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Oddish's Boomerangs, Balance & More!
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4 years ago
Oddish's Boomerangs, Balance & More! v0.2.0
Developed by Oddish#5906
Welcome to my beginner mod, in this mod I plan to add a variety of content mainly focused around boomerangs, pre-hardmode and filling in gaps vanilla left, alongside changing stats of vanilla weapons to help them fit progression or be more meaningful.
If you have any feedback or suggestions msg me on discord, and have fun playing with my mod! :D
- Update 0.2.1 Fixed the Infini-Rang not dropping.
-Update 0.2- [The Accessory Update]
+ Added the Infini-Rang, a unique pre-hardmode boomerang that drops from Dark Casters in the pre-hm dungeon.
+ Added 12 new pre-hardmode accessories.
- Ring/Band of Life, crafted with a life crystal, silver/tungsten bars, and then a band of regeneration.
- Bands of Prospering/Thriving, further upgrades to the band of life that combine an anklet of the wind and then a worm scarf.
- Vile Blade/Scope/Magic, crafted using vile/vicious powder and various pre-hardmode materials.
- Obsidian Shackle and the Asteroid Shackle, combination of a shackle and an obsidian skull, and then an upgrade using asteroid bars.
- Rose Claws, an upgraded version of feral claws crafted using it and the 2 other rose accessories
- Asteroid Magnet, a celestial magnet upgrade crafted with asteroid bars.
- Asteroid Band, highly increases mana regeneration speed and is crafted solely from asteroid bars.
+ New crafting recipe to craft the Enchanted Boomerang.
! Removed luminite & the flamarang from The Sunbreaker to make it pre-moon lord alongside slightly nerfing it
! Heavily buffed the Luminite Boomerang in damage & a unique behaviour to compensate for it being the only post-moon lord boomerang.
-Update 0.1- [The First Update] 09/23
+ Added the Fiery Megasword, a Fiery Greatsword hardmode upgrade made with adamantite or titanium.
+ Added three hardmode boomerangs.
- The Shadowflame Chakram can be obtained before any mech bosses with souls of night and inflicts shadowflame.
- The Luminite Boomerang which is crafted with just luminite that can somewhat pierce at short range alongside dealing heavy damage.
- The Sunbreaker which can be crafted with the luminite boomerang and solar fragments that inflicts daybroken and is even stronger to match other endgame weapons.
+ Introduced new crafting recipes to craft Ice Skates and Wooden Boomerangs.
+ Buffed a whole lot of weapons across the game. A full list can be found at
? Added two currently useless pre-hardmode crafting materials for the future, asteroid bars and rainbow gems.
-Known Issues-
! Added boomerangs occasionally pierce, and added chakrams don't bounce as they should.
! Fire Megasword does not have any fire particles.
! Accessories that give defense do not say they do in their tooltip until you wear them.
! Rainbow Gems have 0 use currently.
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