Details of Obama Camera Overhaul
Display Name
Obama Camera Overhaul
559.9 KB
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Last Updated
2 years ago
Obama Camera Overhaul is a mod that allows you to chance how camera works and also adding some other unrelated things such as music display , boss intro , biome discovery , better modded boss dialog and other stuff
Inspired by my previous mod Obama Gaming and Terraria Overhaul.
works with other mod and sniper scope.
Feature :
Camera stuff !!
- Camera follow boss and player
- Camera follow nearest enemy and player
- Camera follow Mouse
- Camera lock on boss
- Smooth Camera
- Epic Boss Intro
- Death cam
- Spectate players
Bunch of Screen Shakes !!
- Screen Shakes on getting hurt
- Screen Shakes on kill and hit enemy
- Screen Shakes on roar and explode
- Screen Shakes on worm bosses
- Screen Shakes on failed breaking tile
Hotkeys !!
- Quick Look at Boss Hotkey
- Quick Switch Camera Style Hotkey
- Lock Camera Hotkey
Some unrelated things !!
- Better modded boss dialog
- CJ Ah shid here we go again
- New Biome Discover Info (show you name of biome and tell other people that you discover it)
- Chat Text to Combat Text !
- Display Awoken Messages !
- Display Music Names ( works with EVERY music ) !
- Display Subworld Name ( for subworld lib )
- New Music Commands ! ( /musiclist , /musicplay )
- linux simulator
all of the feature here is configurable in the config menu :)
Note : this mod is open source. you can contribute to this if you wanted to,the homepage is the github repo also if you found some bug please report it to the github repo or dm me on discord (Neko the Cat'nt#7385)
Note 2 : Mod calls tutorial can be found at the github repo wiki
[ Changelog ]
- added config to change boss intro duration
- fixed some multiplayer incompability
- fixed awoken messages appear on boss dialogs
- fixed slain messages appear on boss dialogs
- fixed camera scope always active
- added more mod calls
- added config for offsetting boss dialog
- added config to make boss dialog smoller
- added config for boss dialog text speed
- fixed bug with system null reference exception
- added more mod calls
- added procedural text to better modded boss, requested by Ryan
- fixed bug with better modded boss dialog rendering
v.0.8.7 [ clamteh ]
- added "il edit replacement" mod calls !
- added experimental "Better modded boss dialog"
- fixed sniper scope wont work
- music list is now sorted
- added experimental "Velocity based camera"
- added display subworld name !
- added spectate other players !
- added Stars Above mod support !
- added biome support for thorium mod !
- added Terraria Overhaul Music Composer
- added config to offset display music name !
- added option to disable the whole camera system (for people that only enjoy side feature of this mod or fixing terraria overhaul )
- fixed death cam cant be turned off
- added /musicplay command
- added /musiclist command
- added /undiscoverall command
- added experimental "Music Reload Fix"
- added experimental "Display music name custom timer"
- display music name now works with EVERY MUSIC ! including the not registered one !
- fixed bug with terraria overhaul doesnt want to display music
- fixed bug with chat tags on mod display name by simply destroy it ( i hate chat tags )
v.0.8 [ Music Update ]
- more mod calls !
- display awoken messages at down center at ur screen
- display music name at the down right of ur screen
- sound are now ogg and amplified
- added distance limit for sound check
- added smooth camera intensity
- added config to disable / enable multiple sound method check
- rewrited some poorly optimized code
- fixed screen shake camera doesnt work again for the third time
- added /title command
- added text to combat text
- added biome discover info ( supports calamity biome )
- camera now will instantly go to player position when its too far away
- fixed death cam follow unactive entities
- fixed screen shake not working
- fixed bug with segmented boss
- added calamity,split,thorium boss description
- removed screenshake support for calamity roar / explode due to bug
- fixed mod crash when reloading
v.0.7 [ The Bigus Update ]
- new icon
- added CJ Ah Shid , here we go again sound effect when boss spawned, configurable
- added Proper Mod Call, and also Mod Call Guide
- Screenshake intensity can now be set to 0, to disable it
- Screenshake intensity can now goes up to 20
- added Epic Boss Intro with Mod Call Support
- added screenshake support for calamity roar / explode sound
- Camera now wont follow boss if its too far away
- fixed camera sound bug thing
- fixed camera death cam wont center
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side