Details of Gluttony Mod | Funky Update
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Gluttony Mod | Funky Update
Bottom'sUp & Puddin565651
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Last Updated
3 years ago
The Gluttony Mod
is a heavy WIP, I am hoping to make it a huge content mod.
This is also my first mod so I hope that you like this mod...
Since this is eventually going to be a giant content mod I decided that this mod needs lore. So that is going to be something that you can expect in the future.
Link To The Discord Community:
Let me just give you a little example of what to expect in this mod. You will have to make your way through dangerous locations to make it to the most deadliest of biomes there has ever been. The Trechery Biome.
The main focus of this mod is making it big, the lore, and exploring the 9 stages of hell.
This mod will have dungeons like you have never seen before.
Some of the structures & Dungeons that you should expect to see in future updates are...
1. The Bubble Lab:
This is like the abandoned lab in the Redemption Mod, only with a little modern and not so abandoned touch to it.
2. The Dark Tower:
This is a small pre-HM dungeon about 25% the size of a small world hellivator. it will have 1 boss in the very bottom
3. Fishing Outpost:
This will be a small hut with 3-5 wooden or biome crates and a little pond next to it.
4. Abandoned house:
A small house that has some Pre-Boss loot in it. The basement will be 75x50 in length x height.
5. Temple Of Doom:
The Temple Of Doom is a post moonlord temple. It has the same look of the lihzard temple, and a pyramid mixed together. It has 2 bosses hidden in it.
6. Water Shrine:
A small little structure maybe 7x3 in lenght x width. with a water chest and some loot. It will be found in the ocean.
7. The Catacombs & The 9 Stages Of Hell:
The catacombs will be a post moonlord location only open with a key from the moon lord himself. In there you will traverse a dungeon filled with bones, skelatons, and demons.
Eventually you will reach a well. Jumping into it brings you to the 1st stage of hell, Limbo. You will fight you way through every stage until you get to stage 9. Where you will find the final boss of the mod.
Mod Content:
- 2 Buffs
- 1 Walls
- 6 Tiles
- 13 NPCs
- 84 Items
Puddin565651, Bottom'sUp
Mod Helpers:
Panda2222222, AdamTheNightmareArcher
All of the mods Updates:
- 0.01 (January 30 2021)
+ Released Mod
+ Added 10 items, 5 NPCs, 1 buff
+ Added a logo
- 0.02 (February 15 2021)
+ added 20 more items, 1 NPC, 1 wall, 1 buff, 2 tiles
+ fixed a bug where the flower spirit wouldn't appear
+ changed the logo
+ added 2 items from The Binding Of Isaac
- 0.03 (February 27 2021)
+ added 13 items to mess around with, 1 tile
+ changed the mod name from The Breakthrough Mod to Gluttony Mod [Beta]
+ Fixed some bugs
+ added a projectile to the true terra blade
+ made a discord server for the mod
-0.04 (February 28 2021)
+ Added Greed
+ Added L-Block & L-Sword
+ Added Flame Elemental
+ Fixed a few bugs and modified some items
-0.05 (March 12 2021)
+ Added Infinity Blade
+ Added Chaos Emblem
+ Changed the logo
+ Fixed some bugs & Moved some item folders
- (April 17 2021)
+ Added the "Funky Biome". (A biome with a lot of shiny + Jazz)
+ 40+ New items to find and use
+ The Slime Queen Pinky (A new Post-WOF boss)
+ Greed (Boss 3.5 in the Journey to hell)
+ Bug fixes + No longer in Beta
More Planned For The Future...
tModLoader Version
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