Details of Whips & more mod

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Whips & more mod
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Last Updated
3 years ago
Whips & more mod is a pretty cool mod, it adds 25 new whips for you to attack enemies without summon damage penalty. It also adds much more stuff.

Update 1.72
Resprited Stardust Whip

Update 1.71
Modded NPCs are no longer immune to SummonWhips debuffs

Update 1.7
Rebalanced some post-moon lord weapons

Update 1.67
Corite Knight defense reverted (80 -> 50)
Corite Knight damage reduction increased (0 -> 30)
Corite Knight Shield damage reduction increased (0 -> 30)
Replaced all laser attacks with tiny meteors
Replaced the final attack with a third phase

Update 1.66
Corite Knight defense increased (50 -> 80)
Corite Knight now dashes in fast mode attacks

Update 1.65
Corite Knight changes!
Corite Knight now does a cool 2nd phase transition
Corite Knight gains a shield in the 2nd phase
Improved corite knight final attack
Anti-cheese move now only releases 1 dungeon guardian
Added lasers to the radial fireball attacks
Laser attack now fires at a constant speed and accelerates fire rate when it has lower health
Corite Knight health increased (98000 -> 120000)

Update 1.61
Meteor Wrath projectiles now fall faster, inflict ichor and betsys curse

Update 1.6
5 New Whips update!
Added Bluesteel Whip, Night's Fury, True Night's Fury, True Hallowed Whip, and Terra Whip
Added Broken Hero Whip item

Update 1.56
Corite Knight health increased (83400 -> 98000)
Oreo Crawler health increased (11000 -> 15000)

Update 1.55
Buffed Thorium Meteor Wrath (110 -> 120)
Photon Sniper bullet now ignores gravity
Resprited Cody Striker projectile
Added glowmasks to some items
Added glowmasks to some projectiles

Update 1.52
Changed Meteor Wings tooltip
Earlier whips have their attack speed increased
Buffed Frostbite (23 -> 27)
Buffed Bee Stinger (18 -> 23)
Buffed The Tongue (15 -> 19)
Buffed Worm Whip (15 -> 19)

Update 1.51
Fixed recipe for Corite Knight's Hand Warmer

Update 1.5
Whip Rebalancing!

Nerfed Keychain (110 -> 100)
Keychain summon tag reduced (7 -> 4)
Keychain attack speed reduced (14 -> 16)
Nerfed Suspicious Whip (260 -> 220)
Nerfed Stardust Whip (225 -> 185)
Nerfed Corite on a Stick (350 -> 200)
Corite on a Stick explosion damage nerfed (1/2 -> 1/3)
Nerfed Nerf Blaster (lol) (31 -> 28)
Buffed Shroomite Star (168 -> 170)
Shroomite Star attack speed increased (30 -> 25)
Whip of Light melee speed boost increased (15 -> 20)
Mighty Whip buffed (137 -> 140)
Corruption's Curse buffed (123 -> 130)
Crimson Cracker buffed (123 -> 125)
Shroomite Star rarity changed (Lime -> Yellow)
Butterfly Knife rarity changed (Orange -> Green)
Oreo Cookie Ore rarity changed (White -> Purple)
Oreo Cream Ore rarity changed (White -> Purple)
Made magic hat even more random
Resprited some whip projectiles

Update 1.45
Resprited some whips
Buffed Bee Stinger
Fixed Oreo Pickaxe

Update 1.44
Added a config that allows Weaponout whips to deal summon damage

Update 1.43
Added multiplayer access! Play the whips & more mod with your friends!
Made Shroomite Star easier to get
Improved Oreo Pickaxe

Update 1.42
Changed wool armor set bonus to 3% summon damage instead of +1 minions

Update 1.41
Oreo mobs can only spawn 1 at a time (per type), no more crowds of oreo mobs
Made crystal whip easier to get
Solar Flare Spell projectiles now deal damage based on its damage number
Improved Solar Flare Spell laser visuals

Update 1.4 (no, not journeys end)
Noob NPC now sells Calamity and Expanded Weapons items when those mods are enabled
Noob NPC has more names and quotes when Calamity mod is enabled
Improved Pipershot 2200 laser visuals
Solar Flare Spell no longer shoots at target dummys

Update 1.35
Added a config that makes weapons more balanced for non-calamity playthroughs (Extract the mod to see config changes)
Made Corite Staff minions move faster, with less damage
Changed Meteor Wrath use sound
Meteor Square Plane, Ore-yo, and Oreo Rod projectiles now deal damage based on its damage number

Update 1.33
Buffed Pipershot 2200 and Ultimatum
Added a zoom function for Pipershot 2200 and Photon Sniper

Update 1.325
Improved visuals for Oreo Obliterator
Added a sound effect at full charge
Oreo Sniper projectile damage reduced

Update 1.32
Buffed Striped Butterfly Knife, Leaf Butterfly Knife, Solar Vortex Knife and Neon Gradient Knife.
Luminite bars required to craft Neon Gradient Knife increased to 10
All butterfly knifes require only 1 butterfly.

Update 1.31: Added 2 new monsters, the Oreo Crawler, and the Oreo Sniper.
Added a message that tells you that oreo mobs are able to spawn, after you beat corite knight for the first time.

UPDATE 1.3: Major whip changes!
Summon tag is now a stat and the boost depends on the whip.

There are 2 kinds of summon tag: Tag and Crit.

Each whip has either tag, or crit, b
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