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Ossiwolf's mod 
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Ossiwolf's mod
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Last Updated
2 years ago
This is simply a mod I made for the creator which is myself Ossiwolf. I have no idea of why one would want to play this if one isn't of that name, but feel free as I truly couldn't care less...
Please be noted that certain combos of items can cause extreme lag to the point of reducing terraria to an annoying noise and a purple screen, though this doesn't cause any lasting problems (as far as I know), Terraria will need to be closed.
Current things in the mod:
(I have probably forgot some things)
-Ossiwolf's Sword
-Ossiwolf's Spear
-Ossiwolf's Boomerang
-Ossiwolf's Yoyo
-Ossiwolf's Baton
-Ossiwolf's Gun
-The Golden Greatsword
-The Velocity Sword
-The Scale Stick
-Shadowflame Knives
-Lackidaisical Frailgug
-Dimensional Anchor Gun
-True Flintlock
-Shroomite Bullets
-Novemtrigintuple Cod
-Ossiwolf's Picksaw
-Ossiwolf's Hamaxe
-Ossiwolf's Hook
-Normalized Rod of Discord
-Ossiwolf's Vanity Sunglasses
-Feather Wings
-Ossiwolf's Sunglasses
-Ossiwolf's Wings
-Duck food?
-Unbeatable I
-Wall Gem
-Ossiwolf Coin
-Soul of Smite
-Awakened Luminite
-3 types of trophies
-Awakened Altar
Current NPCs:
-Mad Mallard
-Mad Mallard Monarch
-Mad Marching Mallard
Town NPCs
-The Duck
Very original names I know, but then again it is my mod. If you want to make them, just give a mallard duck to the guide to find the recipe as all craftable items in the mod use it.
These items are thoughtlessly overpowered and will probably continue to be like this as I am not intending for most of them to be used in any playthrough. The lesser overpowered items might be able to be used but they still likely are overpowered for their point in progression.
Q: When in multiplayer, why does...
A: I haven't the faintest idea.
Q: How do I report a bug?
A: You can't.
Q: Why did it take a year till the next update?
A: I was waiting for tModLoader 1.4, but it seems like it will take a bit longer than I expected.
Q: Why haven't you ported this over to the stable branch of Modded 1.4 yet?
A: 1600 errors say so.
Why am I writing this?
v 0.9.5
+ The duck npc now sells a bunch of different useful materials
+ Added the Normalized Rod of Discord that is rarely droped by weasels in hard mode.
+ Fixed most of the weasel's animation issues
+ Added and changed a bunch more stuff that I am currently forgetting about as it has been 8 months since the last update.
v 0.9.4
+ New Dimensional Anchor Gun, though still work in progress once finished it will prevent immunity and teleportation of enemies.
+ Better Sprites for crafting materials
+ New Critter: The Weasel.
+ Many changes to internal code for efficiency
+ The Ossiwolf's gun's bullets now chase enemies
+ New crafting station + more materials
+ Shroomite Bullets: chasing, piercing, and bouncing
+ True Flintlock: Shoots random projectiles
+ A ton more other changes I couldn't remember as it has been so long since last update...
v 0.9.3
+ Sunglasses now prevent death
+ Many new crafting materials/recipes
+ New Duck Town NPC
+ More improved sprites
v 0.9.2
+ Improved almost all sprites
+ Made the Frailgun work correctly (?)
+ Balanced the Shadowflame Knives (?)
v 0.9.1
+ Added The Mad Marching Mallard, a grounded duck enemy.
+ Added Shadowflame Knives, fires a spread of Shadowflame Knives in a style similar to Vampire Knives (does not lifesteal).
+ Added the Lackidaisical Frailgun, a gun that seems at first glance to be extremely underpowered.
+ Added the Duckdebilattenuation debuff, it freezes the movement of enemies and players.
+ Added Feather wings, a pair of easymode wings.
+ Added Ossiwolf Vanity Sunglasses for vanity.
~ Reduced the crafting requirements for the duck pet upon realizing it has nothing overpowered about it.
~ Golden Greatsword now directly ignores defence rather than giving armor piercing, rendering the buff unused.
~ Various random stat tweaks.
~ The lesser duck enemies now only spawn after Plantera.
v 0.9
+ Added The Velocity Sword, a unique sword that changes the velocity of enemies relative to your WASD inputs.
+ Added The Scale Stick, a stick that simply messes with the size of NPCs (normal to grow, press Down or d to shrink), also has a different effect on Mallards.
+ New Mob: A regular Mad Mallard that is more common and a lot less overpowered.
+ Finally got Duckbliteration debuff working.
+ Made sword projectiles homing and added Duckbliteration on hit.
+ Added Ossiwolf's Baton, a dual use weapon similar to Sky Dragon's Fury. It has only a small amount of melee damage to avoid the anti-butcher mechanic of some bosses, but adds the Duckbliter
tModLoader Version
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