Details of Ophioid: A Boss fight mod

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Ophioid: A Boss fight mod
Kranot & IDGCaptainRussia
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Last Updated
4 years ago
Ophoiod is a mod focused on a boss and a multi-phase rematch later on that cuts down on soul griding in hardmode after the mecha bosses.
Supports Boss Checklist and Yet Another Boss Healthbar
Requires IdgLibrary (search on the mod browser or go here
Source code available on github

Current Content:
-2 summoning items for both evil biomes and 1 for the rematch fight
-2(2nd boss has 3 phases) Bosses (With trophy and mask and a pet item!)

Version History :

Ophiodpede drops his items at the body segment closest to who he was targeting

Proper Boss-checklist support!

Fly minions now fly off when the boss is not longer alive
Ophiodpede (rematch) becames invulnerable at 5% HP, and his body segments are now properly buffed

This isn't really an update to the mod, but rather an update to information about the mod. The mod's homepage has been moved to my github as the Terraria forums staff will not give me control over the mod's thread without Kranot's approval (who practically doesn't exist at this point so you see the problem here), so I am unable to update any of out of date info on the mod's homepage.
So now the homepage links to a wiki page on my github, where you can find UPDATED info on the mod as well as other things you may want to know about, the forum page is still a valid place to leave feedback for me as I still read there, but this update is really just a PSA.

So remember when I said there wouldn't be a treasure bag? Well as it turns out Kranot DID make one and I forgot to add it, so here you go! It only drops from the rematch however
Did a sort of hard-counter to make the music play properly
Discovered a bug, it's rare and how to cause it: by having no NPCs in your world. Something that's bound to not happen anyways, but if there are no NPCs, the boss with spawn with only 1 segment. So if you have this problem, this is why.

Added unfinished music tracks for the rematch, read below why they are unfinished and for an annoucement.
The Fly phase was aparently missing its custom health bar support from YABHB, fixed.

The Worm phase has received a slightly stronger velocity cap when charging at the player. Furthermore, when airborne, if Ophoiopede is too far away from the player, his X velocity will slow down and he will become less likely to despawn

Updated to the new TMODLoader

-Alrighty here it is! The big update that finally adds the part 2 of the fight!
-just be warning while you can fight it after golem, it's tougher than you may be prepared for...
-I'll be rolling out minor updates with feedback and bug fixes as I discover them, thank you for waiting... WAY too long for this!
-Fixed the Infested Compost not working in a Crimson World

-Fixed messed up body sprites, the WIP version of the boss has been buffed...

-Is now linked with GitHub! Link is on the 2nd post in the homepage.

-Fixed Projectiles not appearing for clients in network games

-Mod release

So some time ago Kranot and I stopped talking and I recently cut contact with him all together, So there won't be any more sprites being made (by him atleast), and that means no more content outside of what was planned.
I don't think he even knows I finished 'his' mod, as he likes to view it.
I have been working on a content mod I am very passionate about called SGAmod and am looking for spriters
Check it out, if you like Ophioid-Mod, you'll like SGAmod <3
tModLoader Version
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