Details of Slime Biome
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Slime Biome
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3 years ago
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The Slime Biome Mod is a WIP (Alpha), but it is a mod about Slimes
There is a mid amount of content at the moment.
Slime biome is a biome that spawns underground. It has new things to fight, new loot, even minibiomes.
there are 6 colored minibiomes, 3 spawn per world (in pairs of 2 like copper and tin). There is a hole minibiome in
the center, the "Oasis". The oasis is filled with houses (never valid). There is exactly 1 per world, and its filled with
loot to explore.
Right now there is:
3 buffs
24 Walls, Some Unsafe
56 Tiles, 2 Ores, some unobtainable
21 NPCs, Including Example Mod's Flutter Slime (with modifications), some unobtainable
88 Items, some Unobtainable
1: Slime Staff is a 1% Drop from non-HardMode enemys in the biome
2: Slime torches make no sense
3: Voting for flutter slimes ended with 5 yes, 0 no. (I am keeping flutter slimes if example mod is ok)
4: The position is locked to 2/3 down Y axis (Any size, even custom), but anywhere on the X
5: EVERYTHING in the WG of the biome is scaled by "maxTilesX" in the world stats, extra large worlds work
6: it is very config heavy, but config can very on whether they work.
Quethed, for most of the mod
Example Mod Creators, for Flutter Slime
Known bugs:
furniture in the eye can be buggy in placement
any increased melee speed may break the quick slime sword, because it is already close to the computer max
if aligning is just right, at just the right spot, jungle temple will cut the middle (It is somehow that massive)
if the oasis is clean from rails destroying houses (or at all) then you are lucky
large worlds get geysers everywhere in oasis
enemy config and stats are broken
slime biome can sometimes be too big in main world gen
Remove underworld walls
Slime biome can again spawn around the dungeon
World Gen can crash sometimes
1=not compatible
2=unusually compatible
3=sometimes compatible
4=usually compatible
5=completely compatible
b=partially broken
terraria=4c "look at the bug list, some things in there are it"
tremer=4a "if a mud structure spawns just right, it destroys the middle"
spirit mod=5c
elements awoken=1c "well, do you want to be on fire?"
alchemest npc=5c
the antiaris=4c "removes the fun of finding the biome"
mod helpers=5c
wormholes=3c "removes the fun of finding the biome"
extensive inventory=5c
boss checklist=5c
banner checklist=5c
calamity addon=5c
easier boss loot=5c
instant respawn=5c
joost mod=5c
magic storage=5c
max stack increase=5c
max stack plus=5c
recipe browser=5c
"the" fixer=5c
vein miner=5c
weapon out=5c
/ = changed
* = trying to implement
+ = added
- = removed
| = bug
~ = bug fix
-- V 2.4 Slimy Overhaul Update --
+ Ghost slimes
+ New debuff: "Spectrally Sticky"
+ Slime clouds
+ Slime islands. they spawn in the oasis
* wall spawning mostly
+ Central slime island. it is notably big
/ Slime trees now spawn on the grass. (they before required planting)
/ Slime oasis structures and slime oasis furniture have new code to spawn smoother and better, but they are still not perfect
/ Slime oasis structures can now have multiple floors
+ Slimelings dropped from new sleeping slimelings
+ Slimelings can now be in weak slime blocks
+ Slimeling staff
~ Slime chest shrines now properly adapt color to minibiome
+ Slime chest shrines can now spawn broken
+ Slime blocks can now connect with some vanilla blocks
+ Slime beams
+ Slime badges to honor the 10,000 downloads of this mod
~ Slime katana now has 1 knockback
~ Protecting slimes now drop gel
+ Colored slime recipes
~ Slime wood is now a wood
+ Slime merchant. He moves in if you validate his house in slime biome, and cannot be moved from that spot
/ Both flutter slimes do more damage than 2
/ Enemy config changed to be more adaptible
/ Slime blocks can now be bounced upon
+ Pots in slime biome now have a unique style; they are now slime pots
~ Sticky and slime biome status now is removed correctly when out of slime biome
/ Slime crates are now fished at accurate rates
/ Minibiomes can no longer spawn near each other or to the center
+ New world generator that makes slime biome blobby and spread
/ Main generator is now the blobby one
+ Teleport stations in the center of each minibiome
+ Magic Slimeballs
~ Slime biome is no longer considered entirely by weak slime blocks
~ Red minibiome map color was updated to the new color rather than the old lime
~ Crystalized slime now is given correct nam
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