeletron, and finally, he sells the avenger emblem and mechanical glove when you beat Golem. (kinda d
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