Details of New Cool Guns Mod

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New Cool Guns Mod
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Last Updated
5 years ago
This mod adds a few new guns to the game. Because who doesn't love guns.

Guns: Wooden Gun, Pheonix Shark, Air Gun, Lens Gun, Blazing Shark, Fungal Cannon, Syringe Launcher, Blowminigun
Magic guns: Golden Eye of The Golem, Eye Rifle, Probe Gun
Ammo: Handmade Bullet, Red, Green, Grey, Purple and Yellow Syringe, Rubber Bullet, Luminite Seed
Materials: Retinazer Laser, Spazmatism Laser
Accesories: Ammo belt

Wooden Rifle: 30 Wood, 5 Lead or Iron Bars, 2 Chains at Anvil
Pheonix Shark: Minishark, Pheonix Blaster, 3 Shark Fins at Hardmode Anvil
Air Gun: Musket, Illegal Gun Parts, 5 Titanium or Adamantite Bars at Harmode Anvil
Lens Gun: Retinazer Laser, 10 Hallowed Bars, 5 Soul of Sights at Harmode Anvil
Golden Eye of The Golem: Eye of The Golem, 10 Lens, 50 Gold or Platinum Bars, 5 Chlorophyte Bars at Harmode Anvil
Eye Rifle: Spazmatism Laser, 3 Mana Crystals, 8 Hallowed Bars, 5 Soul of Sights at Harmode Anvil
2 Handmade Bullets: Stone Block, Iron or Lead Bar at Anvil
Megashark: Pheonix Shark, 25 Soul of Mights at Harmode Anvil
Blazing Shark: Pheonix Shark, 22 Soul of Mights, 10 Hellstone bars at Harmode Anvil
Fungal Cannon: Cannon, 20 Shroomite Bars at Hardmode Anvil
333 Luminite Seeds: 333 Seeds, Luminite Bar at Ancient Manipulator
50 Rubber Bullets: 50 Empty Bullets, Gel at Crafting Table

Spazmatism: 33% chance for Spazmatism Laser,
Retinazer: 33% for Retinazer Laser.
Destroyer: 20% for Probe Gun
Moon Lord: 10% for Blowminigun

4. NPC shops:
Arms Dealer: After defeating Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulu sells Ammo Belt, after defeating Skeletron sells Syringe Launcher and Syringes
Dryad: Sells Seeds when you have Blowpipe, Blowgun or Blowminigun in your inventory

Version 1.0.0
Initial release

Version 1.0.1
Updated for Tmodloader v0.10.1.3

Version 1.1.0
Added Blazing Shark
Drop chances for lasers adjusted
Lasers now stack to 99

Version 1.2.0
Added Probe Gun
Added Syringe Launcher
Added Syringes: Red, Green, Grey, Yellow, Purple
Added Fungal Cannon
Changed Wooden Rifle name to Wooden Gun
Fixed a firing bug with Wooden Gun
Changed mod name from "New Guns Mod" to "New Cool Guns Mod"

Version 1.3.0
Added Blowminigun
Added Rubber Bullets
Added Luminite Seeds
Added Ammo Belt

Thanks for checking out my mod!
by papryk
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