Details of Shade_Strike's Tools

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Shade_Strike's Tools
Shade_Strike 62
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Last Updated
5 years ago
SHOUTOUT: thanks for the open source code from ANTIARIS Mod!!!!
SORRY GUYS: I have been away for a month so I apologise for a lack of updates!!! I'm back now though...
INFO: to help with my mod, subscribe to my YT channel (see below) and post ideas in the comments!

This mod adds several useful tools to the game, mostly to speed up mining at this stage.

----Mod Creator---

---->Shade_Strike 62


---->The Pun_isher
<others as well, but will be included soon>

-new support team update (KnifeGuy)
-Version 0.1 (see current feature for now...)

----Upcoming features:----
NPC changes - NPC's will sell some boss summoning items once you have killed the corresponding boss,
and will also sell the drops of the boss which could not be fought due to world evil
World Evil Support - Vampire knifes can be crafted into the scourge of the corruptor on a tinkerers workbench
and visa versa, same goes for Chain Guillotines to fetid bagnak-nack-nahk-the flesh smacky thing,
dart rifle to dart pistol, the hooks, clinger staff to life drain, and putrid scent to flesh knuckles.
Head Hunting - Boss masks can be crafted into the spawner for the next boss in progression, and trophies can give a loot
token for the bosses drops

----Current features:----

*Mining cores - these tools help you mine, they are super fast but weak and deal no damage.
*Tiers - The pickaxe power of the mining cores is related to the stage you get them at.
Tier I is copper power and is dropped for EoC.
Tier II is Demonite/Crimtane and is from Skeletron (BoC/EoW didn't work, don't ask...I tried).
Tier III is molten power and is dropped from WoF.
Tier IV is equal to te Pickaxe-axe/Drax and is dropped from plantera.
Tier V is the same a the Picksaw and is from Golem.

1 download (done)
5 dowloads (smashed it)
20 downloads (thanks for the support)
100 downloa
tModLoader Version
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