Details of Rat Fiesta

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Rat Fiesta
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2 years ago
Rat Fiesta is an accessory oriented, quality of life extension with a few new mechanics to help smooth out and spice up your Terraria playthrough!

- 73 New Accessories
- 28 New Weapons
- 15 New Summons
- 1 New Boss
- 1 New Invasion
- 2 New Armor Sets
- 5 Mysterious Idols
- 4 Keystones
- 9 Vanilla Reworks
- 15 Vanity Clothing

- 29 of the new accessories are apart of the accessory tree line building up to "Sigil Of The World".
- 37 of the new accessories are Pre-Hardmode.
- 4 of the new accessories are Post-Moonlord Accessories.
- 11 of the new accessories are Veiled Accessories.

Veiled Accessories:
- Some accessories have a deeper power within them!
- To tap into this power, set them hidden while equipped!
- This however comes at a cost!

Weapons / Summons:
- Of the 26 new weapons, 5 are melee, 6 are summon, 7 are ranged, and 10 are mage.
- Of the 15 new summons, 6 are from weapons, and 9 are equipment based.

Boss / Invasions:
- Slimeye, a Pre-King Slime boss. It is summoned with an Ominous Looking Geli.
- Provides material for making a variety of items, including an early set of wings.
- The Rat Fiesta, a Post-Moon Lord Invasion. It is summoned with a Rat Maraca.
- Provides material for making a variety of items with the help of a new crafting station.

Mysterious Idols:
- One-time use consumables that permanently enhance your character!
- Dropped from the Eye of Cthulu, Skeletron, Wall Of Flesh, Plantera, and Lunatic Cultist.

- You start off with an Unbranded Keystone.
- This Keystone can then be transformed into a rune that grows in power as you progress.

Vanilla Reworks:
- The Merchant now sells the Goblin Battle Standard.
- The Wizard now sells Truffle Worms.
- The Witch Doctor now sells summoner potions.
- The Witch Doctor now has a 75% chance to drop either a Pygmy Necklace or Hercules Beetle upon death. This chance is boosted to 100% in Expert Mode.
- Pygmy Necklace now also increases minion damage by 6%.
- All summon / sentry weapons are now set to auto reuse.
- All treasure bags now have a 20% chance to drop a life crystal.
- In Expert Mode, The Wall Of Flesh drops a piece of the Ankh Shield excluding the Obsidian Skull and Cobalt Shield.
- Mushrooms no longer heal for 15 health, but rather provide the Campfire buff for 30 seconds.

Vanity Items:
- 9/15 of the vanity items are apart of sets, and are exclusive to treasure bags.
- The other remaining 6 vanity items have a very small chance to drop from mobs, or can be boughten from the Clothier.

Note from the Creator: Personally, I think this mod is directed towards those new to mods, as it doesn't add too much content, nor too little.
Made by Phamility, @TheAgileIndie
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