Details of RRC2 (Relith's Random Content 2)
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RRC2 (Relith's Random Content 2)
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Relith's Random Content 2 is a "sequel"(I lost the original files of all my mods) to my last mod RRC.
I'll implement a lot of random things here so if you find any of them usefull, please enjoy.
P.S.: I won't be making any updates cause im not playing Terraria a lot lately, so i just thought i should release the mod and f it
Things I implemented:
- Healing Heart, an accessory that reduces the Potion Sickness debuff as you progress through the game.
(craftable with 24 healing potions and 10 life crystals in a demon altar)
-An aura that emits light where the player is
(craftable with 10 firefly i think :v)
-Pylon system, one per biome, may be buggy cause i didn't test it a lot
(to use it you'll need to place at least 2 pylons in diferent biomes and then open your map and click on the pylon icons that should show up)
Things I want to implement:
- Auras, a variety of auras that gives some unique effects like: glowing in the dark, creating a circle around the player that reduces enemies defense, vanity auras, etc
(only thing that makes this unviable for me is to do all the sprites and shit, time is a scarce thing for me also and it would take me an eternity just to do one aura imagine all of them)
- An accessory that creates a projectile for spears
(never played Thorium in my entire life what to you mean stealing)
(I really like this accessory but sometimes i don't want to play with Thorium and this pisses me off a little)
- Any random idea I'll have in the future idk
- Maybe the items i've added on RRC 1
I'll leave this mod Open Source for people that wanna learn a little from my mod and for the future me that will probably lose this mod files again.
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