Details of Omni-Hammer

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Last Updated
3 years ago
This small mod adds in a hammer split between seven different weapons. This includes each of the main classes plus throwing, sentry, and Esper Class Telekinetic. These hammers scale with boss progression. All hammers auto-swing with 20 use speed except the summon and Telekinetic hammer. The throwing hammer can pickup items. This mod is open source.

Crafting is 10 each of copper/tin bars, iron/lead bars, silver/tungsten bars, and gold/platinum bars at an anvil. A hammer can be switched to any of the other six at a work bench.

If Expanded Sentries is enabled, the Sentry Hammer can be summoned past the turret limit during the Old One's Army event proven you have enough Etherian Mana. It will also benefit from sentry speed added by that mod.

Known Issues...

- Balance still needs a lot of fine tuning
- WeaponOut's emblem accessories will cause massive damage scaling
- Magic Hammer's laser creates dust effects where they shouldn't appear if the laser isn't at full length
- Swiping between hammer types can allow for effectively free prefix rerolling

Future Plans...

- Mod icon
- Balance changes
- Cleaner code
- Add back in Calamity post Moon Lord scaling
- More unique behaviors
- A way so swiping between hammer classes can remember what prefix it previously had

Change Log...
- 1.3: Added Telekinetic Hammer to work aside Esper Class.
- Revamped the code of the Summoner Hammer minions. Should work far better now.
- Changed Magic Hammer to now fire a maintained laser beam.
- Ranged Hammer now only changes wooden arrows, instead of all arrows fired, to allow for more diverse use of the weapon through other arrow types.
- Thrown Hammer now functions differently, staying in place for a moment upon reaching mouse cursor (upon use) and better item pickup behavior.
- Toned down the damage scaling compared to the previous update.
- Ranged Hammer should no longer multiple damage from arrows so it shouldn't have a big DPS boost compared to other class hammers anymore.
- Thanks to Logar, all the hammers have been re-sprited and even a mod icon added.
- Base damage of Melee Hammer lowered to 12, down from 16.
- Added an extra tooltip for any hammer at post Moon Lord tier.

- 1.2: Fixed not being able to summon Sentry Hammers over the turret limit during DD2 event if Expanded Sentries is enabled. Also added damage scaling for Calamity post Moon Lord bosses.

- 1.1: Lowered early game damage scaling. Hammers now scale in rarity instead of having a set rainbow rarity. Updated mod description to actually explain how to craft the hammers and more.

- 1.0: Released.
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