Details of Obama Gaming Mod
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Obama Gaming Mod
22.5 MB
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Obama Gaming 
Obama Gaming is a mod that added random stuff to the Game
it also sometime adds a very usefull mechanic like loot box , 1.4 shotsword changes , npc talking , town npc summoning, Smooth camera stuff, and more ,wich almost all configurable
this mod is also support other mod plus it add some item if some mod is enabled.
Note : 'there is a config to disable or enable mechanic if you didnt want to use it or there is a mod that make it broken or something'
Obama Gaming Added stuff including :
- Obama Town Npc that have voice 
- Simp Queen Town Npc ( i dont want to talk about it )
- 80 + Items 
- bobux ( for cool people only
- "Joe" difficulty ( eternity mode bootleg ) 
- New Class : Simp class ( still work in progress since simping is hard)
- Configurable Starting Items , Npc , And starting bags ( good if you dont want to suffer for searching hermes boots or something )
- a config to Ban NPC , Item, Item in shop , And Projectiles
- Funny game references
- Some New Random Mechanic including :
- 1.4 shortswords ( configurable )
- turn shortswords into normal sword (configurable)
- some npc now talk ( kinda annoying )
- some npc can be converted to its counterpart using powder
- enemy sometime drop unfinish gun and can be finish by obama
- Sussy Stone ( item that allows you to summon town npc )
- golden critter now cannot be killed by player ( configurable )
- mimic now drop soul of mimight for crafting mimic drop ( not all of it tho )
- Camera Follow bosses and player !! ( very cool and look nice, configurable since mod that also modify screen position exist )
- Play Music when talking to npc ( configurable )
- Funni lava bouncy thing ( configurable )
- Expert staff thing that make expert and not
- Show NPC Catch Item (usefull when catching critter in the dark) (configurable)
- Custom Starting Items, you can add your own starter item ( it will labeled as starting item)
- funni rage death mechanic
- no more using table and chair for crafting
- No Combat Text Config
- Wet beats fire config
- Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Advanced Item Description
- "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear
- Death counter
- more stuff coming soon
- Lootcrate 
- ObamaSphere Boss ( post moonlord ( updated ! ) )
- Spider Bunny Boss ( idk why i add this , but its in the mod)
- Smoll Mod Cross Stuvf 
- Enchuntment ( very op , iam gonna remake this soon ) 
- Collectible Head with unique ability
- Crystal Class ( increase decrease damage by class)
- Sinep stone ( change crafted weapon damage type by crystal class)
- Auto Extractinator ( auto extract slush , silt and stuff)
- Obamium ??!!??11
- funni bug 
Stuff i plan to do :
- Enchuntment Rework
- Head Stuff
- Mod Cross ( pain )
- Remove spagetti code and fix all bug ( never )
Progress i made but not done :
- Bobux thing ( Almost done )
- Joe Difficulty ( only 3 custom ai has been made )
Credits :
- Resemble Ai , vocodes for some voice FNF , Undertale , Omori, Minecraft,and other stuff i downloaded randomly on google for some sound effect and stuff.
- Some sprite i downloaded randomly on google and then adjust it , i cant make sprite (:
- Darksouls 3 for the boss theme of obama sphere ( very epic ).
Changelog :
Note : internet was a mistake
Known issue : ( index out of bounds from ConveyorBelt, just ignore it if this messages pop up. it says item is being spawned outside of world but i really dont spawn items anywhere :/ )
v. [ Tiny Update ]
- added auto extractinator
- icon back to normal
- fix littlest tinniest ittie bitties bug
v.0.8.7 [ Some Update ]
- Obama now actually sell token collector
- Added Dead counter :)
- Added taple time card
- Added 1.4 shortsword feature
- Reworked shortsword to normal sword setting
- Simp weapon rework :
- Simp weapon now no longer uses simp energy
- Simp weapon doesnt have crit chance instead it uses crit charged
- Added new simp weapon
- Tweaked some code
v.0.8.6 [ another post exam update ]
- Added Camera Follow Player but more smooth config
- Added advanced item description ( configurable )
- Added Wet Beats Fire Config
- Added config to ban shop item
- Added Token Collector for imksushi mod that allows you to collect token
- Chain killer rework
- added "ah sh*t here we go again" sound whenever boss appear (configurable)
- Added boss for mana fruit mod by ppeb that is work in progress
- Improved config
- Improved some other stuff ( code rewrite and stuff )
- Fixed Item Texture not found
v.0.8.5 [ remaster up
tModLoader Version
Localizer Package
Localizer Package
Mod Side