Details of Terraria Randomizer Mod

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Terraria Randomizer Mod
NuovaPrime, Fargowilta
Download 41.6 KB Sync now ( Origin, Mirror 1, Mirror 7, Mirror 8, Mirror 9, Mirror 10)
Last Updated
5 years ago
All configs are off by default, make sure to turn the ones you want on.
This randomizer mod lets you randomize many features of your game to create interesting playthroughs or even just chaos, some of the features that can be randomized include:

NPC AI Randomization - Lets you randomize the AI of all enemies and creatures spawned, meaning you can have a bunny with bat AI or a demon eye with skeletron ai.

Item & NPC Name Randomization - Randomizes the names of all items and npcs, creating some pretty wacky names.

Item Stats Randomization - Randomizes the damage, knockback, use speed and projectile firing of all weapons, it tends to roll lower values than higher ones, so don't worry about balance.

Item Sprites Randomization - Randomizes the sprites of all items to make one item have the sprite of a different item, so you can have a muramasa with the sprite of a mushroom.

Item & NPC Sound Randomization - Randomizes the use sounds of items, and the hit and death sounds of npcs.

Projectile AI Randomization - Randomizes the AI of all projectiles, creating some really odd projectiles.

NPC Shop Randomization - Randomizing the shop contents and shop prices for all npc's that have them.

NPC Loot Randomization - Makes all enemies drop a random item when killed.

Worldgen Randomization - Randomizes every tile (that isn't from a biome) in the world upon worldgen.

Everything rerandomizes whenever you reload your mods/game, so be warned of that.



1) Added the ability to make only bosses drop a random item, chest randomization, the ability to override immortality on enemies, as well as some meme settings for AI.
2) Changed usetime randomization to also have a better chance to roll lower values.
3) Split off randomized projectiles from item stats randomization into it's own config.
4) Fixed a crash with item sprites randomization and the mod browser.
5) Made the eternia portal and crystal part of the "important npc's" config option for AI randomization.
6) Made most of the config options not force a reload.


1) Fixed an issue preventing people from loading the mod after updating.


1) Added randomization of npc shops, worldgen and npc loot.
2) Added more options to npc ai randomization.
3) Split name randomization into items and npcs.


1) Made the mod multiplayer compatible, whoops.


1) Made it so the item stat randomization doesn't apply to tools.

Credits to Oli.H for making npc shop and worldgen randomization.
Credits to fargowilta, the thorium discord and the tmodloader discord for giving me some ideas as I made this.
Credit to catsounds for the mod icon.
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