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More Recipe
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6 years ago
Have you ever wanted to make a platinum sword but your world was generated with gold? Or Have the Last Prism,
but Moon lord drop you only the portal gun ? This mod will help you in this things.
More Recipe adds recipe for almost everything terraria items, accessories, painting and boss drops.
It was Made to simplify the gameplay and to make possible change thing like ore or boss drops.
New version 0.4! Visit the homepage for more information
New version 0.3.5 adds:
recipes for accessories that previously could only be found in chest or dropped by enemy
see the homepage for a list of all recipe
version 0.3 adds:
Now you can swap King Slime items, and craft the with one Regale gel (dropped by him) at any anvils
You can craft binoculars (rare Eye of Cthulhu drop) with 4 lens and 4 iron/lead bar at any anvils
You can craft Eater's Bone (rare Eater of Worlds drop) with 30 shadow scale at any anvils
You can craft Bone Rattle (rare Brain of Cthulhu drop) with 30 tissue sample at any anvils
You can swap any Queen Bee's items, and craft them with 12 Bee Wax at any anvils
You can swap any Skeletron's items, and craft them with Golden bone (dropped by him) at any anvils
You can swap any Wall oF Flesh items, and craft them with Golden bone (dropped by him) at any anvils
You can swap any Plantera item, and craft them with one Seed (Dropped by her) at any hardome anvils
You can swap any Golem item, and craft them with 2 Beetle Husk at any hardome anvils
You can swap any Duke Fishron item, and craft them with one strange fish (dropped by him) at any hardome anvils
Now you can craft all Frost moon items with 2 snow power cell (dropped by everscream, santa nk1 and ice queen) at any hardmode anvils
Now you can craft all golden themed furniture with 30 shiny gold bar (Dropped by any pirate) at any hardmode anvils
Now you can swap all old one's army items, and craft them with defender medals, and craft Dark Mage items at any anvils, Ogre and Betsy items at a
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